New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 159 - Date?

After breakfast, everyone headed to their classes. Sarah had to separate from everyone else and as she walked to her class, she couldn't help but watch the Elite Five heading to a different building.

Sage Class.

Her eye narrowed, thinking of the vast gap between her and Kyle. It wasn't just the social class difference. It was basically everything! Right now, she had a hold that no one else had: she is his sister's best friend. Once they graduated, however, anything could happen.

Sarah bit her bottom lip in nervousness.

She was just an average person, from a normal background. She was not smart like the people Kyle normally hung out with. She wasn't striking looking but she was good enough, she believed. Sarah walked on to her class, her head lost in thought.

Taking Wing Chun was but the first step. The first step in improving herself. The longer she stayed by Kyle's side, the more she felt unable to think of the possibility of not being by his side. She had been complacent, thinking of just the status quo.

The last month, however, truly opened her eyes.

Kay's act of opening that Insta account was Godsent. At first, she had used it to simply catch glimpses of Kyle in various situations. It fed her desire to see him all the time. However, at each update, Sarah finally noticed how much work Kyle put in. How much pressure was on him.

She had known how difficult it had been for him to always be under the spotlight but this. This was a whole new level. The rescue he had executed. The company he had turned around. The rock climbing competition he had won.

Every, single, thing he did. He did with flair. With excellence.

While her?

She was only 14, she kept telling herself but looking at Kyle's Insta account ... so was he.

Sarah took a deep breath as she walked through her classroom door. She had a lot of work to do.

?? Sage Class ??

Sam was hunched over at his desk, his face all serious as he was writing a few things in his all trusty notebook. This one, however, was unlike the normal one he had with him.

When he had been following Kyle around, it was a simple black notebook with a spiral coil binding. The one he was writing in at the moment, was a book-type bound (tape bound) light coloured notebook with one rabbit sticker at the top right corner.

He was busy looking at some data on the computer and writing down notes after thinking a while. Sam's computer screen had a privacy filter that he had modified and made himself, so he was not worried about other people seeing what was displayed.

What Sam had done was take an older monitor that he had previously and removed the polarising filter that is between the TFT display and the glass. He then took an old spectacle frame of his and placed a new polarising filter on it. The result?

If other people were to look at his computer screen, the display would be so bright that nothing could be seen. Only by using the glasses he had modified with the polarising filter could the contents be seen.*

Xing Han, being Xing Han, couldn't help but come over to check out what Sam was doing so intently. Sam quickly closed his notebook and glared at the curious Xing Han that stood beside him.

"What research are you doing now?" Xing Han asked unabashedly, trying to make out the words on Sam's computer screen and then at the notebook Sam had under his hands.

"Important research," Sam answered evasively, "What about you? Don't you have your own research to do? A follow up from the holiday's project at Company LV?"

"It's done," Xing Han said, pulling out a chair and sitting next to Sam. He tilted his head to one side, placed his chin on his arm and looked at Sam innocently.

Sam blinked several times and studied Xing Han closely.

How could he have forgotten? Xing Han may be naively innocent with a relatively low EQ, but is IQ was still high. After all, he was in Sage Class. However, with his demeanor, childish behaviour and often obtuse comments, people tend to forget that.

Xing Han's forte was in business. He could grasp the concepts of how a business works easily, from the organizational aspects to the administrative concepts. Xing Han knew the theory and the workings very well but what he lacked was the ruthlessness that would often be required.

That, and the fact that Xing Han trusted people easily. A person could be nice to him and he'll not think badly of the other guy. Easy target for schemes. Though Xing Han would probably be able to get out of it with his skills, one still shouldn't step into the trap willingly, right?

Sam gripped his notebook tighter.

Xing Han's eyes twinkled when he caught sight of the bunny sticker.

"You know, I can probably help you on the bunny issue," Xing Han said. He deliberately did not say Betty's name as there were people nearby who could probably hear them - especially Beatrice.

"Amongst the four of us, you can't deny I have the widest range of girl friends," Xing Han said proudly.

He didn't mind being seen as the 'weakest' link of the Elite Five guys. Kyle was unapproachable as he as too elite. Ali was too exotic and mysterious. Sam was too aloof. Xing Han was everyone's best friend - and a potential way to get to know the Elite Five (rather, Kyle) better.

It never worked but people still tried anyway.

"You know all of those contacts of yours are just using you," Sam pointed out.

"Of course I know that. Nothing wrong so long as they don't cross the line," Xing Han replied, laying his head on the desk, "I'm using them as well. As long as I foster good connections, the future is limitless."

Sam stared at Xing Han.

It was rare for Xing Han to actually talk so seriously, let alone reveal what goes on in his mind. Xing Han saw Sam's look and he grinned.

"Basics of business," he said, "I don't like it and I know I tend to see the good in people all the time, but it doesn't mean I'm completely blind to it. I just don't have the heart to constantly think the worst of people."

Sam realised that his evaluation of Xing Han had been too shallow. He had only made his assessment based on how Xing Han was around him but he forgot one crucial factor: Xing Han acted wilfully around them because that was the only way he could release the pent-up stress built up in him to be the 'perfect heir'.

Sam had never seen Xing Han at home, or at work. Sam berated himself for that lack of insight and knew he couldn't make such wrong judgments again. He was Kyle's PA and Kyle would need to know everything possible about his enemies - and allies.

"I did some reading on bunnies," Xing Han said suddenly, tapping the bunny sticker. Sam instinctively brought his notebook closer to him.

"I can see why you're so enamored with them," Xing Han continued, seemingly not noticing that act of Sam, "Did you know that bunnies are sociable animals? Cute, loving and hyper."

Sam nodded. He knew.

It was confirmed by the research he had done. He had hoped to find something different about Betty, and a bunny. Unfortunately, the more he read, the more he couldn't disassociate Betty with a bunny.

Their personalities were just way too similar!

His notebook was full of these small notes about a bunny.

? Needs attention and lots of human interaction

? Is energetic

? Sociable

? Will show excitement by twitching ears and/or nose

Each and every single characteristic or personality of a rabbit ... was mirrored by Betty. No matter what he did, or how he looked, instead of being able to separate Betty with a rabbit, he was digging himself a deeper hole to fall into.

Was mixing with her the only way to get his mind back on track? But would his body listen to his mind??

Sam was in a dilemma. Perhaps Sam's suggestion was the right way to go?

"So what sort of help are you proposing?" Sam asked tentatively, wary of what Xing Han's answer would be.

"Dates!" Xing Han answered with a smile, "Specifically, double dates! You with her and me with whoever else I bring along."

"No," Sam said with a glare, "Absolutely not. I do not want her getting the wrong idea. This is about me getting rid of these ... feelings, not give her false hope or expectations."

"Okay, fair enough," Xing Han said, "Then what about me and her, and you with anyone I bring along?"

"NO," Sam hissed, "Your idea is getting worse and worse!"

"What?" Xing Han said with a pout, "You don't want to give her false hope is fine but I won't be doing that. This kills two birds with one stone. You get to spend time with her to get used to her and while my presence will stop you from acting weirdly, I can get to know her better."

"No," Sam said, shaking his head, "Out of the question."

Xing Han grinned and looked at Sam intently, his mouth twitching a bit.

"Okay, fine. No double dates. So, to be clear. You don't want to go out with her, right?" Xing Han asked.

"Right," Sam nodded, his eyes clear and bright.

"And you do not want to go on a double date with me," Xing Han continued.

"Of course not," Sam said.

"But you have no objections if she sees other people?" Xing Han pressed on.

Sam clenched his jaw but still managed to answer, "That's her choice now, isn't it? Why would I object?"

Xing Han grinned and got up, "Great!"

Sam watched as Xing Han walked away, and a sudden fear hit him. Sam swallowed a lump in his throat and then shouted, "WAIT! Where are you going?!"

Xing Han didn't even stop as he answered clearly, "Oh, nowhere special."

As he passed through the door, however, he stopped, turned and looked at Sam straight in the eye, "Just the first year classrooms. There's someone I want to ask out."

"XING HAN!!" Sam shouted, suddenly getting up and running after Xing Han who had disappeared.


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