Nightmare's Call

Chapter 459 - Pursuit: Part 1

Chapter 459: Pursuit: Part 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Darkspirit Realm of Giants.


The Centaur Lord roared as he smashed his spear against the mermaid giant’s weapon.

A powerful cyclone had already formed behind the mermaid giant, and the gray cyclone bore a very powerful traction force, like thin silk threads that were restraining the Centaur Lord from all directions.

“Blazing Bloodspear!! Kill them all!”

The spear in the Centaur Lord’s hand suddenly turned from pure black to white silver, as the spear tip blasted out in dazzling white light as he stabbed it forward.


The thrust was once again blocked by the mermaid giant with his trident.

The strength and speed of the spear thrust had been severely hampered by the cyclone’s traction force, and became slow and clumsy.

The Centaur Lord had tried to pull back a few times, but the sight of other black giant king’s made him hesitant to show any signs of retreating.

He remembered that black giant was fighting against the Fairy King earlier, and he did not expect it to break out from combat to come over here.

That clearly meant that the Fairy King was either defeated, or had fled.

“Damn it! That damned one-eyed woman!!” the Centaur Lord roared as swung his spear in fury. This was his powerful special ability as a Centaur Lord, the more angry he was, the stronger his power and speed would become.

So, his current combat prowess now was at the pinnacle of centaur history.

At that very moment, the fury in his heart roiled like a violent inferno as the Centaur Lord’s strength and speed had more than doubled than usual.

He was pressing hard against the mermaid giant.

Whenever he wanted to take a step back to charge up his ultimate move, though, he was immediately threatened by the black giant’s gaze, which prevented him from completing the charge up.

The angst-inducing situation had lasted for a good two to three minutes now, and the Centaur Lord felt his rage slowly subsiding.

His rage does greatly increase his strength and speed, but it came at a cost of the rapid consumption of his stamina and mental strength, and the consumption was proportionate.

“No! It cannot end like this I I need to find a way to turn this around!” The Centaur Lord swung his spear around to keep his opponent at bay as he secretly scanned around for an opportunity to disengage.

However, the Darkspirit army he brought with him had basically been swept away by the barbarians in the palace of the giant kings.

These elite barbarians were all dressed in rugged cloaks and armor, each wielding either a warhammer or a giant bone blade.

Every time they swung their weapon, they would yell, and let out a mysterious vibrating force.

They were just like the black giant’s vibration force, that could go through the surface of objects and destroy it from within. It was most terrifying.

And the Darkspirits’ sole weakness were detected by this force, and their core within their bodies were located, and they were taken out one by one.

“If this goes on, I will die here!” The Centaur Lord was getting more and more anxious.

Yet, no matter what he did, the mermaid giant stuck close to him.

If he backed away, the opponent advanced.

If he advanced, the opponent withdrew.

The two giants seemed to want to grind his strength down, and take him down without taking damage.

“Damn it, damn it all!! Aaaaarghhh!!” The Centaur Lord became more and more furious.

While his rage was burning strong, his body had been on fire for so long and was slowly losing the ability to bear it.

“You lowlifes!! Do you think you can kill me just like that? Do you think you can kill the great Centaur Lord Khul Warspear just like that?!

“I will let all of you learn the price of belittling me!” The Centaur Lord swung his spear with full force.

The massive war spear roared with a gust of wind as it sheared off all of the traction threads from the cyclone instantly.

He took a step back, panting hard with his eyes red, and he planned to use his ultimate secret blood immolation technique.

This was a powerful combat technique that required him to use his lifespan as fuel.

It could restore his health and vitality to his peak in a very short time, and at the same time, it would also produce a blood-stained energy barrier with each attack and defense, to help resist incoming damage.

However, other than a last resort, he was absolutely unwilling to use this secret technique.

This was because every time he used it, he would consume one-third of his lifespan. It was not a fixed amount, rather it was in proportion.

Just as he was hesitating, the mermaid giant spotted a gap in his indecision, and swiftly stabbed his trident forward like a flash of lightning.


The Centaur Lord was caught off guard, and a gaping wound was sliced open on his chest.

Only then did he recovered and realized that his opponent was not his usual trampled-over foes, rather it was a foe that was the same level as he was, and would need at least a few hundred exchanges to determine who the victor was.

“Interloper, this is not a place you should have come. But since you are here, just rest easy and be buried here, and be a part of the dried bones beneath us brothers. This would be a glorious end for you at least.”

The mermaid giant’s speaking style was particularly awkward, it seemed to bear an ancient rhyme to it, or perhaps it had not spoken for so long that it had only just begun to speak with his voice once again.

The Centaur Lord took a deep breath as his blood circulated rapidly, desperately ridding the fatigue from his body.

But the burden of swinging his massive spear made it harder and harder for him to recover.

“No... how can I fall here!! Impossible!” The Centaur Lord had finally made up his mind, and prepared to use his ultimate technique, for the last frenzied throw of the dice.

“I shall aid you!!”

Right at that very moment, the black giant who had been watching the battle joined in the fray, as his massive right fist expanded in mind air and sending a crushing shockwave towards the Centaur Lord.

*Voosh! Voosh!!*

A large number of black metallic siege crossbows around its thick arms glowed in a twisted halo as it launched accurate shots towards the Centaur Lord.

His massive body simply just made him a huge target.

That instant, it was far too late even if he wanted to activate his ability as both the black and mermaid giant’s attacks, alongside the massive siege crossbow bolts were all converging upon him. Even the Centaur Lord’s Blood Immolation skill would need a moment for his body to adapt to, and he did not even have that luxury of a moment now.


His eyes widened, and could only look on as the black giant’s massive fist came falling from above.

At the same time, the mermaid giant had completely locked his war spear against his trident with all of his might, leaving him with no avenue to face the attack.

“I will die...!” “I... will... die...!!” At that instant, everything suddenly slowed down. The incoming crossbow bolts. The black giant king’s fist. The mermaid giant’s trident. And also the semi-translucent spell rings around him, the binding technique that the giant king’s men were using to restrain him.

Time seemed to have stopped.

The Centaur Lord could not move, and aside from his mind, his body was immobile. Just like an insect frozen in amber.

“Am I going to die?”

He was fearful, defiant, and furious as he looked at this bizarre scene before him.

This was the first time he had seen anything like it before. He had heard that people would see all sorts of incredible things before they are about to die.

Perhaps, this was one of those times, but what puzzled him was, he could see the horror in the eyes of the black giant aside from himself.

He could also see the contorted and confused expression on the mermaid giant’s face.

“Blade of Frigid Tempest.”

“Can you see it? This is the supreme ability of my sword technique, the frigid will of the sword that could annihilate everything in an instant.”

“The will of the sword means that even before my sword is drawn, I could make everyone feel the sharpness of the blade and the peril that comes with my keen edge. And my will of the sword is at the point where I can at will, force a living soul into a state of instant frozen death.”

“If that living being thinks it is dead, then he will die.”


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