New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

455: The Thing

455: The Thing

“Oh?” Queen Merillia displayed slight surprise when she looked at her servant Noel and saw no additional fresh blood upon his small body after appearing behind Ember.

Indeed, though Noel’s expressionless face continued to display no emotion, his additional movements displayed that something was amiss. The catkin first looked at his hands and saw only the drying blood from his previous victim. Noel then looked back at his current target. There was indeed a Noel-sized hole in Ember’s body. However, no blood poured from it. No guts spilled out onto the floor. Only yellow flames danced around the edges of the hole before spreading and engulfing the rest of Ember’s body, revealing to be nothing more than a fire clone and evaporating from sight.

Noel turned his head to one side, then another. He then turned to Merillia and said, “It appears that the fire mage is no longer here. And by ‘here’ I mean—”

“I got it,” Merillia said. “It seems I got too distracted with all these adorable new pets and did not notice her switch.”

“Shall I search for her?” Noel asked.

“No, stay ‘here’.” Merillia commanded. “It does not matter where she ran off to. If she’s still in the palace, she’ll be found soon enough. And if not, then she’s not worth sparing a single thought on. Now, where were we?”

Merillia looked at the naked, moaning girl, floating in the air just a couple of feet from the Queen. “Floating” was one way to describe Olivia’s condition. Under complete control of the translucent forces that were unleashed from under Merillia’s single sleeve, it was increasingly improbable that Olivia was even aware of anything that happened around her or where she even was. Her ass, mouth, pussy, ears, even nostrils—every single hole she had was properly plugged up. That was all that mattered.


Liam collapsed face-first into a puddle of his, Carl’s, and Jeremy’s blood.

“FOOL!!” Carl screamed at Liam, his own face completely smeared with blood that poured from his bruised, battered, and swollen forehead. “Is that the limit of your devotion!? The Queen herself asked to show it! And that is all you can do!? Get back up!”

While remaining on his knees, Carl raised one leg like a dog and kicked Liam. Again and again, Carl assaulted Liam both physically and verbally.

“Uuu,” Liam moaned weakly, but managed to do little else to show his “devotion”.

Meanwhile, Jeremy continued to hit his own forehead against the floor with increasing intervals and decreasing strength. It was no longer a question of whether Jeremy dared or not to look at the Queen. In-between the slams against the floor, Jeremy’s head swayed in random directions, his bloodied eyelids half-closed, mouth half-open. The blood that poured down his face trickled into his mouth and then out again, along with some saliva to add to the “river” beneath him. It was up for debate whether Jeremy was any more conscious than Liam, if at all.

“My Queen, please forgive their disgraceful performance!” Carl begged Merillia and slammed his forehead against the floor again. After an impressively loud thud, Carl’s body jerked and swayed. Carl then clenched his fists and with considerable effort lifted his head after nearly knocking himself unconscious. “I… I pray it does not reflect poorly on our devotion to you. P-perhaps if we were stronger, we would not have fallen prey to the charms of that temptress so easily.”

“Oh, I think all three of you have performed admirably!” Merillia chuckled, praising the men’s performance as she would that of children. “What do you think, Beelzebub?”

“HNYAAAAAAAAH!!!!!” Olivia’s body contorted in another violent orgasm. The bulge in her abdomen moved down to her pussy lips and out of Olivia’s pussy, between countless thin translucent tentacles that moved in and out of her, a glistening purple tip appeared. Like a slug or a leech, it slowly squeezed out of Olivia’s stuffed pussy. The more it squeezed out, the more unreasonable its size became. Not just long, it grew wider and thicker, effortlessly morphing its slimy body.

By the time the purple “leech” plopped on the floor below Olivia, it was the size of a human forearm. It then slithered on the floor toward the three bloodied eunuchs.

“A-ah,” Carl watched the thing approach him with his mouth agape, not daring to move or recoil even an inch. The other two remained blissfully unaware of the leech slithered increasingly closer across the “river” of blood they created, absorbing it all and growing in size.


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