Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 338: First Upload (IX): Lucian

Chapter 338: First Upload (IX): Lucian

Even if he had to set everyone within the prison free, Rezar knew that was an undertaking he just didn't have time for, and he obviously couldn't take the prison with him. And whatever these red vines were that created ores for forging capable of growth by absorbing the blood of the enemies, there was enough of it around the ruins to completely outfit half of the army in full armor, or all of it with personal weapons. But first things first they had to secure this ruins, and that wasn't a problem as Alistair was already on his way to canvass and secure it. The only problem that Rezar has now was what to do with his resident werewolf.

He shot a wary look at the massive black building and then walked towards the werewolf, he was sitting down with his head hunched over, his shoulders incredibly burdened. But be that as it may, there was a brightness to his eyes that Rezar couldn't put a finger on, and that was totally and completely unexpected when you factored just how much of a colossal cluster fuck of a situation he is currently in. but even if they had almost killed each other, a fact that up until now still anno0yed Rezar a bit, they were sort of like kindred spirits. Sure their situation was vastly different, but he could relate on so many levels.

"So what will you do now?" Rezar asked as he took a seat besides the werewolf. The werewolf looked at him for a second before shifting his gaze forwards again to stare into the darkness that was ahead of him, as if it would bring forth the answers he seeks.

"I honestly don't know, at the moment I'm incredibly scared for what my future would hold, because this situation is as messed up as you can possibly get, and I have no idea what steps to take that would give my life anymore meaning. A game has become my reality. this is the kind of shit you would read about in novels, but those novels barely do justice to how messed up and in pain I possibly am.

I've left the people I love behind. My family, I was probably the first person to get uploaded into this gaze. And even if time in Elysium is decidedly faster than on earth, it's been thousands of years here, which means it has been dozens if not hundreds of years back on earth. There's no one waiting for me anymore, and even If they're are within Elysium, I'm nothing more than a remnant of a forgotten past, a memory of a life that they once had, a whisper of a dream, an idea, a future that could have been. I'm angry. But I don't even know who to be angry at and its tearing me apart."

Rezar took a deep breath as they lulled into a comfortable silence. There was just so much bubbling underneath the surface of this werewolf's calm veneer that Rezar felt hesitant to even poke at him in his volatile state. Because he wasn't calm, Rezar has lived longer enough and have been through enough shit to know a ticking time bomb when he sees one, and right now that's what he's observing.

"I guess you don't have any other choice but to try and find you way. To figure out just what you have left, and what your life can and could be. Ill extend an invitation to you as a guest, Necron city and the kingdom of Morte Bianca was built for people like you. for people like us. Were just a bunch of rejects or conquered egomaniacs who have decided to come together to build something bigger than ourselves. To be a part of something meaningful. I'm not trying to sell you anything but think of this as a paid vacation, rest and be around other people and see the world differently and brightly than the darkness you have been subjected too for thousands of years. live." Rezar said to the werewolf as he got up and gave him one of his now famous smirks.

"That's a very generous offer but...does it extend to everyone else too, to everyone who has been imprisoned here?" Rezar paused for a moment, then he answered with an even bigger smile.

"Why the hell not, it's not as if you guys have anywhere else to go. My gates are always open, though I would want you all to follow my rules and regulations and not give me a reason to put a more permanent end to them, but in that regard I believe you can keep them all under control?" Rezar asked with the smile still on his face.

"Naturally, I'm not the kind of man who likes chaos. I would put them in place so as not to impugn on your hospitality. You're giving us a place to live so that we can figure out our next steps and move forwards with our lives. I don't think anybody would want to jeopardize that. though decidedly many of the people we will be releasing are NPCs. The original Npcs of Elysium. Your rat undead has spoken to me about it, and I get the feeling that NPCs are a bad idea." Rezar shrugged his shoulders and said to him.

"If you can tell and Npcs from an upload then fine, but if you can't; no need to make a scene out of anything. All are welcome in to my kingdom. They'll have a three months' grace period to figure themselves out, and then based on their decision we would lend help or give traveling supplies to those who feel they can't stay. Or conform to my society."

"and what if that person is me?" the werewolf asked, making sure to look Rezar right in the eyes as he asked that question.

"I do want to keep you on a short leash and controlled. You almost killed me, heck without Vita Gratia it is not too farfetched to say that I am not your match. In the hands of my enemies you will be the weapon that will bring about the downfall of Morte Bianca. And then finally everything they have coveted from the very day I built my city and my kingdom would be in their full grasp. You're free to choose your path, I will keep a close watch on you for as long as my interest lasts. If I should see a hint of an alliance with my enemies there's no two ways about it, I'm going to hunt you down and kill you with every tool in my disposal. But I trust you would be civil about this?" Rezar asked as he turned to leave.


"What?" Rezar asked confused at what the werewolf just said.

"Lucian; my name is Lucian. Let's be friends to avoid such and ugly scenario." Rezar raised an eyebrow then smiled as he turned to walk away.

"Sure why the hell not Lucian, guess you and I are friends now."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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