Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 26: Careful Approach

Chapter 26: Careful Approach

Back in the hotel room, I considered myself fortunate to have managed to purchase a genuine lab rat from an online seller.

Initially, I inquired about regular rats that he usually bred as snake food. However, luck was on my side when I happened to mention lab rats, and it turned out that he actually had one available for sale.

I watched the rats closely, my attention fully absorbed by the tiny creatures as they darted about within their cage. It was an odd sort of focus, considering I was essentially running experiments on them.

These particular rats had pristine white fur and were noticeably smaller than the typical sewer-dwelling kind.

And Here I am, peering at these innocent little rats, fully aware of their future.

I'm feeling a bit guilty ,so, I will just chalk up their unfortunate end to the person who had apparently plotted my death.

I'll be sure to let them know that their actions led to a few less rodents in the world. But hey, in the spirit of paying respects, I solemnly promised to channel my inner avenger and make these rodents' sacrifice count. Because clearly, this is how justice works.

"Now time to get serious," I muttered to myself

Armed with my collection of tools and resources, I was all set to dive into the experiment and unveil the truth about the suspected poison in the water.

I prepared the materials, setting up a controlled environment to ensure accurate results. Placing a small amount of the suspect water into a dropper, I watched as the rats curiously approached.

As I released a single drop onto the floor of their cage, I held my breath, waiting to see if any reaction would occur.

Minutes ticked by, and nothing seemed to change.

The rats continued their usual activities, seemingly unaffected by the drop of water. Doubt started to creep in as I questioned whether I had been wrong.

Had I been too hasty in my assumptions? Maybe the water was just plain old water, and the culprit of my death was actually my questionable diet of late-night snacks and Netflix binges?

But just when I was ready to wave the white flag of failure over my "genius" experiment, something unexpected happened.

Out of the blue, one of the rats came to a screeching halt. It sniffed around the vicinity of the water droplet, then acted like it had just encountered a chili pepper coated in hot sauce. The rat dashed away, taking refuge in a far corner of the cage.

This unexpected rat behavior – the equivalent of a rat screaming "I ain't touching that shit!" – was exactly the sign I was hoping for.

But my hunger for the truth wouldn't let me off the hook that easily.

I was on a mission for answers, darn it! So, I geared up for Round Two of Rat Roulette.

This time, I skipped the droplet drama and went straight for the high-stakes game: mixing the suspicious water right into the rat food. If this water was indeed harboring some nasty poison, this approach would serve up a direct and thorough investigation.

As I kept my eyes glued to the rat trio, time ticked by. seconds seemed to stretch into minutes as I patiently observed their every move, waiting for any sign of change. And sure enough, my persistence was rewarded – a reaction started to unfold before my eyes.

The one that had previously shown a response to the water droplet – began to exhibit signs of distress. Its movements slowed, and its eating became lethargic.

Soon, it abandoned the food entirely, retreating to a corner of the cage. To my surprise, the other rats mirrored the same behavior, their vigor replaced by a gradual decline in activity.

My heart raced, and I was shocked to see the potency and effect of the water. The rats' actions weren't just some random behavior; they were showing signs that were eerily similar to my own frightening experience of uncontrollable and terrifying blood vomiting.

It was like a puzzle coming together, leaving little room for doubt – the water I had ingested was definitely contaminated with a lethal poison.

"So someone actually want me dead. Motherfuckers!" I exclaimed, my frustration evident as I slammed my hand onto the desk. It was a natural reaction – anyone would be enraged if they found out they were a target of such malicious intent. But the burning question remained: who could it be?

My mind raced through the list of potential suspects. Allysa, my first and perhaps most obvious suspect, had motives that couldn't be ignored.

Then there was my uncle, who also had access to my inheritance and stood to gain from my death. Additionally, there was Allysa's sister, who frequented the house and could have played a role in the sinister plot.

With these three individuals in the spotlight, my suspicions grew stronger. I need to know who among them wanted me death.

Naturally, I had every intention of serving up a hefty dose of retribution to all those involved of my misery . But the individual who had taken a shot at ending my life? Oh, they were in for a special treat, a unique spot in my heart reserved just for them. It might not be a place they'd want to be, though.

"What's my next move?" I wondered silently.

Then, like a light bulb flickering on, a rather cunning idea struck me – why not use my power to force the truth out of them? It sounded like a neat plan.

Thanks to my unique skill, I had the means to compel confessions and eliminate any lingering doubts. The trick, though, was to conduct these interrogations far from my home, just to ensure my safety.

The individual behind this murderous intent clearly has no qualms about ending my life, so confronting them directly might not be the smartest move. While I do have the advantage of the system, I'm not naive enough to blindly walk into a potential trap.

And as for involving the police, well, that's a whole different story. Given the extreme transformation I've undergone in such a short span of time, it's highly unlikely that they'd take my word for anything. Even my aunt could deny knowing me, and they'd probably believe her without a second thought

My goal was clear: isolate my main suspect and extract the truth, no distractions allowed.

Time to channel my inner detective Con*n, I suppose.

I swiftly open up my computer and sent a message over to my dear beloved aunt. She was my main suspect, plus she was someone I could easily get in touch with. My uncle, on the other hand, tended to be out and about most of the time.



Me: Let's meet up at Starbucks - 72 Toegye-ro, Hoehyeon-dong, at 12:00 pm. Your video will go viral online if you don't show up. Don't involve the police or your video will be released automatically.

This was my brilliant plan, inspired by a Korean series. I chose a Starbucks near the market because it's usually crowded.

Now, it's time to get everything ready.


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