Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 13: My pride?

Chapter 13: My pride?

I left the hotel without making a fuss, knowing that the rude pink-haired girl was working at this place. With her occupied, I had ample time to plot my plan. As the saying goes, revenge is best served cold.

My first move was to flag down a taxi, and within moments, I was on my way.

The cityscape unfurled before me as the taxi winded through the bustling streets, giving me a glimpse of down town Seoul during the day. The urban sprawl was alive with people scurrying about, and the sheer magnitude of the activity overwhelmed my senses.

This was the world that had been denied to me due to my appearance and lack of support. It felt beautiful and liberating, yet there was a part of me that remained apprehensive about this new experience.

There's an underlying fear of the unknown, particularly when it comes to interacting with people. I mean, I might be quite quirky when I'm in front of my keyboard, but face-to-face interactions are an entirely different ballgame.

The Taxi finally stop .

Upon reaching my destination, I stepped out of my ride and into the heart of downtown. The small clothing store I'm searching for stood nestled among the vibrant landscape of shops and eateries.

Strolling down the street, I couldn't help but notice some peculiar glances from people. I'm fairly certain they're fixating on my baggy clothes at the moment. It dawned on me that I might've missed a trick—online clothing shopping should have been my first move. It's not like it takes ages, and it would've saved me from this spectacle. Alas, I didn't connect those dots in advance. Oh well, facepalm moment for me!

So, in the absence of better options, I opt for Plan "Walk Faster." It's not the most graceful exit strategy, but hey, it's better than being the laughingstock of the sidewalk runway!

"Finally, a clothing store!" I exclaimed, spotting a small shop adorned with clothing items in the display windows. Even without a sign, it was crystal clear they were all about fashion. The glass panels boasted mannequins showcasing their wears.

Entering the store, the tinkling sound of a bell above the door welcomed me. The interior was cozy, with racks of clothing neatly arranged and a warm, inviting atmosphere. The air carried a blend of fabric scents, creating a unique aroma that defined the place. The soft glow of lighting fixtures highlighted the textures and colors of the clothes on display.

No one came forward to assist me, so I figured it was a self-serve store. Honestly, that worked out just fine for me, considering my conversational skills are a work in progress. Interacting with others is an area I need to refine. I can't help but wonder if charisma could lend me a hand with that.

As I browsed through the clothing racks, my excitement grew. The store seemed to cater to various styles, offering a selection that ranged from casual to semi-formal. I couldn't help but lose track of time as I examined the different patterns, materials, and designs.

Finally, I stumbled upon clothing that suited my taste. A basic black pair of shorts caught my eye, stopping just above the knees, adorned with two silver lines that added a touch of flair.

For the top half, I discovered a plain white T-shirt with a round neckline. It was a simple outfit, but it exuded a sense of comfort. I decided to give it a try in front of the mirror, and I couldn't help but feel satisfied with the style I had put together.

Of course, I also selected another set of clothing: gray pants, some new pair of shoes , along with T-shirts and a polo that matched perfectly. Having access to the internet proved to be quite handy. A quick search for clean and stylish ensembles provided me with instant references to work with.

"That would be 300,000 won, sir," the cashier stated.

300,000 Won? I was so engrossed in my shopping that I completely forgot to check my budget. I could return the items, but I'd come off looking pretty broke if I did that.

With a reluctant sigh, I paid for everything and headed on my way. Having already changed into the black shorts and white T-shirt, I now looked like a regular person. As I passed by a mirror, I couldn't help but be amazed by the progress I'd made. My aunt wouldn't even recognize me if we happened to cross paths.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm still not Henry Cav*ll, but I'm at least teetering on the edge of... well, not bad-looking. Hys ,who am I kidding? let's be real, I'm still pretty darn ugly, especially with these acne scars plastered across my face.

I chuckled to myself at my own thoughts. As much as I tried to downplay it, this transformation was a big deal for me. I had come a long way from the person who used to hide behind an overweight body and low self-esteem.

Leaving the clothing store behind, I stepped back onto the bustling streets. The crowd passed around me, and for the first time, I didn't feel like an outcast. I still had my quirks and uncertainties, but today marked a small victory.

"Now what should I do to reached level 4?" I asked myself as I stroll around . For my plan to dominate that pink haired girl to work, I need to level up and increase one particular stat. Unfortunately this system seemed to only react or give me mission when I hate someone .


Suddenly, I felt a jolt as a man bumped into me. I had seen him approaching, and the street was wide, so I was taken aback by the impact.

My strength was still quite feeble, so my body gave way the moment our shoulders met.

"You moron! You just messed up my clothes! What are you going to do about this?"

His furious voice hit me like a ton of bricks, and as I lifted my head, his image came into clearer focus. He sported a purple suit with a gaudy, flowery T-shirt tucked in.

Wait, am I getting scammed right now by these kinds of thugs? I mean, I thought these things only happened in novels.

Facing this confrontation had me quaking in my boots, for sure.

Courage doesn't just magically appear overnight, right? I'm no superman; yesterday, I was just a full-blown NEET binge-watching way too many hentai video. So, imagining me suddenly morphing into a brave warrior? Yeah, that's a bit far-fetched!

I will check his level first.

"Mind Eye"


Name : Hyun-ji Kang

Age : 35 years old

Overall Stats : ??

Level (11)


Strength: ??

Agility: ??

Stamina: ??

Endurance: ??

Intelligence: ??

Charisma: ??



"A high level !" I nearly accidentally bite my tongue when I see those stats. It's my first time encountering someone at such a high level. And this guy is just an ordinary street thug? What's someone of their caliber doing involved in petty street scams like this? This is frustrating.

I better apologize and pay him. I don't stand a chance against someone so much stronger. Running away is risky too—what if he's faster? Right now, I can't rely on my speed.

"I'm so.."


[Mission : Show this street thug you're pride as a man. Punch him in the face!]

[Reward : 50XP]

[Failure : -5 agility]


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