Necromancer Survival

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

“It’s Bae Jaemin!”

“Wow, Bae Jaemin….”

“Hey, look over there!”

It was soon clear who the main character of the disturbance was–a man wearing a black eye patch riding the escalator….I didn’t expect to be in such close proximity to Bae Jaemin once again, so I blankly watched him arrive on this floor.

Bae Jaemin was talking to the people beside him–guild members or guards?–and the crowd was readily filming his appearance with their cell phones.

People on the other floors also rushed to the edge, eager to see him from afar. He was almost like an idol that had arrived at the airport.

“Jaemin Hyung, you’re so cool!” Right next to me, a man suddenly shouted his admiration for Bae Jaemin.

It was only a day after the raid, so fan sentiment for the man seemed to be uncontrollable.

His deep voice–I could almost feel the rumbling–responded, “Thank you.”

What was even more frustrating was that Bae Jaemin smiled naturally, experienced as any other celebrity, and bowed his head to the fan.

And, following the man, others drew closer, shouting compliments. The clicking of camera phones filled the area. I frowned as I watched the scene, and, next to me, Seo Dawon stood abruptly.

“Let’s go…” I softly said, calling out to him. Seo Dawon looked at Bae Jaemin as if he were getting sucked in by the dark depths of his gaze, and only tore his eyes away at my call.

I was surprised at what I saw in his eyes.

The boiling hot vigor that had been directed at Bae Jaemin and was now pointed my way. After Seo Dawon saw my pause, he sighed once, and quickly reconstructed his smiling face.

“Let’s level up quickly, Lee-kyung-ah.”


“He’s just right there in front of my nose. He’s so annoying to watch.” He mumbled lightly. I felt sorry–somehow I felt that he had been trying his hardest to dampen his emotions.

All I could do was to raise my specs so that he can properly exhibit all his abilities, but I’m unable to fulfill those desires currently….So, I unconsciously patted his arm to cheer him up.

For others, it would have seemed like I’m patting the air…However, I locked gazes with Bae Jaemin, who was looking at me from a distance.


“What is it?”

Am I mistaken?

I lowered my head awkwardly and spoke in a small voice that only Seo Dawon could hear, “I think I just made eye contact with Bae Jaemin.” Then, turning my head, I asked, “That’s not true, right?”

However, Seo Dawon dashed my hopes, “I think he’s really looking at you, though?”


“Yeah. What gives?” Seo Dawon said, as if he also didn’t expect this sort of development.

In a hurry, I turned my back on the traitor and asked, “Is he still looking at me?”

Seo Dawon replied, “He’s not just looking…He’s coming your way.”

Lackey, feeling my heart beat rise through the connection between its skull and my chest, looked up at me.

“S-should we run away?”

“Now? Running away from here….would seem a bit weird.”

“Then why is he coming near me? Did he…Did he notice something off?”

“Just be calm for now. Maybe he has something to do over here.”

“Ah….maybe?” I was positioned in front of the DAA store, where I had just bought a uniform. Perhaps Bae Jaemin also had business in this store.

Only then did some of the tenseness seep away from my shoulders. I began to step towards the halls, away from the entrance of the store.

However, Seo Dawon, who continued to monitor Bae Jaemin’s movements, suddenly informed me, “Hey, that’s not it. He definitely saw you and is following you.”

I was about to turn my head to look, but stopped at Seo Dawon’s further instructions. “Just look forward and walk straight ahead.” My feet quickly moved according to his recommendation.

“Excuse me.”

However, it seemed that Bae Jaemin had no intention of hiding his pursuit.

The clear and beautiful voice, for a man, was definitely Bae Jaemin’s. Without looking, I could tell that I was the target of his words. I knew he was calling for me, but I pretended not to hear and once again resumed walking forward.

The fear of his lantern, back at the Tower of Command, still lingered within me…The thought of running into him again was terrifying. Ah, please, why the hell is he calling out to me?

“Please, wait a moment.”

But it seems I was already his target; Bae Jaemin doggedly chased in pursuit, unwilling to lose me at all costs. After a *whoosh*, an unusually cold stream of air brushed past my arm. Before I knew it, I was close enough to bump my nose into what seemed to be a beige knit sweater.

As I looked up in surprise, the man I had so desperately wanted to avoid looked down at me.

Light brown, drooping eyes and a subtle yet friendly smile….I still quickly escaped his arms and screamed, “W-What is it?!”

Wow, this jerk, did he really use his skills to block my way just now?

“I’m so sorry. I called to you, but it seems like you didn’t hear me…” Bae Jaemin looked straight at me. Only his words seemed apologetic, his vocal inflection was quite soulless.

Though his gaze was half as potent, the one eye not blocked by the eyepatch had such intimidating spirit that I lowered my head subconsciously. Bae Jaemin took as many steps towards me as I had retreated and said, “Well, this might sound a bit strange, but…”

He paused.

I stepped backwards, moving in instinctive fear; Seo Dawon caught me by the shoulders, however, and I gradually regained some courage at his firm touch. Stopping the retreat, I looked up at Bae Jaemin with little confidence

I think Bae Jaemin was staring at me the entire time. I regretted looking directly into his eyes once again, as I froze, unable to do this or that–caught between a rock and a hard place.

Seo Dawon’s steady presence behind me helped to put a bit of my anxiety to sleep; he, alone, was the sole presence that eased my heart and helped me regain some of my former complexion.

Bae Jaemin still persistently observed my face and finally spat out his business, “By any chance…haven’t we seen each other somewhere?”

“What? No?”

“Really? But why do you look so familiar?”

Don’t tell me…did he recognize me?

Bae Jaemin definitely shone his lantern on me for a very brief moment back in the Tower of Command. No matter how hard I think, besides that, Bae Jaemin and I have never crossed paths before.

So, the issue is whether or not he grabbed onto me while fully recognizing my face, knowing the circumstances of our meeting, or whether he grabbed me on some vague whim.

So, I decided to detach myself from this situation at all costs. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t have time to be talking to you like this….I sincerely think you have the wrong person. After all, I’ve only ever seen you on TV.”

Then, I took a sneaky glance at my surroundings.

Bae Jaemin was conscious of my gaze, even though he didn’t tear his eyes away from mine. I had hoped he would realize how many people gathered around us.

As expected, he became conscious of the surrounding gossipers. The people wondered why Bae Jaemin was confronting someone so plebeian, whispering ‘What’s going on?’ among themselves.

If in this situation he continues to act in such a forceful manner, then I could be sure he would have some reasonable suspicion about our encounter in the Tower of Command. And, if he were to retreat, I was sure to escape this momentary crisis. Even if he were to suspect me, there was no evidence to prove his suspicions, and I calculated that he wouldn’t break character in public.

However, he reacted in a completely different manner compared to my expectations….

“Then, can we exchange numbers?”


“Right now…It’s obvious that you’re busy and we’re surrounded by so many curious eyes. I can’t possibly hold you here….but if you were to grant me around one hour of your time…?”

Why does he sound so cheesy….?

For those that didn’t know the situation, It would seem as if Bae Jaemin…To me….Ah, forget it. It would be so nauseating to finish that train of thought.

And of course, without knowing his true intentions, I tried to end things in a single stroke, “Well, I’m not sure why I should agree to this…”

As soon as he noticed the negative nuance in my words, Bae Jaemin exclaimed, “Seeing how reluctant you are…As expected, you know me from before, don’t you?”

Ah…Damn it….

How funny. If I tell him to piss off, that’s a sign that we knew each other in the past? It’s not as if he’s entirely wrong either….

As I contemplated how best to reject him, some people passed by with confident strides and approached Bae Jaemin.

“All of a sudden, using your warp to rush past us….What are you doing, huh?”

“Who is he? Do you two know each other?”

“…..Oh my?” One of the people in the approaching group was the tattooed woman who came to my house yesterday to buy a Barnasium. Her eyes widened as she saw me.

Bae Jaemin noticed her reaction, pointed at me, and asked, “Do you know him?”

I wanted to stop her from responding, but she answered in a chic manner, “He was the one who mass sold a bunch of Barnasiums yesterday.”

Bae Jaemin simply crooned a thoughtful exclamation.

In total, four pairs of eyes looked at me with interest.

TL: Have two more chapters~ I have a bit stockpiled now. Is Bae Jaemin hitting on him? or does he want to kill him? Jury’s out on this one.


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