Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 5: Fun Chat

Chapter 5: Fun Chat

"How was your business trip, uncle?" I asked, a happy smile spreading across my face.

Both of them raised their eyebrows in surprise. They were used to my gloomy demeanor, so my sudden cheerfulness caught them off guard.

"It's alright," my uncle answered awkwardly, his voice coming out thin and lacking any sense of masculinity. He was already carrying extra weight like me, coupled with his acne-riddled skin and that frail voice of his.

He really look like a total loser.

To make a comparison, in a world where only the two of us men existed, I'd probably be considered a heartthrob, even though I knew I wasn't exactly handsome. In contrast, my uncle's appearance was simply unfortunate.

In a strange way, I needed to thank my mother for at least passing down some of her good genes to me. Yes, my mother was quite the beauty. That's why everyone jumped to the conclusion that she had cheated and run off with another man when she disappeared. But I knew that wasn't the real truth. In my memories, I saw that my mother genuinely loved my father.

Time to eat for now.

As I began to dig into the food on the table, I sensed Alyssa's cold gaze fixed on me. I couldn't tell if she had already read my message, but I was fairly certain that suspicion wasn't directed my way. I mean, I was a NEET who usually confined myself to my room, so how could I possibly have orchestrated something so clever?

Or perhaps she was perplexed about how I was still alive?

Let see her status.



Name: Ji-Hoon Allysa

Age: 25 years old Overall Stats: 12.5

Level (5)

Strength: 0.5

Agility: 1

Stamina: 1

Endurance: 0.5

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 8.5

Status : Angry


I sighed . I thought it would give me some good information but it just say angry. I could tell that just by looking at her gaze!

Maybe in the future, I would see more if I upgraded my mind eye, but now I just had to bear with this.

How about my uncle stats? I was curios about his stats as well


Name: Ji-Hoon Geji

Age: 45 years old Overall Stats: 4

Level (1)

Strength : 1

Agility : 0.4

Stamina : 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 0.5

Charisma : 0.1

Status : Horny


What kind of stat is this? Intelligence at 0.5? No wonder he was easily manipulated.

Now, I'm quite certain that my intelligence was also inherited from my mother. This stat is simply embarrassing for a middle-aged man like him. I felt a mix of resentment and pity for his lack of brain.

As we continued eating, I observed the interactions between my uncle and Allysa. As usual, she played the role of a sweet wife, but every now and then, I caught her rolling her eyes and displaying signs of disgust when my uncle wasn't looking. It was quite a comical sight.

"At least I'm not foolish enough to believe that I can attract beautiful women with a face like that," I sneered in contempt, but soon I realized I was also insulting my own appearance.

Is this what they call feeling vindicated? Finding satisfaction in the fact that my uncle is worse off than me?

Not good , I should maintain a more respectful attitude. After all, I possess a System that has the potential to make me incredibly powerful in the future. I shouldn't wallow in self-pity... Screw that nonsense. I don't care if I'm the most pitiful person alive, as long as I'm happy.Hehehehe

"Dumb uncle and bitchy wife. What a perfect combo!" I muttered under my breath.

Finally, dinner came to an end. I rushed to my room in my usual manner, and neither my uncle nor his bitchy wife found it odd. It was my routine already.

Upon entering my room, I locked the door and checked my computer. There it was, a message:

Allysa: Who the hell are you? And why do you have these pictures?

Hehehe. I couldn't help but break into a grin after reading her response. Without wasting any time, I composed another message to send to her.

Me: Your ex



Allysa: What the hell are you playing at? I'll take legal action against you.



Me: Sue me for what?



Me: For exposing the fact that you've been quite "active" with numerous guys? LOL



Allysa: You fucker!



Me: Is that what you call your partners? Fuckers? Because they certainly gave you a hard time in that video. XD



Allysa: What do you want? Money?

[Ding +10 XP]

"Money?" I practically leaped out of my chair. Living with my miserly aunt for so long, the sound of money was like a melody to my ears. But another sound made me even happier. Indeed, I had gained experience points. I had assumed I would only receive XP after completing quests, but it seemed that wasn't the case at all.

Realizing that this phenomenon occurred when my bitchy aunt was agitated, I wondered if I could further provoke her to earn more XP. Well, why not give it a shot and see what happens?

Me: Money? Nah, I'm not interested in that. How about you put in some effort instead? Hehehe.


Allysa: What are you truly after?

Me: Something that every man desires, if you catch my drift.

Allysa: You disgusting pervert!

[Ding +10XP]

Me: Disgusting ? It's not like your pussy is brand new ?

Allysa: Fuck you!

[Ding +10XP]

Me: When do you want to fuck ? XD

Allysa: I'm going to fucking block you now. You disgusting pervert.

[Ding +10XP]

Me: Go ahead and block me. Your nude pictures and porn videos will be all over the internet within seconds. I will put this title for clicks "Horny Gold digging Housewife"

[Ding +10XP]


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