Never Die Extra (Edited)

Chapter 4: Evan D. Sherden, Clenched his fist (3)

Evan D. Sherden, Clenched his fist (3)

“Hee, hee, hee. Oh, I shouldn’t laugh.”

When Evan returned to the room with the Miraseul’s Necklace given to him by the Marquis, he locked the door tightly behind him and put the necklace on his neck.

At that moment, a video of slime’s funeral flashed through his mind and made his body shudder, but Evan shook his head off.

He will make sure the video doesn’t happen to him. He is not a fool this time!

‘I already know how to register as the owner of the artifact, how to summon slime… single summon, continuous summons, stop summoning.’

Level 1 slime is slime that can be dealt with by level 1 children!

Perhaps, if he masters the artifact, he can even summon a slime from a distance. Still, that was too much to do and will have little effect because the slime would only be level 1.

‘First, I’ll memorize the spells…’ he murmured.

“La Apsigoharhar Ugbojourmeiraseul…”

Evan chanted the spell. Yeo Ban-min, Evan’s previous life – how could he forget this spell? It was the spell that killed Evan so horribly.

But this time, this spell will save Evan; it will save me!

“La Apsigoharhar Ugbojourmeiraseul!”

There were countless jewels making up the neckless. One of the jewels, a green one stuck in the center, shone brilliantly.

“Come out, Slime!”

Evan fused mana into the artifact. He was not the ordinary Yeo Ban-min anymore, but Evan, who has natural mana control even at nine years old.


At that moment, a small slime appeared on Evan’s left palm. It’s a really cute, cute, green slime that couldn’t even fill the hand of a child!


“Cute…! You look so cute!”

There were two types of slimes in most games – a creepy one, and a cute one. Whether it’s a relief or a misfortune, the slime in the Yo-Ma Great War series was famous for having cute slimes as part of their game advertisements.

“Oh, but you still attack.”

[Squeak squeak]

The slime tilted its cute head at Evan’s words. Even now, it was spraying an extremely weak acid poison, damaging him.

Based on the game, slimes give 1 damage per five seconds. It’s too weak, but if it accumulates, it could be fatal to a child.

If it was Evan, an ordinary nine-year-old child, he would have been subjected a terrible fate for adoring this cute slime.

But this time, he knew what he had to do.


“Good-bye, abominable slime!”

Evan clenched his fist as hard as he could! The slime screamed and struggled violently to get out of his grasp, but Evan crushed him harder and harder with his fist!

“Die! Die!”

[Squeak! Squeak, squeak!]



In the end, slime failed to withstand the pressure and died on of his grasp. A very feeble explosion was released upon its death, but in less than a second, it evaporated and flew away.

Evan opened the window and to dissipate the smoke.

A smile of joy uncontrollably came to his lips.

“It’s possible. I’m all right now.”

Now that he knows that slime can die without much difficulty, it’s time to study how to do this more efficiently. He has come up with a rough method.

“The basic summoning position of slime is above my left palm. So, adjust the summoning when I want it if I hold it as hard as you can… Alright, like this!”


He summoned a second slime, and it was immediately and mercilessly crushed upon being summoned. The slime’s cuteness has no effect anymore.

“Three seconds, four seconds…”


As slime’s desperate scream grew smaller and smaller, Evan counted coolly. He was counting how long it would take for the slime to die.


“…11 seconds. It’s too slow.”

‘What an incompetent body! How could killing a little slime take 11 seconds?’

Evan clenched his teeth as he thought about it.

“But I still feel that very little of my mana has been used, and my HP seems to be unchanged. All right, let’s go on for now.”

In Yo-ma Great War 3, the physical reaction of the character’s HP and MP consumption is shown briefly as animations.

If HP falls below 50%, the character gets cold, and if it falls below 30%, it gets cold sweat.

If the MP falls below 50%, the character gives goosebumps, and if it falls below 30%, the heart feels tight.

“I mean, it’s okay to reach that.”

If each number falls below 10%, there will be more violent symptoms, but Evan did not mean to overdo it.

‘Each number should be kept at least 30 percent or more. If I am out of the house, HP should keep over 50%!’

‘I need to remember these details in my daily life…’

First, he will do his best to do what he can now! Just keep squashing slime in his fists!





From that moment on, Evan’s specialized training began in earnest.

His goal was to grasp harder and effectively deliver damage to slime, killing it quickly; then, summoning a new slime as soon as the first slime died, continuously.

“Oh, it’s hard.”


Of course, there were accidents such as slimes that were not caught on his hand upon being summoned, or slimes which have been summoned before the first one was thoroughly killed.





But one thing is clear: his skills are getting better and better! In a short time, his posture was better, and his grip reminded him of a natural hunter!





Soon, after his countless attempts, his technique has improved, and the duration to kill a slime was shorter.


“Oh, did the level go up in the meantime?”

At one point, Evan tilted his head and wondered about his level.

Unlike in the game where he can check the logs, Evan had no way of knowing if he had level-up.

Perhaps there was a possibility that he was just a master of repetitive tasks.

Or, even though it was unbelievable, there was a possibility of acquiring a new ability, like an enforced grip?

‘I see, this is why people don’t notice the level of existence.’

If Evan, who knows about the level of existence, is not too confident about his growth, what about those who don’t know it at all?

Evan shook his head with profound enlightenment.

In the meantime, he continued to summon slime and crush them under the pressure of his fist.

It had been about two hours.


“9 seconds. All right, I reduced it to 9 seconds! I’ve become very good at this. Maybe it’s okay to turn on automatic continuous summoning. No, that’s still scary, so let’s keep it the way it is for now.”

Suddenly, after achieving the nine-second kill, he felt a strain in his heart.

No doubt, a physical signal is indicating that only 30% of MPs are left!

Evan stopped moving. Slime summoning also stopped.

“But wait a minute…”

Come to think of it… his HP didn’t drop even if his MP reached 30 percent… No, he didn’t even feel that he has reached the 50 percent mark yet for HP. In fact, his body is in excellent condition now.

‘Is this possible? I’m sure mana will have recover faster than HP because of the necklace.’

The damage that slime does is undoubtedly weak. But with the number of slimes that he had touched, it would be normal for a 9-year old Evan to feel some effects from the damage, at least.

In other words, if mana drops, HP should drop too…But why?

‘Evan might have been a Physical type rather than a Mana type. That’s why HP growth is higher than MP.’

In the Yo-ma Great War, talents are classified. Magic Sword talent, Knight talent, etc.


Recognizing the character’s talent and developing its ability is a condition for success. A mana-type character won’t benefit too much from physical training and vice-versa.

“Wait, but Evan had Magic Sword in the main episodes of the game! How is he a physical type? Ughhhhhhhhh!”

He cried out in frustration. The basics are wrong!

Maybell ran in astonishment after hearing his cry.

“Sir, what’s the matter! Master!”

“Maybell…” Evan clenched his teeth and composed himself as Maybell banged at the door. “Nothing happened, nothing..”

But something definitely happened.

It was now unclear how long Evan would go on the training.


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