Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 275: A New Round Of Speedrun! Exhilarating!

Chapter 275: A New Round Of Speedrun! Exhilarating!

Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian appeared outside the dungeon. Wasting no time, Lin Moyu used a Cooldown Talisman to reset the dungeon's cooldown—his own talisman, not the advanced one from Bai Yiyuan. Within seconds, they re-entered the dungeon.

Meanwhile, outside, the three factions remained locked in a standoff—a familiar scenario that would persist until the dungeon closed.

"They're out."

"Wait, why did they go back in?"

"They didn't die in there?"

"This dungeon has no exit... did they actually clear it?"

"Is that even possible?"

The human class users were stunned, disbelief etched on their faces. The Eartheart dungeon was notorious—there was no way out unless it was cleared or the dungeon itself disappeared. That Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian had exited could only mean they had cleared it. Now, they were starting a second run.

Jiang Hanshan thought to himself, "Of course it's possible."

Only those who had witnessed Lin Moyu's abilities firsthand were not surprised. With his undead legions, soloing the dungeon was well within his capabilities.

Jialan Yeyu, relieved to see Mu Xianxian safe, breathed easier. Having grown up together, their bond was like that of sisters. With Mu Xianxian out of harm's way, her tension eased.

Jiang Hanshan narrowed his eyes, "Stay vigilant, everyone. When Colonel Lin exits next, the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind will likely launch a surprise attack."

He understood that the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind would do anything to prevent the rise of another Earth Knight, a class that had historically dealt them severe blows. Their next course of action was clear: eliminate Lin Moyu.

"Understood." Everyone snapped to attention, prepared to engage in battle at a moment's notice.

On the other sides, the eyes of the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind flickered with dangerous glints. Their leaders had convened.

The Demon leader observed, "It took him four hours the first time. He might be faster the second time—perhaps three hours."

The Dragonkind leader replied, "We’re prepared. Next time he emerges, we'll strike."

"We cannot allow another Earth Knight to rise from the human race."

"The threat posed by a godly Earth Knight surpasses that of three godly powerhouses of other classes."

"Our race has an unbreakable rule: stop humans from birthing an Earth Knight at all costs."


Inside the dungeon, Lin Moyu stood at the entrance, deep in thought. "The Enhance Troops skill has a 1-hour cooldown. Without it, defeating the Archaic Earth Dragon would be extremely challenging. Even at top speed, it’ll take 1 hour per raid."

Noticing his pensive state, Mu Xianxian refrained from interrupting him. She was feeling a surge of excitement. A new piece of equipment with an incredible supplementary skill and a new Warrior-type skill, plus a 50% physical damage immunity—her gains were tremendous. She couldn't help but feel thrilled.

Suddenly, Lin Moyu looked up, "Maybe I don't need to rely on Enhance Troops. If I’m fast enough, I could use the Flower of the Earth and Earth Fire Fish to bomb the Archaic Earth Dragon. I wonder what would happen if I detonated a leader monster."

Plant-type monsters possessed astonishing health. Lin Moyu was curious about detonating the plant-type leader, pondering the potential effects. If his theory held, he could complete several more raids. Given the cooldown of Enhance Troops, he estimated he could raid the dungeon three to four more times.

His eyes lit up with determination. It had been a long time since he’d done a speedrun. He was pumped, "Mu Xianxian, have you ever tried speedrunning?"

Speedrunning? Mu Xianxian shook her head, indicating she didn't understand.

Lin Moyu instructed, "In a moment, I'll be drawing the monsters. Stay close to me. When I start gathering them, use your Group Collection skill as you see fit. If it doesn't feel right, don't force it—you'll need to judge for yourself. But when it comes to the leader and the boss, you must use Collection without fail."

Speedrunning meant sacrificing some gains. As long as they secured the main loot, they could skip the smaller rewards.

Mu Xianxian listened attentively, nodding vigorously, "Got it, I’ll do my best."

"Good, let's start!" Lin Moyu cast Bone Armor on both of them, then issued a soft command.

Skeletal Warriors materialized in response. To draw the monsters, two legions—400 Skeletal Warriors—were enough. The Skeletal Warriors charged through the canyon like the wind. This time, without needing to pull the monsters in batches, they sprinted straight through.

Some monsters were too well-hidden, so Lin Moyu decided to leave them be, sparing their lives. A large number of monsters were drawn out by the Skeletal Warriors, and their numbers quickly swelled.

In the first section of the dungeon, there were about 500 monsters. Skipping some, Lin Moyu ended up pulling around 400. These 400 creatures filled a vast area, and as they ran, stones flew, and water splashed, creating a breathtaking scene.

Mu Xianxian followed Lin Moyu closely, finally grasping the essence of speedrunning—clearing the dungeon at lightning speed. The realization filled her with excitement. As she thought about it, her Battle Instinct talent activated, sharpening her focus.

With her talent in full effect, Mu Xianxian shed her fear, her mind becoming clear and focused. As the monsters converged, she let out a shout and charged forward with newfound confidence.

Skill: Group Collection!

A large burst of fireworks exploded, spreading to its maximum range and affecting as many monsters as possible. In an instant, she drew the attention of 200 monsters. The 200 monsters simultaneously abandoned their original targets and charged at Mu Xianxian. But instead of retreating, she cleverly circled around the outer perimeter of the group.

Lin Moyu observed that the monsters Mu Xianxian attracted were mostly in the rear half of the group. Meanwhile, many others still had their focus elsewhere, leaving the front lines intact.

"Smart move!" Lin Moyu thought, noting her strategy.

As Mu Xianxian ran, she kept an eye on the cooldown of her skill. Ten seconds later, she activated Group Collection again, drawing the attention of all the remaining monsters. She gathered the monsters even faster than Lin Moyu had.

All the monsters now focused on her. But instead of fleeing, Mu Xianxian gave Lin Moyu a trusting look.

"Skill: Total Defense!"

Mu Xianxian activated her newly acquired skill, causing her entire body to glow. For the next minute, her defense surged a thousandfold, and the damage she received was reduced by 99%. The remaining 1% of damage was negligible due to her greatly enhanced defense. For that minute, Mu Xianxian was virtually invincible, her tanking ability surpassing even that of dedicated tanks.

Lin Moyu hadn't expected her to act like this. This compatibility… was nothing short of flawless.

Without wasting any time, he sprang into action as soon as Mu Xianxian cast Group Collection for the second time—over 200 magic spells tore through the air, the Skeletal Warriors' blades glowed with a fierce red light, Soul Blaze danced in his palm, and Damage Curse descended in a burst of red energy.

A monster was instantly killed. Then, a series of explosions echoed through the dungeon, leaving only silence in their wake. After a dozen or so blasts, the area fell silent. Notifications flooded in, too many to read.

Lin Moyu gave Mu Xianxian an appreciating glance, "Well done."

Blushing slightly, Mu Xianxian smiled, "Thank you."

"Let’s keep going!" Lin Moyu urged. Since they were Speedrunning, there was no time to waste.

The Skeletal Warriors picked up the monster corpses and sprinted forward, leaping off the cliff. Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian followed suit. The second section of the dungeon was a world filled with lava and sulfurous water.

The Skeletal Warriors headed straight for the Flower of the Earth, drawing numerous Earth Fire Fish along the way. Despite the plant-type leader's tentacles emerging from the lava and sulfurous water, the Skeletal Warriors were too fast, so not many were caught.

After reaching the Flower of the Earth, the Skeletal Warriors threw corpses to fall next to it. Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian arrived shortly after. Mu Xianxian promptly cast Group Collection on the plant-type leader, drawing its wrath. Its tentacles lashed out, but Bone Armor blocked them.

Buzz! Lin Moyu's Damage Curse descended, followed by explosions. After just three blasts, the Flower of the Earth was severely injured, and the nearby Earth Fire Fish were annihilated.

In the next moment, the Flower of the Earth activated its Regeneration skill, rapidly healing itself. Simultaneously, its tentacles erupted from the ground, forming thick vines, while over 200 Earth Fire Fish surged out of the lava.

Mu Xianxian shouted and cast Group Collection again. Although she couldn't capture all the Earth Fire Fish, she managed to affect at least 80% of them.

Explosions rang out one after another as the skeletons were hurling corpses onto the Flower of the Earth. Lin Moyu seized every second, wasting no time at all.

Mu Xianxian was amazed by the speed of the raid. Less than half an hour had passed since they re-entered the dungeon, with most of that time spent running. The actual combat had lasted less than 5 minutes.

Having witnessed firsthand what Lin Moyu referred to as a speedrun, Mu Xianxian felt exhilarated. The efficiency and intensity of his approach left her in awe.

As explosions echoed through the dungeon, the Flower of the Earth was blown to pieces, its demise even more brutal than before. It didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Without waiting for the lava to cool, the ground to harden, or the waterfall of lava to disappear, the skeletons quickly grabbed the corpses of the Earth Fire Fish and the Flower of the Earth and leaped onto the cliff, wasting no time.

The Flower of the Earth's corpse was large and cumbersome, so the Skeletal Warriors hacked off its tentacles for easier transport. Four of them then carried it, rushing toward the Archaic Earth Dragon.

Watching them, Mu Xianxian sighed, "The Flower of the Earth probably never imagined it would be dismembered after death."

Lin Moyu gave her a curious look. This girl had some unusual thoughts.


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