New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 175 - Likes And Dislikes

The entire meeting went by smoothly and Betty was diligently writing the main points of the meeting. Generally, there was resistance to the whole idea as a lot of them wanted to be able to have the freedom to send gifts whenever they wanted.

Betty watched as Sam shot their arguments down without raising his voice. He was firm. He was steady and he gave out the reasons for each and every rule. Just watching him in action made her heart flutter even more.

Finally, after three hours, things had settled down and all the Class Reps grudgingly walked out. Some were still unhappy, obviously, but there as nothing they could do about it. All of their grievances were argued and dismantled by Sam. They could not find anything to counter it.

Once the final person left, Sam leaned back on the chair and shook his head.

"That was sooooo intense," Betty was saying, "Who would have thought something as simple as a Valentine's Day celebration can be so heated?"

"It's because it's Valentine's Day that everyone is so pumped up about it," Sam said as he closed his 'Meeting' Notebook.

"It's only 5pm," Sam said as he looked at Betty, "Is that too early for dinner for you?"

"No, not at all," Betty said, "I usually have my meals by 6pm."

"Okay, that's good," Sam said.

"Here's the report of the meeting just now," Betty said as she gave him two sheets of paper.

Sam looked through the notes that she had made and was impressed. Truth be told, Sam had already jotted down the main gist of it in his notebook but he had to have a reason for Betty to be there.

"This is good," Sam said, "You should try out for the Secretary's position at the Student Council next year."

"Me? Really?"

"Yes, really," Sam said, "I can always guide you on what a Secretary does. So you can learn and try out at the end of the year."

Sam got giddy just thinking of the possibility of being able to spend time with Betty everyday after school. He sincerely was of the opinion that she was capable and that facet of hers impressed him.

There was much more to the bunny than what is seen and he was more than eager to find out all of them.

Betty's face shone as she heard Sam's admiration for her work. He praised her! She was so happy that she clapped and smiled widely, "That would be great! Then I can be together with you and Beatrice after school all the time!"

"Yeah, so work hard!" Sam encouraged.

"I will," Betty said with a promise.

"Shall we go to the cafeteria for dinner then?" Sam asked. At this time, there wouldn't be much of a crowd. Most of the students went for their meals at 6pm.

Betty nodded, as she helped clear up the table of papers and empty water bottles that were left behind, while complaining loudly about how irresponsible those Class Reps were.

"You should have made them clear up after themselves," Betty pointed out as she placed them in the black biodegradable plastic bag that Sam was holding out.

"True," Sam agreed, "Next time."

?? Cafeteria ??

As Sam expected, there weren't many people yet. So, after getting their food, they went to a table and began to eat. Betty had wanted to go to the Student Council to call Beatrice to join them but Sam told her that he had to be going soon.

Betty took his reasoning and followed him, not seeing the relieved look on Sam's face for having convinced her. He wanted 'alone' time with her so that he could get to know her better. The setting may not be a romantic nor an intimate one but it was enough.

For now.

Baby steps.

The more he got to know Betty, the more enamoured he was with her. Her bubbly personality was one thing, but it was her sincere heart that captured his interest even more. The way she kept talking about Beatrice and telling him all about her made him feel that Betty's heart was really big and warm.

"You've been talking about Beatrice all this time, so I can tell that she's someone very close to your heart," Sam said as he took a bite of his meal.

"Yes, she's everything I wish I could be," Betty gushed.

"But why? You're perfect the way you are," Sam said, while taking a gulp of water. Because of that, he didn't notice the sudden blush that hit Betty's face.

"You should just be yourself," Sam continued, "Comparing yourself to Beatrice is fine if she is your motivation to do well but not if it causes you to belittle yourself. Everyone has their own special spark."

Betty was quiet after listening to that and she smiled wistfully, "I guess you're right, though it's hard. Beatrice is super smart, logical and so responsible. Her future is so bright. I'm just a ditzy girl that acts before she thinks sometimes."

Sam frowned at that and Betty noticed his intense glare.

"Wha-at?" Betty stuttered.

"If I hear you put yourself down one more time, I swear, I will smack you," Sam said uncharacteristically.


Sam sighed and took her hand in his, "Look, you're not ditzy. You're energetic. You're spontaneous. You're pure, like bright sunshine. I really hate it when I hear you talk bad about yourself."

Betty stared at her hand, that was engulfed in Sam's firm grip. The warmth of his palm made her feel warm inside, and she smiled wistfully to herself.

Sam let go of her hand and resumed eating, seemingly unperturbed by the sudden skin contact. Inside, however, his heart was beating so rapidly in his chest that he felt like it would burst out. It had been a spontaneous act of his and he had held her hand before he even realised that he had moved.

"So tell me about yourself," Sam said, "And be kind to yourself. I don't want to hear anything negative."

So the rest of the dinner was spent with Sam patiently listening to Betty telling him about herself, with him sometimes admonishing her whenever she would describe herself in a negative manner. Time seemed to fly then, and before they knew it, they had finished eating.

Both were reluctant to part but neither had any good reason or excuse to prolong the dinner. So, they got up and placed their dirty trays and plates at its designated spot and walked out.

"l'll walk you back," Sam said as he walked beside her.

"You don't have to," Betty said with a smile, "The school grounds are quite secure."

"I know," Sam replied, "But I wouldn't feel good about letting you walk back by yourself. Just let me do this and pretend that I'm a gentleman."

Looking at his earnest and handsome face, Betty couldn't reject him a second time.

On the way back, they met up with Beatrice and Kyle, who were also on their way back to the dorms.

"I didn't see you at the cafeteria," Betty said, "Didn't you have your dinner yet?"

"I did," Beatrice said, "Kyle had some sent over to the Student Council."

"Oh, that's good then," Betty said with a relieved pat on her chest, "I had an early dinner with Sam."

"Yes, as a 'thank you' for her help earlier," Sam explained, "Well, since you're here, I will head off home now."

"Thank you for walking me back, Sam," Betty said.

"Not a problem," Sam replied with a smile.

"Any problems with the Class Reps?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing unexpected," Sam replied, "I will submit a summary tomorrow."

"Sure," Kyle nodded, "I'll be overseeing the decorations and event for Valentine's Day, but you'll be in charge of it, Sam."

"Me again?" Sam said with a frown.

"Yes," Kyle said with a big grin, "Public relations officer and also in charge of marketing. What else is Valentine's Day if it isn't all about public relations and marketing?"

"I'm just one person, you know," Sam pointed out, "Granted, I can do it but it would be far easier with more people."

"Duh, of course I know that," Kyle replied while rolling his eyes, "You'll have the entire first years to do your bidding. This will be the tradition from now on so that they can bond more."

"The decorations for the event, by the way. Not them doing your bidding all the time," Kyle said with a huge grin.

"Duh, of course I know that," Sam replied, mimicking Kyle, "I gotta go now. See you guys tomorrow!"

Sam left with a wave.

That night, Sam was busy at his desk, working. He may not have been able to get much out of Betty during dinner but he did know what he was going to give her for Valentine's Day. Inspiration hit him as he was busy admiring Betty and he realised that the hair tie that she uses for her twintails were different everyday.

Since the rules of Valentine's Day says nothing above $5 and handmade gifts were preferred, then he's going to make her something.

It was a music box to store all her hair ties.

He was drawing out the plans in the bunny notebook and getting all excited thinking about building it. It had been some time since he dabbled in his hobby. Although he liked making robots, this was something that was more special to him.

Sam already had most of the parts required at home, and he was going to use whatever 2nd-hand materials that he could get his hands on. That would cut cost to fit the rules and it gave him more satisfaction.

His face was shining as he continued drawing the plans.


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