Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 253: Divine Selection Secret Realm's Foundation Uprooted

Chapter 253: Divine Selection Secret Realm's Foundation Uprooted

Lin Moyu stared at his properties for a long time, speechless.

[Name: Lin Moyu]

[Class: Necromancer (unique)]

[Level: 30 (92.00%)]

[Title: Dragonkind Slayer (all attributes +500, reduces the consumption of all skills by 50%)]

[Strength: 1,000 (+3,000)]

[Agility: 1,000 (+3,000)]

[Spirit: 19,000 (+3,000)]

[Spirit: 1,000 (+3,000)]


[Trait: Divinity Force (level 30)]


[Special item: Shenzhou Cauldron (unavailable)]

[Divinity Force (level 30): all attributes increase by an additional 30% when leveling up, spirit force restoration increases by 3,000%, and fatigue recovery increases by 3,000%]


[Poison Star Ring (level 3): creates a 3-meter radius area that deals 30 poison damage per second for 3 seconds]

[Enhance Troops: for 30 seconds, all basic attributes of the host and their summons are increased by 200%, and all attacks deal an additional 500% damage. Cooldown: 1 hour]

The original properties remained largely unchanged, but now there was a new property—[Trait: Divinity Force (level 30).

The Divinity Force had actually reached Level 30. Lin Moyu recalled that after reaching the end of the path, a large amount of divinity energy had poured into him. At that time, he was distracted by the Shenzhou Cauldron and hadn't paid much attention to the divinity energy or Divinity Force.

Unexpectedly, the Divinity Force had already reached Level 30. The level 30 Divinity Force provided three features, each exceptionally powerful. Particularly notable was the first feature, the 30% extra increase to all attributes when leveling up...

While others might gain 1,000 points in attributes per level, he would gain 1,300. Over time, as the level increased, the gap would widen.

Moreover, Lin Moyu believed that level 30 was far from the end; the Divinity Force was capped at level 30 because of his level.

Recalling how Bai Yiyuan's Divinity Force had only been level 5 back then, Lin Moyu felt as if he were dreaming. However, this was not the source of his astonishment. Given his character, he wasn't shocked by this alone.

The real shock came from the Shenzhou Cauldron, which had become his. Although he couldn't use it yet, but it was really in his possession.

"Does this mean that the Divine Selection Secret Realm won't appear again in the future?"

The Shenzhou Cauldron seemed to be the Divine Selection Secret Realm's foundation, and now that the Shenzhou Cauldron was in his possession, Lin Moyu felt as if he had uprooted the Divine Selection Secret Realm's foundation.

There was a 99% chance that the Divine Selection Secret Realm won't appear again in the future. But so what? If given a choice, Lin Moyu would still choose to take the Shenzhou Cauldron.

Both the Shenzhou Cauldron and the 兵 character seemed to be connected to his previous world. Lin Moyu was eager to unravel the mysteries behind them and understand what was really going on.

The Poison Star Ring skill needed further grinding. But with the Divinity Force, his restoration of spirit force had reached 130 times, making skill grinding seem not too difficult.

"Hmm…" With a soft moan, Mo Yun awoke. Her eyes quickly turned wary. But when she saw Lin Moyu sitting nearby, she relaxed.

"What happened just now?" Mo Yun asked, holding her throbbing head.

The intense mental pressure had left her with lingering side effects.

Lin Moyu said in reply, "I reached the top of the steps, and then the secret realm collapsed."

Mo Yun's expression darkened, "You reached the top of the steps?"

Lin Moyu nodded back.

"Then your Divinity Force…"

"Level 30." Lin Moyu answered nonchalantly, nearly causing Mo Yun to faint again from shock.

Mo Yun completely lost her usual composure and exclaimed, "How is that possible?! That's impossible!"

Lin Moyu looked at her silently. Was there a need for such an exaggerated reaction? If she learned he had uprooted the Divine Selection Secret Realm's foundation, wouldn't she flip out?

Lin Moyu didn't plant to tell anyone about this. Until he solved the mystery, he didn't intend to even tell Bai Yiyuan and Lin Mohan. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to explain his identity or why he recognized the Shenzhou Cauldron and the 兵 character. In their eyes, these characters were just mysterious runes.

Seeing Lin Moyu's calm demeanor, Mo Yun had no choice but to accept it. She uttered, her lips twitching, "You're just a freak."

Lin Moyu chuckled, "Feel free to think whatever you want."

The crimson light rising into the sky finally disappeared, indicating the end of the 10-day period, and the Primordial Rune began the final stage of its final fusion with Mo Yun. Mo Yun was enveloped in a red glow, and a rune appeared on the back of her left hand.

Lin Moyu took a look and immediately recognized it as the 前 [1] character. Mo Yun, however, didn't recognize it. She only knew that it was a Primordial Rune and was extremely mysterious.

"What's its skill?" Lin Moyu asked.

Mo Yun didn't hide it: "The skill is called Unstoppable. For 1 minute, it increases speed 10-fold, grants immunity to all damage, and ignores all obstacles, including barriers and secret realms. The cooldown is 10 minutes."

After listening to the explanation, Lin Moyu pondered for a moment, "It's a very powerful skill."

Mo Yun also understood the skill's characteristics, "Yes, it's amazing. Primordial Rune skills are amazing."

This skill could be used for both escape and offense.

Mo Yun's Holy Spirit Unicorn was already fast, and with this skill, it would be like pouring oil on the fire. Not to mention, if used to ram into enemies, the damage inflicted by using this skill would be considerable.

Furthermore, the skill's cooldown was short—only 10 minutes—allowing for more tactical options.

The greatest strength of the human race lied in their ability to combine skills to create diverse tactics, significantly boosting combat power. Unlike the Dragonkind, who were more simple-minded and only knew how to charge in recklessly.

Mo Yun summoned her Holy Spirit Unicorn and jumped onto its back, "I really appreciate your help for the past few days. I think it's time for me to leave."

"Where are you planning to go?" Lin Moyu wasn't surprised.

Mo Yun dreamed of becoming a being like God Bai, and to achieve that, she needed to gain experience and face different unexpected situations alone to grow. She couldn't just stay with Lin Moyu under his protection, as that wouldn’t be beneficial for her development.

Mo Yun looked toward the central area, "I'll be leaving the central area. It's too dangerous here for me."

If she hadn't been chased, she wouldn't have entered the central area, and she wouldn't have encountered Lin Moyu. However, meeting him had been a great gain for her, allowing her to enter the Divine Selection Secret Realm early and tie with Bai Yiyuan's record.

Lin Moyu nodded, "Then stay safe. If you encounter the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon, remember to inform me."

Lin Moyu had the Point Teleportation Stone Mo Yun gave him and could come to her at a moment's notice.

"Okay, I'll keep it in mind!" With that, Mo Yun released a light shout, and the Holy Spirit Unicorn sped into the horizon in a streak of white light.

Lin Moyu got up and stretched himself, "It's time to raise my level."

He had restrained his leveling, intending to enter the Divine Selection Secret Realm at level 30 and gain Divinity Force. When he was level 30 (92%), he finally achieved it. Now he could let loose and focus on leveling.

Lin Moyu willed, and four undead legions appeared.

"Go!" Lin Moyu's gaze turned to the upper layer's core area, and the undead legions were immediately fully buffed, and then headed toward the core area.

The closer one got to the core area, the more monsters there were, and the higher their level. In the present area, the level of the monsters generally ranged between level 55 and 60.

The undead legions split into four groups and pushed through without regard for monsters' type or level. They obliterated everything in their path.

Lin Moyu followed behind, reaping EXP continuously. At the same time, he released Poison Star Ring again and again, to grind his skill, wasting no time.

Although it wasn't as efficient as in a dungeon, but it was much more relaxed. Lin Moyu only needed to give an order, and the rest was taken care of. This kind of leveling incredibly easy.

[1] - 前 means front, forward, ahead, etc.


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