New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 186 - Valentine’s Day (End)

Once they reached outside and was further away from Sam's house, Kyle couldn't stop the laughter that he had been holding in anymore.

"If I never see Baby Sam again, it would be too soon," Kyle was saying between laughs.

"Baby Sam?" Beatrice enquired.

Kyle grinned and looked at Betty, "He's in your hands now, Betty. Take good care of him. You've seen him at his best, and just now - was his worst. When he's sick, he's like a baby."

"Whiny, needy, sulky and ... a new one today, possessive!" declared Xing Han.

Betty blushed a bit upon seeing all the Elite Five looking at her and Kay came over, hugging her, "Welcome to the family."

"Huh?" Betty stammered, not comprehending.

"You guys are making it sound like you're the parents giving away their son or something," Ali observed. "Kyle is like the father, telling his daughter-in-law to take care of his son while Kay is like the mother, welcoming a new daughter into the family."

Betty's face flushed a deep red at that. She was only 13!! Sure, she was in love with Sam but everything was still so new and nothing was set in stone, right?

Of course, she couldn't imagine being with anyone else right now but to go so far as marriage?!

"Oh shush, Ali," Kay said, "You're scaring the little one. See? She's practically shaking now."

Betty quickly shook her head, "No no no! Not at all! I was just surprised!"

Beatrice ... and Sarah ... watched this with some envy. Beatrice, because she wished she was in Betty's shoes while Sarah wanted to be in the same position as Betty - as Kyle's partner. Though envious, that's all it was and not to the extent of resentment.

"What should we call Betty, though?" Xing Han asked seriously as they walked to the bus stop. Ali followed them, even though he had a car for he intended to see them off first before heading back.

"What on Earth are you talking about?" Kyle asked.

"Well, we're the Elite Five, so shouldn't our Significant Other also have some sort of group name? Like how the Pink Ladies are the women of T-Birds?" Xing Han said.

Everyone stared at him.

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't know the classic movie Grease? 1978? Ring any bells?" Xing Han said exasperatingly.

"Nevermind! That's not important!! What's important is, since Betty's the first, we should say ... we're the Elite Five, so she's ..." Xing Han carried on non-stop when Kyle came over, put his hand over Xing Han's mouth and said to Betty.

"Please excuse him. When he gets excited, he talks non-stop," Kyle said, "And he has extremely BAD naming sense."

"I DO NOT!" Xing Han roared, pushing Kyle's hand away. "We shall name it the Bunny Squad!"

"No?" Xing Han looked perplexed when he saw how everyone was still just staring at him blankly, "I was sure that was perfect. Side-Elite? Elite Bunnies? E-"

Kyle grabbed Xing Han by the shoulders and warned, "Another nickname out of you and I won't get you any more pork chops for supper."

Xing Han looked aghast, put both of his hands over his mouth and nodded. No way. He has no idea how Kyle can slip out and get him those occasional treats as a reward, but there was no way he would give that up.

He pinched his forefinger and thumb together, went from one side of his lip to the other and made as if he zipped his lips shut.

?? Back to School ??

Sam recovered within three days after that first visit. During those entire three days, Kyle only brought Betty over for a visit the next day as it was still the weekend. The others didn't follow, for it was only Kyle that could be firm with Sam.

Rather, Kyle was the only one that Sam didn't try to be spoilt with.

As Sam walked through the school gates, he couldn't help but quicken his step. He hadn't seen Betty for two days! Two whole days! Sure, they texted and called, but it wasn't the same. He came to school extra early as he wanted to have breakfast with Betty and then send her to class.

Sam grinned when he remembered the day he officially introduced Betty to his mum.

** Mini Flashback **

His mum had walked into the room with a tray of snacks, to see Betty sitting at the edge of his bed, with Sam holding her hand. Her steps faltered for one minute and the flustered Betty was trying to get up but Sam didn't let her.

He'd just pull her back down on the bed and to sit next to him.

It was then that Sam also introduced her to his mother, "Mum, this is Betty, my girlfriend," Sam said with a smile.

Betty's face flushed red and she stood up quickly, and this time Sam let her. She bowed and said, "Nice to meet you, Auntie."

"Oh my. Oh my my my," Rozita gushed, putting down the tray and taking Betty's hands in hers, and started gushing, "When I saw you yesterday, I thought and wished ... and here you are. I'm glad."

Rozita's first impression of Betty was good for some reason and seeing Sam smiling so happily, she now knew it was because she instinctively felt this one was the girl for him. She didn't say a word, though, for there was no point in rushing it.

Sam was estatic to see how his mother accepted Betty readily.

Though Betty was puzzled at how Sam's mother seemed to accept her so whole heartedly, she was happy. Rozita gave a smile, patted Betty's cheek and said to Sam, "Be good now. Studies are still important."

Once his mother left, he pulled her back down to sit next to him on the bed. Kyle simply sat at the desk, snorted and started eating the snacks.

"Behave, children," Kyle said with a smirk, "Big Brother is watching you."

** End of flashback**

As Sam rushed over to the dorms, he couldn't help but notice how people were looking at him. Well, more than usual, that is. It even appeared as if the looks were more intense this time?

At first, he thought it was his imagination.

However, as he reached the dorms, those stares didn't decrease. In fact, it increased. Whisperings were also heard. He managed to hear some of it in passing.

'Look look! It must be true! He's actually going to the dorms!'


'First Valentine's Day couple? Not fair!'

Sam sat at the lounge, waiting and finally realised what had happened. Somehow, word got out that he had gotten together with Betty. He didn't think it would have any impact since he was one of the lower key members - completely neglecting the fact that all five Elite Five members had their huge fan base.

It was just that Kyle's fan base was bigger and more vocal so he often forgot his own popularity. He had also been so focused on Betty that the Valentine's Day gifts he received were forgotten. He simply chucked them into his backpack and completely forgot about it after the whole 'rejection' and getting sick drama.

So now, as he felt the stares on him and the whisperings, he couldn't help but wonder if Betty had been subjected to it as well.

The moment Betty came down, he went over while she came with a huge grin on her face. Beatrice, who was beside her, greeted them then said that she would be going first.

Betty looked at Beatrice walking away with a heavy heart but didn't chase after her. She knew it would take time, so she didn't press the issue. Just then, she felt Sam take her hand and squeezed it. She turned to face him with a slightly sad smile.

"It's okay," Sam said, "Beatrice is tough. We'll give her as much time as she needs. So rest assured, I won't even be holding your hand in front of her."

Betty nodded.

Then, Sam leaned forward and whispered, "Of course, when she's not around, I'll do more than hold your hand."

Betty's face flushed bright red when she remembered his kisses the other day. It had been sweet and soft, and she had utterly melted when he did. She looked up at him and couldn't help but notice his lips and she quickly looked away.

Sam saw that, and a slight smile formed on his own lips.

He squeezed her hand, resisting the urge to kiss her as he looked away himself. If he stared at her too much, he might not be able to hold himself back.

Gosh, he was turning into a huge pervert. Never, in a million years, did he think he would be like this. He gulped and took a deep breath. He's going to have to have another talk with the guys about this.

The moment Sam took Betty's hand, everyone's suspicions were confirmed. There had been rumours about some Elite Five members forming relationships but nothing was certain. There were reports of Sam and Betty walking away together while another (hotter news) was of Beatrice and Kyle.

A lot of people had seen them together on Valentine's Day.

Kyle had ended the gift giving part to him slightly early, giving the excuse that time was going to be up but there were still so many people. So instead of seeing each person one-by-one, he basically ran through the line and thanked them as he rushed off while the volunteers would accept the gifts on Kyle's behalf.

People tried to follow him but he disappeared, only to reappear near to curfew time and with Beatrice!

However, since nothing else appeared different after that, people breathed a sigh of relief. It was then, that the focus shifted to Sam instead. Having him not being in school for several days only fueled the rumours even more, as it got more and more outlandish as the days went by.

Whatever it was, seeing how Sam's gaze was so soft and loving on Betty, they knew that one Elite Five Member was already off the market.

What a pity.


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