Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 260: Overwhelming Attack; Annoying Skill

Chapter 260: Overwhelming Attack; Annoying Skill

Lin Moyu had been relentlessly grinding the Poison Star Ring the past few days, finally leveling it up to level 10. Amplified by his talent, the level 10 Poison Star Ring could now inflict 4,000 points of elemental damage per second on the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle for 400 seconds. After accounting for the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle's elemental immunity, the damage was reduced to 40%. While this might seem minor, Lin Moyu had discovered another use for it.

When struck by a poison elemental attack, the target entered a poisoned state, which drastically reduced its natural regeneration. Many high-health monsters constantly recovered health every second, and if the damage output was insufficient, it might not even outpace their natural regeneration. However, once poisoned, their natural regeneration was suppressed. With a duration of 400 seconds, this skill was more than enough to last an entire battle.

Under the Poison Star Ring's effect, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle was bathed in a green hue, especially around its head and tail.

As soon as Soul Blaze struck, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle groaned, its body trembling violently. Soul Blaze attacked the soul directly, bypassing physical, elemental defenses, and even the two immunities. Amplified by the Damage Curse, Soul Blaze's power was terrifying.

The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle immediately shifted its focus to Lin Moyu, finding him far more irritating than the skeletons. The skeletons' attacks were mere pinpricks compared to the agonizing pain Lin Moyu inflicted. Ignoring them, it leaped into the air, bringing its massive claws down in a crushing blow.

Skill: Trembling Earth!

Lin Moyu's expression changed as he dodged at top speed. The claws nearly brushed him.


The ground shook violently, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the mirror-like surface. Lin Moyu's Bone Armor shone brightly before shattering with a loud bang. The terrifying impact sent him flying. In midair, he quickly recast Bone Armor, his face pale with fear.

Its power was terrifying—only the Fire Demon King's death ray had ever surpassed it. It was a miracle that the Skeletal Warriors were only severely injured rather than instantly obliterated.

As soon as Lin Moyu landed, everything went dark, and a massive tail whipped toward him at blinding speed, leaving no time to dodge.

Skill: Whiplash!

The tail struck the Bone Armor with a resounding bang. The force of the blow sent the tail soaring, while the Bone Armor cracked and shattered like glass, destroyed in a single strike once more.

Horrified, Lin Moyu quickly recast the armor. At the same time, he unleashed Soul Blaze again, causing the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle to roar in pain. The tail lashed out once more, shattering the Bone Armor again. The tail whipped faster and faster, becoming a blur.

Focusing all his attention, Lin Moyu continuously replenished his Bone Armor and attacked with Soul Blaze. The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle roared in agony, its giant eyes fixed solely on Lin Moyu, consumed by hatred. It ignored the Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages, solely wanting Lin Moyu dead.

As the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle focused on Lin Moyu, the Skeletal Warriors encircled it once more, some climbing onto its back, launching frenzied attacks. Though each strike dealt minimal damage, the cumulative effect was significant. Meanwhile, 1,690 Skeletal Mages continued raining down magic spells from a distance. If this continued, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle would inevitably be worn down.

Lin Moyu used Soul Blaze to draw the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle's full attention, becoming a tank for the undead legions. If he could hold out, victory was only a matter of time.

But this was no ordinary monster. The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle was a level 64 boss, far stronger than the level 58 Earth Evil Centipede. The difference between monsters above and below level 60 was immense. This made Lin Moyu wonder just how formidable the boss guarding the core area's center would be. For countless years, no one had ever defeated it—not for lack of trying, but because it was truly unbeatable.

Reaching even the periphery of the core area was a feat beyond the grasp of ordinary parties. Only those at least level 60, with fully maxed gear and skills, could barely survive here. Even then, they had to be exceptionally cautious. Facing a monster group or a boss like the one before Lin Moyu could result in total annihilation.

In the five days Lin Moyu had been here, he had encountered others only three times: once with an Abyssal Demon that took a long time to kill, a 12-person human party who were curious about him, and a 6-person Dragonkind party, three of whom he killed while the others fled.

The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle leaped into the air again, crashed down, and activated the Trembling Earth skill, generating tremendous force that knocked Lin Moyu away. Although uninjured, he took a hard fall.

"It's incredibly strong." Lin Moyu thought, but his hands didn't stop, casting skill after skill. He tried using Bone Fangs, but it only made minor dents in the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle's defense—nowhere near as effective as Soul Blaze.

Lin Moyu had to reapply Bone Armor nearly every second, rapidly depleting his spirit force. After only five minutes, he had used over half of his spirit. However, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle had also sustained significant damage. Thanks to the tireless Skeletal Warriors, its shell had been breached, revealing bloody wounds.

The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle roared in rage, sweeping its tail across its back, sending many Skeletal Warriors flying. But more immediately jumped onto its back.

"That should be enough." Lin Moyu thought as the back of his hand suddenly felt hot. The Primordial Rune's Enhance Troops skill activated.

Instantly, the Skeletal Warriors hacked away with greater vigor. Their strength attribute surged from 52,000 to 166,000, and with the Lich Generals' status buff, it reached 200,000, surpassing the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle. Combined with the 500% additional damage, their attack power soared to terrifying levels.

Skill: Berserk Strike!

Lin Moyu willed the Skeletal Warriors to trigger their skill. Red light surged, and a penetrating din filled the air as the shell shattered extensively, blood splattering into the air and turning starlight before hitting the ground.

Lin Moyu had timed the Enhance Troops skill perfectly to finish off the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle and end the battle. He joined the fight, his spirit attribute now at 60,000, greatly enhancing Soul Blaze's power. Combined with Enhance Troops' 500% additional damage, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle emitted ear-splitting screams. It was now severely injured, near death. The Immemorial Rune's power shocked even Lin Moyu.

"I’ve got this!" He thought, elated.

But suddenly, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle retracted its head, tail, and limbs.

Skill: Shell Block.

The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle emitted a faint glow, forming a shield around itself. The skeletons on its back were thrown off. Its injuries began healing at a visible speed. Specks of starlight fell from the sky, landing on its body. Even with the Enhance Troops' boost, the Skeletal Warriors couldn't breach its shield. Due to the glow binding the Serpent-Turtle to the world, Lin Moyu couldn't flip it over either.

What an annoying skill. Lin Moyu could only smile bitterly. Who could have predicted this outcome? Hiding in its shell, it was more of a cheat than a Knight's Extreme Defense. As its injuries healed, its aura grew stronger.

Lin Moyu made a quick decision: "Retreat!"


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