Nightmare's Call

Chapter 409 - Pit Latrine: Part 2

Chapter 409: Pit Latrine: Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“This evidence will not make a difference. Even if I were to help, the Jade Root is the trial court above the royal family. I can’t disobey their decision,” the Fairy King said. “What’s more, even if I don’t execute the sentence, there is Cassia the King of Trees.”

“If that is the case, what the judiciary of the fairies...” The dark-haired man suddenly paused. The tremor in the forest was gone, which meant that the Fairy King had left.

The Jade Root had existed for thousands of years, and only the Fairy King and the King of Trees could speak against its judgments. There was not much they could do because compared with the four votes for the Fairy King and the King of Trees, the Jade Root had 19 votes.

The Pavru Fairy Empire became arrogant because it had existed too long. Now they were sentencing two innocent natural blessers to death for no reason.

The nature blessers were gifts! They were the darlings of nature. They could make lightning-quick progress in any cultivation, the genius beyond common sense could explain. How could the Jade Root hand down a death sentence to such geniuses recognized by nature?

“How stupid!” The dark-haired man clenched his fists, eyes filled with anger and determination. “The law of nature will try those who violate it!”

Two figures appeared next to the man. “Sug, give the order now! I have already said it, those old men at the top have long forgotten the root of their struggle. Power and arrogance have eroded their souls. They have forgotten that nature is the root of us the fairies!”

“Agreed!” a woman echoed, her voice cold. “The current fairy empire is huge and bloated, ancient and corrupted. Let us save Klein and leave! I feel like vomiting with every extra second of staying here!” Coldness and disdain filled her green eyes.

The dark-haired man, Sug waved away the magic circle, watching as the Retrospective Circle that his mates worked so hard to gather and produce dissipate.

Yet, the truth did not matter anymore. He suddenly realized why even the most gentle Fairy King left.

“Let’s go... go home. Inform everyone to get ready!” He turned around, finally coming out of his hesitation as he strode back in the direction he had come. The other two followed closely behind him, leaving the home they grew up without looking back.

They quickly left the forest. As they crossed the coverage area of the Mothertree, they heard heavy footsteps coming from a direction.

“These footsteps belong to the Six-eyed Snake-tailed Beast! It’s a high-form violent creature!”

Sug’s expression turned grim as he looked toward the direction of the sound. A faint green light appeared over his eyes, enabling him to see through the woods and make out what happened in the far distance.

“That beast is attacking humans again! It is going to eat them!” Feeling enraged, he shouted, “Stop it!”

“Aye!” the two figures answered in unison.

Three figures faded into shadows and moved quickly through the forest. After passing through a dense group of cherry trees, Sug saw what was happening ahead.

An elephant-sized lizard with six eyes, wearing thick rock armor, was charging at two ordinary humans. The humans were too afraid to even run.

“Save them!” Sug had no time to think about why there were ordinary humans there. He drew his sword and lunged forward, triggering the white silver-class bloodline ability in him.

“Arching Light.”

Sug shouted. The sword in his hand lit up in a rainbow-like light. It shot out like lightning in an arc, blocking the six-eyed lizard in the front.

The six-eyed lizard crashed against the colorful arc with a loud sound of metal banging the rock. A silver class himself, but Sug was no match for the six-eyed lizard. He knew he had to back off.

However, the other two who attacked the lizard simultaneously from both sides had helped take part of the pressure off of him.

“Run! You two!” Seeing that the two humans were still standing there, Sug shouted at them angrily.

One of the humans was a burly young man wearing a common black short-sleeve shirt and camouflage trousers. There was no talent stone on his body (talent stone represents the contract with the fairy; the more beautiful the color and texture, the higher the talent). The other one was a farmer, appearing like an honest man. He looked so scared that his face had turned pale. The sickle in his hand had fallen to the ground, and his body was shaking. Judging from his attire, he was an ordinary farmer at the edge of the fairy forest.

“Are you an ordinary human looking for entering a covenant with the Fairies? Is the farmer your guide?” Sug guessed it instantly.

Fortunately, the young man’s response was swift; he pulled the farmer back and ran out some ten meters away, avoiding stung by the tail of the lizard.

“It’s you again! Sug! Why am I seeing you every time I come out to forage? You are a star of bad luck!” The six-eyed lizard was furious to see its prey had escaped. But there was nothing it could do about it. It had fought Sug many times before. Like Sug, it was a silver-class being. Its power and strength far surpassed the limit of humans. Its strength did not differ much from Sug. No one had any advantage over and could kill the other. The best thing they could do was to run away from each other.

Lin Sheng curiously looked at the lizard. He almost made it his dinner just now. But now he was happy he did not do that because this lizard’s strength was extraordinary. Had he eaten it, it would have gone against his intention of going it low key here.

Coming from the dark spirit cave of Caerphabor, his purpose was to scout the place alone. He learned from the farmer that the cave world of Pavru was a natural world where humans and fairies co-existed, much like the beings in the mysterious realms. Here, all the powerful ones were the fairy soldiers who had entered a covenant with and gained a power talent from the fairies.

So using some gold as an exchange, Lin Sheng asked the farmer to take him near the Mothertree. They said the place was relatively safe. He wanted to see if he could find the fairies to enter a covenant with them. But not long into his journey, he bumped into the six-eyed lizard.

“It looks like things are much more complicated here than in Caerphabor, and the fairies here have chosen to mix with the humans,” Lin Sheng said to himself. He was surprised. “The fairies and the dark spirits are both soul-powered beings. Pure soul-powered creatures are especially vulnerable before a natural nemesis like me. But once they and the living things with flesh and blood coalesced, it will patch this imperfection. They can even leverage this advantage to become even more powerful souls.”

While he was deep in thought, the six-eyed lizard went away after fighting with Sug and his mates. The Sug and his mates fought the six-eyed lizard with talents and sword skills. They were like magic warriors. In contrast, the Darksiders were more like magicians.

After the six-eyed lizard left, Sug and his mates breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Lin Sheng and asked, “Are you here to look for the fairies to have a covenant with them? Stay away from here these few days, it is dangerous around here. If not for us, you two would have become dinner of the beast,” Sug said, his tone of voice harsh.

“Thank you for saving us.” Lin Sheng put on a grateful look. “My name is Lin Sheng. I’m an adventurer trying my luck here.”

He spoke in Deviltongue. His accent had changed slightly with the help of the farmer. It had a weird country accent that no one had ever heard before. Sug and his mates listened for a while and could only understand half of it.

“Err... Let’s not talk in this place. Come with me. If you really want to find the fairies for a covenant, I can help—for a fee,” Sug said bluntly.

Lin Sheng was startled. Earlier, he only asked the farmer to bring him here when he sensed a strong energy fluctuation. He did not expect that this man who had “saved” him offered to bring him to find a fairy. Compared to these three people, the farmer certainly knew this place not as much as them. So Lin Sheng changed his plan.

“Really?” He was wide-eyed, looking very surprised, but it was not over the top. He made himself look like he had great self-restraint and gave the impression that he was nice as well as steady. At least, it would not make him look like a bumpkin.

“Of course, we are in this trade,” the handsome young man beside Sug said with a smile.

While looking at the three, Lin Sheng something else crossed his mind. He was going to explore the cave world of Pavru more slowly and thoroughly. I’ll get a place to stay first before going back to Henricqal. I can then come back to explore this place from time to time, he thought to himself.


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