Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 248: Sacrifice; Abyssal Fire Sprite

Chapter 248: Sacrifice; Abyssal Fire Sprite

The world was filled with dark green fire, completely obscuring the vision. Nothing but the fire could be seen.

Jiang Hanshan swallowed hard, his face was ashen, "This must be the doing of a top-level Demon."

The Group Defense skill was quickly weakening, as the fire's damage far exceeded its defensive capabilities.

Jiang Hanshan gritted his teeth and maintained the defense with all his might. However, after merely five seconds, the shield shattered.

As the flames poured in, Jiang Hanshan thrust his sword into the ground, lifting his head, and roared, "Damage Absorption!"

Light burst forth from him, enveloping all his teammates once again.

Subsequently, he roared, "Extreme Defense!"

With the two skills working in tandem, all the damage from the flames was transferred to him.

"Run!" Jiang Hanshan gritted his teeth and urged.

He had to maintain the two skills, and especially the first one, the Damage Absorption skill, making him unable to move.

But his teammates could move. As long as they could escape, there was hope of survival.

Jiang Hanshan felt a pang of regret; he had just been promoted to colonel, and now he was going to die.

At this moment, he thought of Lin Moyu, wondering how he was faring.

Jiang Hanshan held on with all his might. Looking back, he saw that none of his teammates had left.

The flames were too powerful, and he had to bear the damage dealt to 18 people by himself. Even with Extreme Defense, he couldn't persevere for long.

After ten seconds, Extreme Defense had reached its limit, and its light dimmed significantly.

At this time, there was a shout, and a shield appeared.

Another Knight in the party said with a smile, "Party leader, you forgot I'm also a Knight."

Jiang Hanshan, who hadn't thought of that, chuckled, "Good brother."

He didn't fear death, nor did the rest of his party. If they feared death, they wouldn't have come to the Immemorial Battlefield to begin with.

The shield shattered after three seconds. The Knight then used Damage Absorption and Extreme Defense, like Jiang Hanshan, but he lasted even less time. His skills entered cooldown.

Subsequently, the flames surged once again.

With a buzz, a holy light illuminated the ground, pushing back the flames, creating a clear space.

Mo Yun's Holy Spirit Unicorn had reached them at some point and unleashed a shield. The Holy Spirit Unicorn's shield bore a holy aura, the antithesis of abyssal power. Although its level wasn't high, but its defensive power was unexpectedly better than that of Jiang Hanshan.

Mo Yun slowly emerged from the flames, her Bone Armor gleaming brightly, completely blocking the Abyssal Fire.

Her appearance brought them hope. If Mo Yun was alive, then Lin Moyu should be fine as well.

A few seconds later, Lin Moyu also emerged from the flames. He raised his hand, pointed at Jiang Hanshan and the others, and gently pressed. Bone Armor appeared on them one by one.

Jiang Hanshan murmured, "This must be the doing of a level 70 top-level Demon."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "It's not a top-level Demon, but the Succubus Queen."

When the Succubus Queen's projection appeared earlier, Lin Moyu had seen it. He knew that all of this was her doing.

Jiang Hanshan was startled, "The Succubus Queen? Why would..."

Lin Moyu replied calmly, "She wants to kill me. She failed last time, so now she's trying a different approach. I got you all caught up in this."

Jiang Hanshan quickly shook his head. "Not at all. After all, we humans and the Abyss are mortal enemies."

Lin Moyu made a sound of assent and quietly watched the fire. Did the Succubus Queen really think she could kill him with just the Abyssal Fire; no way. She must have something else up her sleeve.

Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit Unicorn's defense reached its limit, and Mo Yun put it away.

The Bone Armor glowed in the fire, standing strong, blocking all damage. Everyone was astonished by this powerful defensive skill.

Standing amid the fierce Abyssal Fire, they were completely unharmed. Most importantly, this skill could be used on others. It was incredible.

Every skill Lin Moyu had shown so far was incredibly powerful, almost perfect.

The Abyssal Fire burned fiercely for a full two minutes, then the flames changed and began to spin like a tornado.

Lin Moyu saw the numerous corpses being swept by the flames, flying through the air and turning to ashes. Although the corpses burned down, but their life essence remained.

The life essence of Demons and Dragonkind combined with the Abyssal Fire.

Mo Yun’s complexion changed, "Not good, the Succubus Queen is summoning an Abyssal Fire Sprite! This is a secret technique of the Abyss. By sacrificing a large amount of lives, an Abyssal Fire Sprite can be summoned from Abyssal Fire."

Lin Moyu asked, "Is it strong?"

Mo Yun shook her head, "It's hard to say. It depends on the quantity and strength of the sacrificed lives. But in any case, the Abyssal Fire Sprite is definitely stronger than a lord rank Demon of the same level."

Even Jiang Hanshan had never seen Abyssal Fire before and didn't expect there to be such a thing. Stronger than a lord rank Demon? Wasn't that akin to saying that it was nearly on par with a lord rank boss?

They usually wouldn't dare to mess with such a boss. They would need at least 40 or 50 people to contend against such a boss, and even then, success wasn't guaranteed.

Lin Moyu said solemnly, "So, it might be stronger than the Crimson Moon Demon."

Mo Yun gritted her teeth and nodded firmly, "Most likely. After all, the sacrifices were all Demons and Dragonkind at level 60 and above. This Abyssal Fire Sprite must be at least level 60."

The Abyssal Fire Sprite was at least level 60, at least as strong as a lord rank Demon.

Lin Moyu wasn't afraid, but was intrigued instead, "With such a strong Abyssal Fire Sprite, what will it drop?"

Mo Yun seemed to have a deep understanding of this. After all, coming from a good family, she knew a lot of things.

"It is said to drop Fire Gem, which can be used to increase fire elemental resistance."

Fire Gem? That was similar to Poison Gem, and it had a similar function.

Lin Moyu blurted out, "Can Fire Gem grant fire-type skills?"

Mo Yun immediately shook her head, "That's impossible."

Lin Moyu felt a bit disappointed, "It seems it's not as great as the Earth Evil Centipede! I wonder which of the two is stronger."

Lin Moyu looked at the rapidly forming Abyssal Fire Sprite, fighting spirit surging in his eyes. Even if it couldn't master a new skill, simply increasing his fire resistance made it a valuable treasure. Such a good thing was always welcome.

Listening to their conversation, Jiang Hanshan and the others were deeply shaken.

Jiang Hanshan couldn't help but ask, "Senior Officer Lin, did you kill the Earth Evil Centipede?"

Lin Moyu answered, "No need to call me 'senior officer.' You're a colonel now as well. I killed it a few days ago—it was a pretty decent boss."

Lin Moyu meant that it dropped pretty decent items. Not only did he get leg meat, but he also acquired a new skill, which made dealing with the Crimson Moon Demon much easier.

Jiang Hanshan was completely stunned, as if struck by lightning. To be able to kill the Earth Evil Centipede... this combat power was beyond his expectations.

Jiang Hanshan couldn't help but ask, "Recently, two world rank bosses have been killed in a row. Was that you?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "The other one was the Soul Devour Insect Mother, which came out after the Soul Devour Insect King was killed. That was also a pretty decent boss, though it didn't provide any meat."

Jiang Hanshan was at a loss for words. Two world bosses! He had been adventuring here for years, yet he hadn't managed to kill a single one. If becoming a godly general was his dream as a military personnel, then killing a world boss was his dream as a Knightly.

At this moment, Lin Moyu became his idol.

The Abyssal Fire Sprite finally materialized completely. It was about 5 meters tall, engulfed in raging flames. It resembled a Fire Elemental Sprite, but it was much purer. Having absorbed the life essence of Dragonkind, the Abyssal Fire Sprite had Dragonkind-like features.

The Demons and Dragonkind that Lin Moyu hadn't killed were all burned to death in the Succubus Queen's sacrifice.

The Succubus Queen's bewitching laughter echoed in the air, "My young friend Lin Moyu, please enjoy the hospitality I have provided you. If you can survive this time, I will invite you to my palace next time and treat you to my abyssal cuisine."

Amid coquettish laughter, the Succubus Queen gradually faded away.

The Abyssal Fire Sprite awakened and let out a thunderous roar, and flames shot up into the sky, forming a massive fire barrier that enclosed Lin Moyu and the others.


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