Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 1 What Do You Want To Sacrifice

"So that's how I am going to die in this life " Evan said while lying on the floor of a dark hall, blood continue to flow out from his back, there was a claw mark on his back and his flesh was completely torn, whoever cause this injury was very powerful because even his bones were visible from the wound.

His head was also bleeding, from the injury of his head it was clear that something very hard hit his head as even the bone of his skull was fractured.

"Since the day I opened my eyes in this world I knew that my life will be pathetic. I thought I will die at the hands of some powerful beast or hunter, I even thought I will just kill myself for not being able to improve my own power, but I never thought I will die from blood lose" Evan mumbled as his voice started to fade away and darkness started to engulf his entire vision.

"I hope in my next life I will be able to enjoy a normal life and I absolutely don't want to be born with a unique physique" Evan said before the darkness engulfed him completely.

But just as darkness engulfed him completely he heard a cold voice "What do you want to sacrifice?"

Evan whose vision was engulfed by darkness heard the cold voice and his eyes opened a little gaining a little clarity, but he still can't move his head much less look around himself to search for the person who just spoke to him.

" Who are you? " Evan asked in a weak voice.

"What do you want to sacrifice?" but no one answered his question and he heard the same voice again.

'is this the voice of a devil who is here to collect my soul as a sacrifice after I die?' Evan thought when he heard the word sacrifice.

"What do you want to sacrifice?" Evan heard the same voice again asking him what he wants to sacrifice, Evan was barely able to think what is going on since he lost too much blood, and his mind was not working properly after the recent events.

"What will I get after sacrificing something?" Evan asked a different question this time and to his surprise, he received an answer this time.

"You can get anything as long as the thing you sacrifice holds enough value" the voice replied in the same cold tone.

'I can get anything this is the same line every devil says before he asks someone to sacrifice their soul' Evan thought after hearing that he can ask for anything.

'There is no way I am going to sacrifice my soul to a devil even though my life is full of shit I still don't want to become a slave of a devil by sacrificing my soul. But then what should I sacrifice although he is a devil since it is asking me to sacrifice something it means it can't do anything to me if I don't sacrifice my soul 'Evan thought while his vision started to turn dark again. The effects of blood lose started to show again and Evan knew that if he closed his eyes he will not be able to open them again, so he started to think what he can sacrifice to heal himself and get out from here alive.

Then Evan remembered why he is in this situation all of this is happening because he possessed something that restricted him from improving his power 'although I don't know if this thing has enough value to heal my injuries I am not going to lose anything by sacrificing this shit on the other hand, it will just benefit me since even if I die after sacrificing it, I will be assured that this thing will not come with me to next life ' Evan thought and finally decided what he is going to sacrifice.

"I want to sacrifice my shadow physique" Evan said in a weak voice but he didn't receive any reply instead a black smoke came near him and covered his entire body. After ten seconds the black smock disappeared and he heard the cold voice again.

"What do you want in exchange for your physique?"

"Heal all of my injuries and give me some cores" although Evan just wanted to heal his injuries he still asked for some cores if the voice refused to give him cores he will back away but if the voice agree to give him cores he will be able to improve his power because the physique that was restricting him to increase his power will be gone by this sacrifice, and he will be able to use cores to improve his power.

Evan waited for some time and the cold voice finally replied "your physique holds enough value for this exchange, beginning sacrificing ritual"

Suddenly the entire hall glowed in dark red color and Evan who was almost about to pass out heard the cold voice again "You can't sacrifice your physique in your current condition, you will die if you sacrifice your physique without healing your body so I am going to heal you first to complete the sacrifice, but because I am healing you first without getting anything you will receive only 50% cores that I was going to give you before "

Evan agreed without hesitation since he never expected to receive any cores from the beginning. Suddenly the black smoke engulfed his body again and he found his body started to heal rapidly and in just five minutes he was completely healed.

Evan checked his back and found that it was completely healed even his fractured head was completely healed there were no more injuries on his body.

"Now Sacrificing your physique" Evan heard the cold voice again and the black smoke engulfed him again. But this time instead of feeling refreshed like last time, Evan felt pain like never before.

"Arghh" a pain-filled scream came from Evan's mouth as he felt his body is being torn apart by something.

But unknown to Evan by sacrificing his physique he finally awakened something inside him that was being surpassed by his physique for years, even the person who made the exchange with Evan didn't know that by taking Evan's physique he awakened something that was almost forgotten in history.


[12 hours ago]


Inside a small room, a boy was sleeping when suddenly he heard his phone rang, he picked up the phone and heard the voice of another boy.

"Evan what are you doing today, our group is going for a raid inside a dungeon, do you want to come with us" Mike, one of Evan's classmate asked him.

"I have to go somewhere today you guys can go by yourselves" Evan replied and cut the call without waiting for Mike's reply.

After cutting the call Evan gritted his teeth and said "this bastard always trying to humiliate me by asking if want to go into the dungeon with them, he knew that I can't increase my power with the help of those cores".

Evan tried to calm down his mind and stood up, Evan looked around 18 years old. His hair and eyes are completely dark black and his skin is pale white completely opposite to his hair and eye color. He is around 180cm tall and looks really handsome while considering his power level.

Evan tried to forget about the call he just received and focused on the thing that he is going to do today.

Evan prepared a simple breakfast for himself and while eating looked at his status panel.

Name: Evan

Rank: F

Strength: F

Agility: F

Mana: F

Stamina: F+

Intelligence: F

Luck: E+

Charm: D

Skill:- Shadow Walk

Physique:- Shadow Physique


Job:- None

Evan shook his head while looking at his status panel only his charm and luck are above the rank F.

"I should just do what I can do and wait for an opportunity to get some shadow cores to improve my rank. After all I can only use shadow cores to improve my rank, unlike others who can improve their rank by using any type of cores" Evan said with a bitter tone and looked at his status panel that was showing his details, his gaze stopped on the shadow physique for a second then he closed the status panel.

After eating breakfast Evan packed his backpack and after confirming that he didn't forget anything he started to walk towards the door of the room.

"I hope everything will be fine and I will be able to get at least one shadow core today" Evan said and left the room.


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