New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

489: Fill In on the Details

489: Fill In on the Details

“U-ugh…” Olivia weakly moaned and slowly opened her eyes. “Where… What?”

“Olivia!?” Beatrice exclaimed in surprise and moved closer to Olivia’s side, shocked that she regained consciousness. “Are you alright?”

“Beatrice?” Olivia turned her head to the busty succubus to look at a familiar face. But looking up she mostly just saw the two massive jugs that were barely covered by Beatrice’s plate mail armor. “What’s going on? Where are we? AH!! The tentacle demon!!”

“Easy!” Beatrice held Olivia to prevent sudden movements. “That monster crawled back into the abyss it came from. But that was… Is that the last thing you remember?”

“Y-yes… I was with… I was guarding the princess when those slimy appendages suddenly grabbed me from behind and… I tried to fight back!” Olivia all but cried. “I did!”

“I know, I know,” Beatrice didn’t know what to say and just hugged the girl.

“I keep failing again and again!”

“Lucarad?” Beatrice turned to the priest. “What’s going on? Didn’t you say you failed to cure her?”

“I was never able to fully cure anyone,” Lucarad uttered, getting weaker by the minute while resting his head in Helen’s lap. “I only ever temporarily managed the effects of the Taint. But this is highly unusual. By all that I know, she should not even be able to form coherent sentences or think of anything but dick and pussy. What demon did this to her? You mentioned a ‘tentacle demon’?”

“A Lesser Abomination,” Ember said, standing a little to the side of the group. “Or so the captain of the Purple Capes said during her little speech after the whole unrest in the city.”

“No Lesser Abomination is responsible for a Taint that has corrupted this girl,” Lucarad said.

“The Queen must have done something to her!” Beatrice said, filling with desire to split the Queen’s head in two. “She practically had a demon beneath her dress! Wait, did any of you know that you were living with a demon worshipper!?”

Helen hung her head in embarrassment. Lucarad looked away.

“It wasn’t just the Queen,” Ember added. “Her daughters too. And unlike the Merillia, who seemed to work together with her demon, the two princesses were outright possessed and taken over. It’s safe to assume that the other five are probably also under some form of demonic influence.”

“No,” Beatrice disagreed as she thought back to her interactions with the three princesses that she encountered. “Although princess Mary is a psycho, she never once showed signs of the dark aura that permeated through the two that we fought in the palace. Even when completely helpless, Mary remained herself, contrasted to the two in the palace. The one that I fought, Asuna, her entire personality changed. Even her voice. As if she was a completely different being… I’m pretty sure it was a guy inside of her.”

“Oh, the princesses had countless guys inside them,” Ember joked.

“No, I mean literally inside of her!” Beatrice insisted. “She talked like a man. She even gave me a different name, and another one for that hammer princess. She even grew a cock!”

“Are you sure you didn’t give it to her ‘Cock Gifter’?” Ember chuckled.

“I’m serious!”

“Sorry, sorry, I know,” Ember apologized. “But then what does this mean? Is it a recent development that the royal family are by all measures demons now and whatever turned them into demons just hadn’t gotten to Mary yet? Because she wasn’t in the palace at the time? It’s probably a nicer thought than the idea that everyone missed the fact that most of the royal family were actually a bunch of demons in disguise.”

“Heh, it looks like I missed a lot,” Olivia managed to form weak, joyless smile.

“I’ll fill you in on the details later,” Ember said. “Maybe, but as deep as all the demon tentacles had inside you, but I promise to do my best! Maybe if Beatrice shares a cock or two, we could re-enact my favorite scenes—”

“Ember!” Beatrice interrupted the freckled fire mage that went back to her favorite hobby of bullying the ninja girl.

Olivia didn’t even bother to respond and just curled up more and more.


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