New Game+

Chapter 4 - Charles Lindmitt

Seeker Carlean sat down with eyes that could shut tight at any moment. His teacher was not making the harsh and boring lesson any easier to learn. He stared at the board and tried to force his eyelids to open as wide as it can. How can any normal 16-year-old manage to fight this unassailable battle?

The empowering force of drowsiness was unrelenting.

The rest of the class didn't seem to face this problem. Obviously, they were not caught up by the mysterious powers that have ensnared Seekers mind.

This was witchcraft.

Something unearthly was forcing Seeker's eyes to close and the call of dreams sounded so seductive.

As his consciousness started fading, Seeker then heard his own voice speaking.


As the voice faded, a vast amount of images now erupted in Seeker's mind.

"Ahhhh!" an immense pain awakened Seeker from his drowsy state. He felt as if his brain was expanding and that something was going to explode in his mind.

Seeker fell from his seat and struggled in pain. Shouting and flailing.

The professor teaching the class was shocked and immediately rushed to Seeker. The nearby students started panicking at Seeker's sudden episode.

"Seeker!" various voices called out to Seeker.

But Seeker could not hear the voices in the room as the voices in his head were far more powerful and loud.

Seeker lost all sense of balance and his awareness started fading. Finally, the immense thrashing started to lessen as Seeker's consciousness faded off towards his dream.


The moment Seeker's eyes opened he immediately sprang up.

The sudden awakening shocked the people in the room. Seeker's mother immediately hugged the panicking Seeker.

Seeker was gasping for his breath and started looking around the room with a confused face.

"A hospital?" Seeker asked. His voice was trembling and his body could not stop from shaking.

"Zeek, you're in the hospital. It's ok now. It's ok." His mom hugged him as tears that were yet to dry continued to pour out from her eyes.

"What happened Zeek?" His dad was more firm than his Mom. Chris Carlean sat by the bed and gave a worried look towards Seeker. His eyes were filled with relief seeing that his son was alright.

Seeker didn't know what to say. He just woke up and couldn't remember the details of his fainting.

"I'm not sure. All I remembered was..." Seeker began to murmur. Grace finally parted her hug from Seeker.

The memories he saw started to change. A vast amount of memories started to jumble up as he pushed to recall the facts. The last thing he could remember was being in class struggling to keep his consciousness awake. But the last thing he also remembered was the FFA's ignition and how it successfully merged towards the core of the star energy ensuring the success of his mission.

Seeker stared at his parents and didn't know what to say. He looked deeply at his dad and towards his mom. The blue eyes of his dad and the almond eyes of his mom were the only things he stared at.

Seeker's panicked expression started to slowly disappear as a confused look began to surface. Then a warm and happy smile emerged. He immediately hugged his parents.

"I missed you guys." Seeker cried. "I was so scared."

Chris and Grace comforted their poor child and hugged him even tighter. Chris started telling odd jokes to make Seeker more relaxed.

Amidst the odd jokes and heartwarming sentiments, Seeker appeared to have recalled something.

"Zeek?" Grace asked at Seeker who seemed to have suddenly fallen into a trance.

"Mom, I'm very tired." Seeker spoke as he looked at his mom and dad.

Chris and Grace glanced at each other.

"Ok. You need to rest now." Grace gave Seeker a hug and kissed Seeker's forehead. Seeker laid in his bed and seemed to be trying to sleep.

"Mr. and Mrs. Carlean?" A voice interrupted from beyond the door.

"It must be the doctor." Chris hurriedly opened the door. A tall man in a long white coat stood there. His gaze was stern. His beard wild. He was like a war hero in a doctor's outfit.

"Doctor Lindmitt?!" Grace exclaimed.

The name awakened Seeker. He immediately sat up to stare at the unfamiliar doctor.

Seeker was sure. He was familiar with this doctor that he has never met in his entire life.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Doctor Plat already reviewed the MRI results and asked me to take a look at the patient."

"No problem at all Doctor!" Grace excitedly agreed.

"Grace, you know Doctor…?"

"Doctor Lindmitt! He's been over the news these past few weeks! A celebrity doctor!"

"Well, I wouldn't claim to be a celebrity doctor." Lindmitt chuckled.

"I came here and requested to take over in caring for Seeker Carlean. If that's alright with you, of course. No additional charges will be given for my services. You will still be paying the same fee as you did with Doctor Plat."

"The pleasure is ours! Chris, this is the doctor who was all over the news! The famous neurological doctor who managed to cure Alzheimer's!"

The news shocked Chris. Seeker, however, stared in even more confusion. How did he already know this?

"Well, how can we say no to such a generous offer?" Chris smiled.

"Now that I don't need to introduce myself, Seeker, I will now be your doctor and I will be sure to put to use a hundred percent of my capabilities-"

"To ensure that I'll get back to my 100% right? I'm relieved to be in your hands, Charles." Seeker interrupted.

Charles Lindmitt was surprised. Grace gave Seeker a peculiar look.

"Zeek, he's Doctor Charles. Show some respect!"

"Haha! It's alright, Mrs. Grace. Looks like little Zeek here has heard of me. Surprisingly he even knows of my catchphrases!"

Zeek started to hold his head in agony again. "I'm sorry but I'm very uncomfortable at how crowded this place is. My head's starting to throb again."

"Alright! Mr. and Mrs. Carlean would you mind if I spend some time with Zeek. I know that it's getting late and that Zeek is tired but his case requires a bit of haste on my part. If it's also alright with you, Zeek."

"No problem at all, Doctor."

Grace and Chris immediately left the room leaving the two alone.

"So… Right on to business then! Seeker, as you already-"

"Doctor Charles. I'd like to take a little test if you don't mind. It's related to my current state and might even help you on a possible plight you have regarding a neuro-alteration study you might be doing."

Charles was shocked to hear Seeker's claims.

"How did you know about my study? Who-"

"Relax Charles. I'm just a kid with an intense migraine. However, if what you'll help me and it proves my assumption then I guess I won't be an ordinary kid with a migraine."

Charles stood there wondering what the peculiar teenager was talking about.

"I'm not sure if I follow. Who are you and-"

"Charles. Please. I am as confused as you are. I don't believe what my mind is telling me. But so far, it has proven to be true. How did I know you when I've never met you? Why am I so familiar with your expressions, your habits, your favorite catchphrases? Why do I possess knowledge which exceeds what I should have? Help me."

Seeker wasn't even looking at Charles but continued massaging his temple. Charles didn't know how to respond.

"Alright. Let's make this simple." Seeker finally decided. He continued to massage his head but gazed straight to Charles. He recalled an important detail in Charles's future. Knowing his current age, then 'that traumatic event' must have just happened recently. As a military doctor who served in several tours, a certain event has always plagued Charles and had often poured his heart out to Seeker.

"If it's you, you might just have gone through it. How about... you flip a coin and have me guess it? It should be easy, right doctor?" Seeker smiled.

The doctor trembled. Those words were the last thing he heard before his platoon was killed. One by one, he was forced to guess and call it right. He called none right. All his fellow platoon died. This event was what made Charles obsessed with neuro-alteration and became the foundation for completing the Unlocking.

"Flip a coin and catch it. I'll call what it is the moment it lands. Try to be quick though and not make me know what the result was." Seeker repeated more traumatic words.

Charles stared in confusion. Bhut he found himself reaching for his pocket. if Seeker knew something about the neuro-alteration project he decided to see what the teen could do. His trauma also made him curious. He rummaged on his pocket and took out a coin. He stared at Seeker waiting for any signal.

Seeker gave a casual nod as he continued to massage his temples. He didn't look as interested as he should. Charles flipped the coin and caught the coin with his right hand.

"Tails." Seeker said casually.

Charles opened his palm and found the side which displayed the proud Sydian symbol.. This was, of course, the "tails" of the coin.


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