Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 21: Decide To Explore

Chapter 21: Decide To Explore

Rezar couldn't help smiling, there was a rather sinister grin on his face as he rubbed his palms together in satisfaction of the sight in front of him, and what sight was that? It was money, or at the very least the extreme avenue to make money in front of him. The past three days had seen him make multiple trips back to the cavern mole caves, by now a significant amount of the dead moles there were already resurrected, put to work and expired. They mined for him, but not just mining, he used them to expand the cave he lived in.

They were hard workers, but quite dumb. But of course it was that way, zombies weren't known to be the smartest, heck they were called zombies because of that, or at least because they were undead. Rezar had to monitor the expansion of his cave, he also lent a hand since he was a bit stronger, and he had all this mining skills and class, so it would be a waste not to put it to good use. It took them the better part of a day to expand the cave, and then dig another room into; this was much larger and would serve as a bedroom when he needed it.

It was an inkling feeling of sorts, but Rezar didn't feel the need to get to attached to this cavern, he very much wanted the opportunity to walk in the sun free of his shackles and live the carefree life he envision. In fact since death classes were so reviled, and he had both a death class and a rather ominous trait that had to do with death, he plans to get his freedom and travel to the frontier and pioneer new lands that would be his alone without trouble from the other denizens of Elysium.

As it stands, based on what he remembers, Elysium was a planet/ continent that's giant circular landmass on top of a globe. Basically the planet and the singular cap like continent were one and the same, and it is ever expanding ever growing, as more and more people from earth upload into Elysium's servers. The frontier of Elysium are wide stretches of land, mountains, forests, seas, deserts, jungles, mountain ranges etc that has not been colonized.

Though it was quite dangerous, and quite a lot of people have failed, many decide to travel as pioneers and colonize new lands. They would save enough money to buy a spire and then travel until they find a place worth settling, brave the elements, monsters and treacherous terrains. But funny enough people living in these settlements always strive to travel inland to return to the other properly established kingdoms and empires. In the end without access to proper trade channels and special bodies of power like the adventurers association, the mage towers, and the forces of every settlement, village, town, city, kingdom and empire, it becomes really hard for them to survive or grow.

But Rezar had a different plan, the wilds of the frontier were his goal as that would keep far away from prying eyes and he could live as freely as he could. He would prefer building a house over a cliff overlooking an ocean, a place where he can watch the sunsets and the sunrise together.

Rezar shifted his gaze back to the project he had in hand, and that was actually nothing. All of the zombies had already been given tasks, and even though he had been somewhat busy, he now suddenly found himself devoid of a job. It was weird; this was the first time he suddenly found himself devoid of any sort of job since he came to the cavern. Screet was also free as the red eyed zombie Mole man seemed all too willing to hang around his master, but when you think about it, it's not as if he had a will or consciousness of his own.

But without anything to do, it left Rezar with just one option, and that was to finally explore the cavern itself. He had no intention of going far, but just poke around his immediate vicinity and sees what other neighbors he had to contend with apart from those annoying cavern moles that honestly at this point he no longer considered a threat, not even the elite moles hiding in the cavern could shake him. But none the less he had to be careful, so he grabbed his trusty javelin, his broken sword, a sack full of earth worms; his almost ripped to shreds leather armor and brand new pants. The last pone did not survive the cave of the cavern moles.

"Screet! Come on we're going on an adventure." Rezar looked at Screet with a look of expectation, but all the mole-man did was look back at his master with the same blank look as before, Rezar sighed and hung his head down a bit, honestly he felt like a fool. How long has he been here, yet he felt extremely lonely, never the less he still had places to be.

He stepped out and looked out into the cavern that though dark was quite bright to him. Rezar wasn't sure why he had such a sunny disposition today, but at the very least he wasn't feeling negative so that should be a plus. He turned his head to the left and marched east, unlike the western part of the tunnel entrance into the cavern that sloped downwards, the eastern part went upwards, basically the cavern itself was like the inside of a shell, with the spirals going round its entire circumference and acting as ledges and pathways to the hundreds if not thousands of caves littering the walls of the cavern.

Exploring was the only other option available to Rezar right now, as much as he wouldn't like to admit it, when it comes to crafting the things he needs to survive and have a comfortable life, he absolutely sucks. But he wasn't too worried about that, he couldn't learn everything, so that door that's still making a mockery of him can remain there, he's going to go take a look around and see what sort of other monsters were still living within the cavern.

He might still be trying to figure out who he truly was in this world, however he had already taken the first step in deciding what he wanted to do with his life. And Rezar knew it wasn't really something many people are able to figure out on time, but yet he had chosen a path and had a vision for how he wanted to live his life. The only hope is that in the process of making his way of life a reality, he comes to discover who he truly is as a person. But for now he knows that there's something he really enjoys doing, and as weird and downright sinister as it sounded, that thing he's suddenly found an appetite for was...KILLING!


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