Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 18: Cavern Moles (V): Fight!!

Chapter 18: Cavern Moles (V): Fight!!

"Screet attack all hostiles, but keep back, don't let them drag you down!" Rezar gave Screet a sharp order as he swiped the harpoon in his right hand, smacking it against the face of a mole and sending it tumbling down.

Attack all hostiles, keep back, and don't get dragged down. Three simple commands, anything other than that would have been incredibly hard and difficult for Screet to follow. It was still just a zombie, and even more so just a simple infant mole-man. It was a higher evolved monster than a common mole, but still pretty much basic, so Rezar had to make simple plans that they could both follow and stick to.

Rezar's stabbed his harpoon forward, right through the head of a basic cavern mole, basically the mole with the medium size bulk and had levels from 10 upwards. Once they get to fifteen or rather sixteen they become elite moles.

He used the still lodged mole to sweep aside other moles climbing the walls and I to the cave much to his surprise.

Moles were usually slow and somewhat clumsy, they had powerful claws and forelimbs for digging holes, but moles were for all intents and purposes fat.

Not to mention their limbs weren't arranged in such a way that could make them really good climbers, but here they were defying all the odds, which was understandable in a way, Elysium was not the real world, no matter how real it might seem. Rezar pulled the mole out and grabbed it with his hand, it was a bit heavier than he thought, but it didn't stop him from acting.



He didn't even take time to look at the stats of the mole he had just brought back to life, as soon as it could hear and see, he chucked it into the crowd of incoming moles and gave it one order; "Kill!" and it reacted almost immediately, its claws flashing as it ripped two of its comrades apart before pouncing on to the next. Rezar stepped forwards and smashed his toe into the face of another mole sending it flying like a soccer ball. He swung his spear like a wooden bat cracking open some few heads as he noticed moles with significant chunks of their bodies missing falling into the horde from the cave and going wild as they also attacked, looks like Screet was already putting in the work.

However his momentary lapse of concentration cost him as a mole pounced at him, using an agility that was totally not supposed to be possible for moles. Its massive jaws found purchase in his neck, ripping into his throat as his life giving blood began to spill out in a gushing stream. There was such intense pain that he almost blacked out.

His harpoon fell out of his hand and rolled out the cave into the crowd of cavern moles still scrambling to climb over each other and get to him, and also suffering from the assault of the moles both he and Screet had resurrected. But as usual there was no fear, even with an injury that could pretty much guarantee his death, and also in the midst of blinding pain, Rezar was still able to act accordingly to the situation as he placed his hands on the moles chest and internally activated his skill.


The mole released its hold on Rezar's neck as it screeched in pain and fell back to the ground. Its body contorted and twisted as it writhed in pain, Rezar reckoned that this was probably what it felt like to have a cardiac arrest, but he couldn't be sure, it's not as if he's ever had a cardiac arrest. Even with his weird train of thought, Rezar had already pulled out an earth worm, ignoring the writhing movements being made by the fifteen inch animal; he pulled out its head or tail.or head. It was hard to determine which part of its body was which; it was an earth worm after all.

If there was someone else watching, they'll be able to see with startling clarity how Rezar's ripped out throat began to repair itself. Cells rapidly replicated themselves as tissue was reattached or re-grown in seconds and a smooth unblemished chocolate brown neck was left exposed for the world to see.


Rezar scrunched up his face a bit, looks like it would take a little longer for his voice to get back to normal, but right now he was still in the middle of a fight. He picked up his broke sword and took a step forward, stomping down on the head of a mole and stabbing the broken blade into its neck with ease. He pulled the blade out, already using the raise undead spell as he slide the broken sword under the jaw of another mole. He used the skill again, and they were both successful as two newly resurrected zombie moles fell off the cave entrance and into the melee beneath them.

A massive jaw clamped around his calf, but Rezar ignored it as he casted rot at a mole that seemed a little bigger than the rest and was standing out within the crowd of moles. The mole screeched in pain as ifs face began festering and rotting. The rot skill only had a three second duration, but even after that what's left will keep on spreading like a cancer, though Rezar knew if it was a creature of significant strength and defense, it would probably be able to shake off the effects of rot and still try to kill him.

Rezar swiped the broken sword on the neck of the mole; cutting it so deep that even bone was shown. A claw swipe from out of nowhere took Rezar's right eye and much of his face was gouged out, even to the point where his teeth and cheekbones could be seen. He resurrected the mole that had bitten his leg before stabbing the half sword at the rump of the mole that just tore his face open and tried running away after, quite crafty for a mole. And its tail was longer to.

It managed to escape into the crowd, but not without a souvenir from Rezar. Rezar took a step back and pulled out another worm before calling out to Screet.

"Screet use dark tremor."

Screet did not even act as if it had heard as it stabbed it's scary looking claws into the eyes and subsequently the skull of another mole and flung its body away, making sure to smash it into another comrade of his. The two foot tall mole-man walked forward and then slammed its clawed feet on the ground, causing a deep rumble for about five seconds that got moles attention, before a shockwave of black energy spread out with three meter radius.

The moles that were closer were blasted back and had their skin and body rapidly shriveled and twisted before they hit the ground. The closer they were the more effective the skill and those closest were dead, almost if their life force was sucked away. None of these moles had a resistance to dark or death elements, plus they weren't on the level as actual human beings or other races, so it was like throwing a grenade into a classroom filled with children.

Rezar ate the earth worm in his hand, lamenting the fact that it tasted like crap and this was the eight one, he had seven left. And this fight didn't seem any close to getting finished, either way there was no other option but to go forward. This time he jumped down out of the cave with Screet in tow, all of the other moles they had resurrected gathered around them and numbered at least 26, most of which came about because of Screet, either way, Rezar was going to grow this army and win, and he had to.


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