
Chapter 254: She Wasn't Lying

Chapter 254: She Wasn't Lying

# 254. She Wasn't Lying

Shaoyin Palace.

Lin'an was in a good mood. Today, Emperor Yuanjing had raised the issue of deposing the Empress in court, and within half a day, the news had spread throughout the entire government of the Great Feng.

Naturally, Lin'an, being in the palace, had heard about it as well.

The second princess, dressed in a splendid red dress, hummed a little tune as she sat on a swing under a grapevine trellis, her small, delicate embroidered shoes swinging joyfully beneath her skirt.

Her happiness was justified. The Empress had admitted to framing the Crown Prince and murdering Consort Fu. Soon, her dear brother, the Crown Prince, would be released from the High Court, and her mother would no longer be weeping every day.

And also, the running dog had returned alive. In just half a month, everything had turned around in her favour.

Lin'an felt a sense of tranquility, as if time itself had slowed to a peaceful halt.

*Huaiqing must be feeling very sad right now. Hmph, serves her right for her mother's framing of my brother, the Crown Prince… Hmm, since we are in a good mood, we won't go rub it in for a few days.*

Her mischievous heart was eager to act, but knowing that Huaiqing's fists were larger than hers, Lin'an decided to follow her heart's desire and wait a bit before provoking her sister.

When the time comes, she'll bring the running dog with her—after all, he's a hero who fought against thousands of enemy troops, so he should be able to protect her.

A guard walked over from outside the courtyard, stopping several meters away before bowing with clasped fists. "Your Highness, Sir Xu has arrived."

Lin'an’s face instantly lit up with a bright smile. "Quick, invite him in."

She remained seated on the swing but turned her head expectantly, eagerly waiting.

Xu Qi'an entered, followed by the little eunuch. He casually sat at the stone table beneath the grapevine trellis, helping himself to the fruits prepared for Lin'an, the pastries made by the imperial kitchen, and the tea specially supplied to the palace.

"Hey..." The palace maid standing nearby called out softly.

"Hmm?" Xu Qi'an looked at her, confused.

"That's Her Highness's tea," the maid whispered, her voice as soft as a mosquito's buzz.

"Oh, my deepest apologies." Xu Qi'an said as he took another sip from the cup.

At this, Lin'an could no longer hold it in. Her face flushed pink as she huffed, "Xu Ningyan!"

Just then, a gust of wind stirred the grapevine, causing the sunlight to dapple through the leaves, falling on her round, fair face. Her lips were rosy, her nose delicate, and her charming, flirtatious peach-blossom eyes hinted at words unspoken. With the blush on her cheeks, she exuded an indescribably alluring charm.

A naturally seductive woman.

*Huaiqing and Lin'an were both exceptional beauties… It’s a pity the other two princesses, though quite pretty, fell far short of being "peerless beauties"…* Xu Qi'an thought with regret.

Otherwise, he would have done everything possible to gather all of Great Feng's princesses under his wing.

*Sir Xu is favoured by both the eldest princess and the second princess, his future prospects were limitless…* the little eunuch thought to himself.

In this vast capital, aside from the royal princes and princesses, there was likely no one else who could interact with Princess Lin'an like this—except Sir Xu.

In recent days, the little eunuch had followed Xu Qi'an during his investigation, witnessing first-hand his interactions with Princess Huaiqing and Princess Lin'an. Even a blind man could see how much both princesses valued and appreciated Xu Qi'an.

"The case isn’t solved yet?" Lin'an asked in her crisp voice. "Running dog, why are you still investigating inside the palace?"

She had deduced that Xu Qi'an was still working on the case, judging by the presence of the little eunuch. Otherwise, he would have come to Shaoyin Courtyard alone.

"The case is far from over..." Xu Qi'an sighed deeply, putting on a sorrowful expression. "Your Highness, am I not one of your people?"

"Of course!" Lin'an nodded without hesitation.

"I’ve been bullied," Xu Qi'an said, covering his face as if overcome with grief. "My family is really struggling. Since I was young, my second uncle always told me that children from poor families must grow up early…

"But that damned dog from Jingxiu Palace extorted ten taels of silver from me."

Though Lin'an had a playful and sassy nature, she was still loyal and righteous. Upon hearing this, she immediately became furious and sprang up from the swing, her delicate eyebrows raised high.

"Let's go to Jingxiu Palace! We will demand justice for you."

The silver was a minor issue, but bullying her people was a big problem.

Xu Qi'an "obediently" followed beside the princess, wearing a wronged expression. After a while, he casually asked, "Your Highness, is there a palace maid named Lang'er serving by Noble Consort Chen's side?"

"Yes," Lin'an nodded.

"Has this maid been serving in Jingxiu Palace for a long time?"

"Indeed. She’s been serving Mother Consort ever since she entered the palace."

"Could Your Highness tell me more about her? Perhaps what she likes or dislikes, or anything noteworthy she’s been involved in recently?"

"Why would we care about a mere palace maid's recent activities?" Lin'an responded righteously. After thinking for a moment, she added, "But she does love green bean cakes. I often see Mother Consort giving her leftover green bean cakes, which she eats with great delight."

As they spoke, they arrived at Jingxiu Palace.

In the distance, they spotted the gatekeeping eunuch who had just extorted ten taels from Xu Qi'an.

Xu Qi'an strode forward and slapped him across the face. Pointing at the eunuch who was now clutching his face, Xu said, "Your Highness, this is the one who extorted me."

"You…" The gatekeeping eunuch covered his burning cheek, both angry and shocked. He hadn't expected Xu Qi'an to return with the second princess to cause trouble. After all, he was a servant in Consort Chen’s palace. Even an insignificant gatekeeper serving a consort carried some weight. Typically, external officials wouldn’t dare confront palace eunuchs so boldly. If they suffered a loss, they would usually swallow their pride.

"Slap him again."

Maintaining the poise of a princess in front of others, Lin'an coldly commanded.

Xu Qi'an delivered another slap, sending the gatekeeper stumbling, his ears ringing.

"Dare to extort one of Our people? We'll spare you this time out of respect for Mother Consort. If you ever dare show disrespect to Sir Xu again, you'll be demoted and made to do hard labour."

Lin'an's delicate face was covered in a frosty expression as she ordered, "Hand over the silver."

*She’s willing to give the gatekeeper a chance, Lin'an is really a rather kind-hearted person, much more innocent than most of the royal family…* Xu Qi'an thought to himself. It was precisely because of this nature that she was susceptible to being taken advantage of by scoundrels.

*Lin'an and I have a good relationship; I must keep a close eye on her to prevent her from being harmed by such people.*

Though the gatekeeper was unwilling, five taels of silver were worth more than a month's wages. Yet, he dared not disobey the second princess, so he could only take out the warm silver banknote and present it with both hands. "This servant was blind. Please, Sir Xu, don't hold it against me."

Xu Qi'an didn't take it. "I gave you ten taels."


The gatekeeper lifted his head, at a loss for words. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before trying to retort: “It was clearly five tales, how could Sir Xu wrong this servant?”

Xu Qi'an immediately turned to Biaobiao and said loudly, "Your Highness, look at this duplicitous running dog, completely disregarding your authority."

Lin'an glared at him with her charming peach blossom eyes that couldn't muster any true fierceness.

"This servant wouldn't dare, wouldn't dare..."

The gate eunuch fumbled around for a while before producing three taels of silver and some loose change, his face full of grief. "This servant only has this much left."

Xu Qi'an cheerfully pocketed the silver. “Doing good deeds doesn't always bring rewards, but not doing them will surely lead to reckoning one day.

"Consider this silver as a tuition fee for today's lesson."

*Some people always think that simply apologising is enough when they do wrong, and if others continue to press the matter, it's their fault for being unreasonable. If apologies were enough, what need would there be for the law? You cheated me out of five taels, and now you think returning it is enough? Wishful thinking.*

He then turned to gaze at the graceful profile of Biaobiao and said, "Since we're already here, Your Highness might as well take me into Jingxiu Palace. I need to wrap up the case concerning Lady Fu."

Biaobiao then led him across the courtyard gate into the inner grounds.

"Your Highness, I need to speak with a palace maid named Lang'er. Could you summon her for me?"

Xu Qi'an followed a palace maid into a side hall while Biaobiao went to visit her mother, the concubine. As he watched the back of her crimson dress disappearing, he called that out to her, and without turning her head, she responded playfully, "Got it."

In the side hall, a young palace maid stood nearby.

"Where's the outhouse?" Xu Qi'an asked.

"Please wait a moment, Sir." The palace maid replied softly, then went out and returned with a little eunuch, who guided Xu Qi'an to the outhouse on the southern side of the courtyard. After closing the door, Xu Qi'an pulled out the Confucian version of the "magic book" from his ground book fragment and tore off the page recording the Qi-watching technique, igniting it with his qi.

Two beams of clear qi shot out from his pupils, then quickly faded.

*The magic book is getting thinner the more I use it. This won't do. It's so useful that I must keep using it. After the spring exams, I'll visit Cloud Deer Academy and meet my three teachers... I should prepare some verses to 'borrow' from them in advance...*

Returning to the side hall, he sipped tea as he awaited Lang'er, the palace maid.


Inside the main house of the inner courtyard, Concubine Chen lounged lazily on a soft couch, with two close palace maids attending to her. One massaged her shoulders while the other kneaded her legs.

There were no Imperial-Noble Consorts in Emperor Yuanjing's harem, which made Concubine Chen second only to the Empress, reigning supreme over all other concubines. Moreover, before long, her position in the harem would truly be unrivalled.

Holding a scroll, Concubine Chen smiled and said, "This _Spring Courtyard Moon_ is so well written. We find ourselves liking it more and more."

Lang'er covered her mouth and giggled. "It's because you're in a good mood, madam, that the book seems better."

The other maid chimed in with a laugh, "Yes, though the Crown Prince hasn't been released from the High Court yet, it's only a matter of time. You've been weeping day and night recently, and it's been breaking our hearts."

Lang'er whispered, "Who would have thought the Empress, of all people, would be so ruthless? To harm Madam Fu and frame the Crown Prince... We all thought she was truly kind and benevolent."

Concubine Chen frowned and reprimanded, "Do not speak ill of the Empress."

"You're too cautious, madam. His Majesty has already proposed deposing the Empress in court. Once the officials approve it, she will no longer be Empress," the other palace maid giggled.

"Maybe our lady will soon become the Empress herself."

Concubine Chen furrowed her brow again, about to scold the two loose-tongued maids, when the sound of light footsteps echoed.

"Mother, Lin'an is here."

The shadow of Lin'an's figure flickered across the door, her fiery red dress like a flame swaying in the wind.

The two senior maids immediately fell silent, ending the conversation.

Concubine Chen's expression softened into a loving smile as she straightened her slender waist and beckoned, "Lin'an, didn't you just visit this morning?"

"I missed you, Mother. I could stay in Jingxiu Palace all day if it meant I could keep you company."

Lin'an was a girl who knew how to act coquettishly. With her beauty and sweet words, both Emperor Yuanjing and Concubine Chen were very fond of her.

"Then keep me company for a while. When you feel bored, you can go back to Shaoyin Pavilion," Concubine Chen said, pulling her daughter to sit by her side.


After sitting down, Lin'an chirped, "I mainly came to see you, Mother, but also to handle some business."

Concubine Chen's smile remained as she asked softly, "What business?"

Lin'an glanced at Lang'er and instructed, "Sir Xu has something to ask you. He's waiting for you in the side hall. Go see him."

Then she explained to her mother, "It's the Nightwatcher I trained, Xu Qi'an. Mother should remember him. He's handling the case of my brother, the Crown Prince. He seems to have some questions for Lang'er, but the gatekeeper wouldn't let him in."

Concubine Chen pondered for a moment and waved her hand, "Lang'er, go meet with him."

"Yes ma’am," Lang'er replied, placing her hands neatly in front of her waist. She stepped gracefully over the threshold, leaving the courtyard.

Lin'an withdrew her gaze and continued, “Mother, we must thank Xu Qi'an for helping clear my brother's name. You have no idea how hard I've worked to train him.

"You always say Huaiqing is good at nurturing talent and building her own network, but I'm not bad either. When I first met him, he was just a small bailiff in Chang'le County. Now, after all my efforts, he's become quite exceptional."

Concubine Chen, slightly surprised, asked, "How did you meet a small bailiff?"

"Ah, don't worry about the details. The point is, the talent I cultivated saved my brother, right?"

"Right, right. All thanks to Lin'an. If it weren't for the person you groomed, your brother would have been in grave danger," Concubine Chen laughed, playfully pinching her daughter's soft, rounded cheeks.

In the side hall, Xu Qi'an sat in a chair, holding a teacup, gently blowing on it.

Even the tea served to guests here in Jingxiu Palace was far more fragrant than the finest tea his aunt treasured.

*But it still can't compare to the tea Lin'an drank earlier. I'll ask her for a few taels of tea leaves later, so my second uncle and aunt can also try some of these tributes.*

With that in mind, Xu Qi'an happily took a sip, then glanced at the little eunuch standing nearby and smiled.

"Little Eunuch, you’re here by His Majesty's command to monitor me. In official terms, that makes you a royal inspector. Sit down, don’t just stand there."

The little eunuch had some sense and helplessly replied, "Only when outside the capital am I a royal inspector. Here in the palace, I'm still just a servant. It's like those provincial governors—impressive outside, but back in the capital, they’re just minor censors."

This remark amused Xu Qi'an. "Penetrating insight, truly."

If Governor Zhang returned to the capital, he’d be just another lackey, but out in the provinces, even high-ranking officials like the Provincial Administrator and Military Commander would treat him with utmost respect and call themselves "subordinates."

"By the way, Little Eunuch, you serve in His Majesty’s chambers, right?" Xu Qi'an asked.

The little eunuch nodded.

"After you reported yesterday, did His Majesty go to the Empress's Fengqi Palace?"

Xu Qi'an had been harboring a question for a while. Yesterday, after finding the connection between Huang Xiaorou and the Empress in Xie Pavilion, the clues began pointing to the Empress. However, the records in the imperial pharmacy had been torn, so there was no solid proof that the Empress had saved Huang Xiaorou.

Given Emperor Yuanjing's intelligence and composure, he wouldn’t rush to confront the Empress before the case was clear.

If Yuanjing were truly that impulsive, he would have already deposed the Crown Prince when the case first broke.

"No..." The little eunuch shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "It was the Noble Consort Chen who went to His Majesty’s chambers in tears, accusing the Empress of framing the Crown Prince. Out of affection for the Noble Consort, His Majesty then went to Fengqi Palace to question the Empress. It was then that I was summoned for questioning, before I even made my report."

*How did Noble Consort Chen know about the progress of the case?*

*No need to ask—it was definitely Lin'an who told her. The little brat couldn't help but share the joyful news with her mother once the case had made a breakthrough and the Crown Prince's vindication was in sight.*

As they were chatting, a woman in a pale green palace gown stepped across the threshold into the side hall.

She had delicate features and fair skin, around twenty-four or twenty-five years old. Her eyes were round like apricots, similar to Chu Caiwei’s, though not quite as large.

Chu Caiwei's big eyes always reminded Xu Qi'an of those two-dimensional anime waifus.

Combined with her round, soft face, she had an irresistibly cute appearance, worthy of the title of "big-eyed cutie."

The palace maid entered the side hall, performed a graceful salute, and said, "Greetings, Sir Xu."

"Sister Lang'er," Xu Qi'an smiled and returned the greeting.

Lang'er stood in the hall, nodding slightly. "What does Sir Xu wish to ask? The Madam is still waiting for me to attend to her."

Xu Qi'an immediately responded, "Apologies, but I’m just performing my duties."

Without further ado, he got straight to the point. "Sister Lang'er, did you go to the imperial pharmacy a few days ago?"

Lang'er nodded.

"What for?"

"Since the Crown Prince's incident, Her Highness has been crying daily and feeling unwell. That day, she had a headache, so I went to the pharmacy to get some soothing medicine," Lang'er replied frankly.

"Did you tear the pharmacy’s financial records?" Xu Qi'an asked directly.

He had asked the other eunuchs and maids on the list in the same straightforward manner. With the Qi-watching technique, it was like having a flawless lie detector, even more reliable than surveillance.

Though the technique had many limitations—it could be blocked by magical artefacts, was ineffective against arcanists, and couldn’t be used to accuse officials above the fourth rank or in cases involving national affairs like this one—it was still an invaluable tool for questioning eunuchs and maids, as no such restrictions applied.

It was like being able to first identify the "wolf" and then investigate from there, much easier than following clues step by step.

Lang'er was momentarily stunned, seemingly surprised by how blunt Xu Qi'an was. She shook her head. "No."

*She’s telling the truth…* Watching her aura, Xu Qi'an sighed inwardly.

It seemed he was wrong. The person who tore the records hadn’t entered the pharmacy in the past five days but rather much earlier. As for sneaking into the pharmacy, that was unlikely.

The imperial pharmacy stored rare elixirs and pills, treasures that the Dog Emperor used his private funds to concoct. Calling the pharmacy a treasure trove wasn’t an exaggeration.

Since it was such a treasure trove, it was naturally heavily guarded. It wasn’t a place one could simply sneak into.

"There are two possibilities: either the culprit entered the pharmacy more than five days ago, or there’s a traitor within the pharmacy. I’ll have to question the maids and eunuchs working there soon..."

With that thought, Xu Qi'an stood up, clasped his hands, and said, "I’ve finished asking. But since the case isn’t over yet, I may have to visit again."

He was preemptively smoothing things over to avoid being turned away later.

Lang'er's expression showed clear impatience upon hearing this.

Xu Qi'an quickly added, "I’ll send Sister Lang'er a small gift later. The green bean cakes from Guiyuelou in the capital are their specialty."

He knew Lang'er liked green bean cakes. Lin'an had mentioned it on their way to Jingxiu Palace.

"No need," Lang'er shook her head, her tone distant and slightly resistant. "Your servant doesn't like green bean cakes."

*Am I being disliked…? Hmph, this woman is at the age where she's practically like a wolf, yet she treats a rare beauty like me with such hostility.*

*Is it because the Pill of Rebirth's effects aren't potent enough, or is it that her flower garden has never had a guest, so she can’t appreciate a real man’s value?*

"Since that’s the case, this official won’t bother you…"

Suddenly, Xu Qi'an froze.

In his Qi-watching view, Lang'er’s emotions were calm—she wasn’t lying.

She wasn’t lying?!


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