New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

516: To the Rescue (18+)

516: To the Rescue (18+)

“Erm, I’m sorry,” Zeke apologized to Pete after the shocking discovery that Remi had in fact loved Pete all along, and now would never have a chance to confess her feelings. “I didn’t know. What I said before… That was insensitive of me. I… I’m sure that even if Remi’s body and mind are under the demon’s diabolical spell, deep in her soul she still loves you!”

“But even if they’re separated like this, perhaps there is something Pete can still do for her?” Ivan asked.

“Yeah, yeah! That’s right!” Donald sprung back up energetically. “Think about it! Remi just got thrown to the wolves there as if she’s just as lost as all the others. But! If she still loves Pete, she’ll resist! As long as she can she’ll resist, I’m sure of it!”

“But she has no chance in there all by herself,” Ivan pointed out.

“That’s right! That’s why we must act with haste!” Donald urged the others to action.

“Ah, I see,” Zeke stroked his chin.

“Think about it Pete!” Donald encouraged the young guard. “You have a chance to save Remi! If you can get to her, get through to her, confess your love, you two might be the ones to overcome the Taint with your bond!”

“I do not know if something like this has ever been tried,” Ivan said.

“Which is all the more reason we have to try!” Donald got more and more energetic.

“I… I wish it were that easy,” Pete said, dejected. “It all sounds too good to be true.”

“And what’s the alternative?” Zeke asked Pete. “Just sit here until the last spark of humanity within Remi is extinguished? You’re going to twiddle your thumbs until Flavna returns to lop off Remi’s head?”

“Lad, look at it this way,” Donald put his hand on Pete’s shoulder. “Even if you cannot get through to Remi, you’ll still be saving her. None of those sick creeps inside that cell love her! Most of them don’t even know her!”

“Yeah! What right do they have to fuck her!?” Zeke added. “They just view her as a warm hole to stick their dick into.”

“And they will fuck Remi relentlessly,” Donald continued. “Minute after minute, hour after hour, for as long as they breathe, until she is reduced to nothing more than a cum-guzzling, cock-serving pleasure slave like the rest of them!”

“You have a chance—no, a duty—to defend Remi’s dignity. Even if she never knows or remembers.”

“Even if worse comes to pass and these are her last days,” Ivan added.

“All the more reason to make those last days honorable,” Zeke said. “No matter how you look at it, it’s Pete’s duty to act. If he truly loves her, as he claims—”

“Of course, I do!” Pete shouted.

“Shit!” Donald exclaimed while looking into the opening in the door. “They’re fucking Remi in her ass right now!”

“NO!!” Pete screamed.

“The bastards!” Ivan cursed.

“How dare they!” Zeke was outraged. “Defiling a pure young woman when she has a man that loves her!”

“You wouldn’t do that to her, would you, Pete?” Donald asked.

“Of course not!” The very idea to Pete was preposterious. “In-in the butt? Never!”

“Yeah, you’re not like the others are you, Pete?” Zeke stated. “Those simple-minded barbarians!”

“Yeah, you’d be gentle with her right?” Donald insisted.

“Of course!”

“Take it slow,” Zeke continued. “Kiss her all over. Make sure she’s comfortable...”

“You’re a true gentleman aren’t you, Pete?” Donald smiled.

“Heck even I couldn’t be that patient!” Zeke sighed and sulked in shame. “I’m not even worthy of a sweet girl like that!”

“We can only hope to one day have a chance that we don’t even deserve,” Ivan said as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

“Oh fuck!” Donald cursed again.

“What is it?” Zeke asked. “What do you see?”

“One guy is shoving his cock deep in her mouth,” Donald reported.

“What!?” Pete was distraught.

“The fiend!” Ivan clenched his fist.

“She’s gagging!” Donald commenced play-by-play commentary. “Tears are rolling form her eyes! Ah, he paused.”

“He did?” Zeke exclaimed in surprise.

“Did he finally grow a conscience?” Ivan asked.

“Far from it!” Donald said. “He just spat right in Remi’s face, slapped her with his cock and jammed it right back in!!”



“She’s gagging even more now but nobody’s helping her! Oh, wait!”

“What is it?” Zeke asked. “Is someone finally coming to the rescue?”

“Well, he might be coming soon indeed, he-he—” Donald suddenly coughed. “I-I mean, no, that man is not coming to Remi’s rescue. He has a big ugly dick, it’s hard, and he’s grabbing Remi’s ass, lifting it up.”

“You mean to tell me that instead of helping the poor girl who’s gagging from a rough throatjob, he’s planning to ass-fuck her instead?” Zeke asked.

“That is most certainly what is happening,” Donald confirmed, his eye all but glued to narrow opening in the door.

“Let me through!!” Pete rushed to the door with his key in hand.

Donald instantly jumped aside. And while Pete hastily tried to unlock the door with shaking hands the three guards stood behind him with wide, shameless grins plastered across their faces.


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