Necromancer Survival

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

What did he just say….?

At the unexpected bombshell, I paused patting Kim Sangyoon’s back and turned to look at him.

However, Seo Dawon simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s okay. Lim Jisoo probably doesn’t even know her brother’s dead.” His words were probably meant to be reassuring…

….But, far from being reassured, I only became more confused.

“Let’s just start with getting Kim Sangyoon situated. I’ll tell you more after you send him back to his house.” Seo Dawon refused to expand on it further.

Eventually, I managed to regain composure. “Hey… So, I’ll contact you in front of the Dungeons tomorrow. And, for the time being, don’t tell anyone else about the contract or Seo Dawon.”

Kim Sangyoon wiped his tears and nodded. “I won’t reveal anything even if Bae Jaemin tortures me!” The addition of such useless, solemn oaths was a bit burdensome, but I was not so coldhearted as to reject any of his fervor.

“That probably won’t happen….” I said, returning him to his own quarters.

“Let’s speak now.” I confronted Seo Dawon as soon as I saw Kim Sangyoon off. Though he languished on the sofa, leaning comfortably against a few cushions, his expression wasn’t peaceful, as if he was recalling a particularly bad memory.

“Lim Jisoo only has one family member: her younger brother…His name was Lim Jiho, a Warrior. I don’t exactly know what the relationship between the two was like, but she introduced him to outsiders as her younger brother…The relationship couldn’t have been bad.”

“So, because you killed her brother, Lim Jisoo….”

“I already said she knows nothing about it. If she knew, would she have let me die so easily?”

Certainly, when I recalled Seo Dawon’s memory, Lim Jisoo’s attitude did not seem to harbor any resentment, a hatred brought about by the death of a loved one. Rather, I could only feel a sense of relief and joy from her, as if she had finally eliminated a detested rival. She was underhanded but not desperate.

How the hell did he kill her brother without leaving behind any trace?

Furthermore, why did he kill him….?

“How did you end up killing Lim Jiho?”

“There were a few Users who suddenly went missing from Lim Jiho’s guild. Since most family members can’t access the Hub… After losing contact, those families sent me a request. We agreed to intervene after collecting what seemed to be reliable evidence. Ragi and I conducted a behind-the-scenes investigation into Lim Jiho.”


“We launched an investigation against Lim Jiho because he purchased a large number of drugs from alchemists through illegal routes. And, with shallow research, there were already a lot of ugly rumors about him. On record, he had even served time for sexually assaulting his lover before he became a User.”

Then….Don’t tell me…

Seo Dawon nodded slightly at my distorted expression.

“It took about a month, but we managed to find our way to the quiet accommodations Lim Jiho carved for himself in the outskirts of the Hub…By the time we arrived, they were all already dead.”


“That’s where we ran into Lim Jiho.” Although Seo Dawon did not describe the conflict in detail…I could read between the lines, Lim Jiho did something worthy of death.

To this day, no logical rule has been discovered on pinpointing the conditions needed to become a User. 70-year old elders and 5-year old children alike, when they are judged suitable, each and every one of them can access superhuman powers from the moment a system finishes transferring to their consciousness.

Even scum, if they’re lucky, can also obtain these superpowers. If a person like Lim Jiho became a User…They would only gain access to more tools to support their depravity. His personality would not have suddenly changed for the better…

Seo Dawon continued to explain how Lim Jiho’s death was concealed. “At the request of the client, we handed over Lim Jiho’s corpse. And, following their idea, we stole Lim Jiho’s name and withdrew money from his bank account and his guild.”

“Then…You disguised the death by making it seem as if Lim Jiho ran away on his own?”

“That’s right. I don’t know if Lim Jisoo is still being fooled by our trickery…If I haven’t heard anything about it half a year after we handed over the body, I think we’ve covered our tracks pretty well. Besides, I’ve also heard that Lim Jisoo still angrily breathes fire when someone mentions Lim Jiho in her vicinity…”


Seo Dawon calmly said, “After we killed Lim Jiho, a rare skill appeared, like a reward dropping from a monster. No one could utilize it in Red Lotus, and there was a high chance Lim Jisoo would recognize the skill if I were to sell it. So, I just kept it.”

I suddenly felt like an old woman after hearing such a grim story. “….Can Kim Sangyoon really use this skill?”

“Since he’ll be running Dungeons alone with us, there shouldn’t be any rumors. Later on, we can use Kim Sangyoon as bait for Lim Jisoo; the Warrior can be used in various ways.”

It seems as if Seo Dawon had already created a plan to trap Lim Jisoo. I considered asking if the plan included killing Kim Sangyoon, but I couldn’t vocalize my question. I was a little scared to hear the answer.

My silence seemed to broadcast some complicated feelings to Seo Dawon. He suddenly looked at me and called out to me softly, “Why don’t you sit next to me?” When I hesitated, he added, “Hmm? Do you feel uneasy?”

It was hard to deny his accusations.

I sat obediently next to him and responded, “Don’t say it like that. I don’t feel uneasy at all.”

“Yeah. You should get used to this.” He said in an impudent tone, as if he was purposefully provoking me.

I knew what he had meant by ‘getting used to this.’ I wanted to agree without hesitation, but I couldn’t. Instead, I asked a rather stupid question. “You…Did you kill a lot of people before you died?”

Seo Dawon vaguely hummed, “Umm….” and averted his eyes. He seemed to be seriously considering the question.

After about a minute, I finally stopped his wandering thoughts. “It’s fine….”

“It’s fine?”

“Just tell me this.”


“You didn’t kill people according to your mood….right?”

“Hey. Of course not.”

But that means he must have killed for benefit and his own interests.

Of course, during the contract period, there would be no reason to kill me…But what will happen when the contract ends and he’s free from my control? Such worries flooded my mind.

Seo Dawon, as if he read my mind, said, “I’m your servant.” Servant…what a magical word that brings both anxiety and relief. Seo Dawon had the gall to complain, muttering under his breath, “Hey, I *did* kill a few people, but….that doesn’t mean you should be so wary of me.”

“Can’t you hear how unbelievable your own words are?”

“Have I ever done anything to you that could justify your fears?” Seo Dawon leaned his head on my shoulder, “I’m disappointed.”

His head was too heavy, and the situation was too awkward; I wanted to escape. But, after hearing that he was disappointed, I found it hard to steel my heart and abandon him. Ah, damn it…Why does he have to be so good at pretending–there’s no way my words scarred him. Why must I feel guilty?

“Hey, just now you made Kim Sangyoon wet himself…..” I eventually pushed at Seo Dawon out of spite, but he did not budge.

Instead, he closed his eyes and brazenly said, “I mean, would I ever do something like that to you?”


“Hm? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“…….I don’t think you would.”


“I got it, so move your head.” I stepped to the side and slowly slid my body across the sofa. However, Seo Dawon continued to lean on me–body gradually changing to a horizontal position.


“Why do you indulge Lackey with hugs but hate it when I just lean on you? We’re both servants….” Seo Dawon complained.

His teasing words raised goosebumps all over my arms!

“You crazy jerk!”

“Isn’t your affection too lopsided?”

“Ha…I guess I was a fool to accept your feelings at face value.” Furiously, I rose from my seat, shoved Seo Dawon off of me, and stomped into my room. From behind, I could hear him giggling.

I was swindled again. Again!

No matter what happens in the future–even if he may cry that his feelings are hurt–I won’t care about him anymore! Resolution firm in my heart, I slammed the bedroom door shut.

TL: Thanks to LeoHP for the kofi~ This bonus chapter is for you >.



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