Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


One of the core elements of Kizens unique system.

After the student protection period was over, Kizens students were given a time called the mission period.

It lasted around two or three days, including weekends, so around five days were designated as the mission period, and in this time, students could perform various missions commissioned from outside.

From simple chores and part-time jobs to monster elimination, body guarding, assassination of key figures, and even proxy wars.

There were various kinds of missions. Even the missions performed by active Necromancers were released to Kizen students.

Depending on the difficulty and success or failure of the mission received, Evaluation Points were given, and the commission fee could be formally received. It was also the fastest way for Kizen students to earn money, as they lacked funds due to the huge material costs.

And, as Hong Feng mentioned last night, Kizen set the next five days, including the weekend, as the mission period.

All students have different strategies for the missions.

At lunchtime, Rick was laying out the information in the cafeteria.

You need to complete at least one mission during this period, you see? There are people who just clear simple missions on Roke Island and study hard for the rest of the time to raise their grades, while there are people who ride the teleportation circle and go out of the island to accomplish a big mission and earn both money and mission points.


Simon took a sip of his soft drink and nodded.

What happens if you dont get to clear the mission within those five days?

Of course, the mission will be a failure. It does nothing for both your score and wealth.

Rick shrugged his shoulders and continued.

In special cases, you can write a letter of explanation and continue on your mission, but in the end, its your loss since youll miss all the classes you couldve taken.

So theres a risk, huh?

Rick nodded with a serious face.

So Im going to grab one that can be accomplished within Rochest, benefit from it, and focus on the expansion of business.

[For us, theres nothing to be concerned about!]

Piers clone hanging on Simon's school uniform spoke to him. Of course, only Simon could hear his voice.

[Were departing to the continent using the mission as an excuse! Its urgent to gather the forces of the Legion scattered across the continent and restore our former prestige!]

Simon felt the same way.

If the ancient undeads under his fathers control were scattered somewhere on the continent, he had to obtain them.

After all, it was the biggest power-up that Simon could try.

By the way, are there stronger undeads than you, Pier?

Piers clone grinned.

[Kuhehe! Im a Marshall of the Legion! No one dares go against me. But in terms of combat ability, there are some real monsters among the ones who served as captains under the Legion.]

Captains under the Legion?

It was the first time Simon had heard of this.

[The Legion was originally divided into several undead units, and the ancient undead with intelligence commanded their forces! If all the captains and the undead they led were united, it wouldnt be too long before the Legion regained its former prestige!]

To think that he could have new ancient undead besides Pier!!

Simons eyes twinkled. He felt that he should definitely do this.

But how do we know where the captains are?

[Kuhehe! Theres no way those crazy bastards are living quietly without trouble. They must be causing some troubles all over the continent. And theres a high chance it would be in Kizens missions!]

`We should definitely check them out, even with a trivial clue.


Rick was looking at Simon with a puzzled look while Simon was too absorbed in talking to Pier.

Why are you suddenly laughing to yourself?

H-Huh? Ahaha! No, I suddenly had a funny thought

Simon quickly laughed it off.

Anyway, filling up with easy missions is also problematic.

Said Rick, waving his fork.

The mission grade is at stake. If you keep on doing easy tasks and procrastinate it more and more, you may have to take on a dangerous task later, such as the assassination of a key person.

So procrastination isnt a good idea. I see.


Simon felt his determination resolve itself even further.

* * *

The next morning. 

Mission bulletin boards were installed throughout key facilities, including the male and female dormitories in Kizen. Students were flocking in front of the bulletin boards.

Anyone wants to get rid of werewolves on Roke Island? Its a party of three!

A Langerstine mission on a blue request form! These things are easy peasy.

The commission fee for Langerstine is too cheap. Might as well go further if youre going out.

White Within Roke Island. No possibility of encountering a Priest.

Blue Within the Dark Alliance. Very low possibility of encountering a Priest.

Red Within the Neutral Area. High possibility of encountering a Priest.

Black Within the Holy Federation. Will encounter a Priest.

Naturally, the more dangerous the mission, the higher the commission fee and mission score. Even within the blue request forms, the commission fee varied greatly depending on the content of the mission.

As he was watching, the white request forms started to disappear.

First-year students were still in the stage of adjusting to Kizen, and there was a strong tendency to focus more on school life than on tasks. The mentality of avoiding difficult things on the first mission also applied.

Of course, Simon had a different thought.

Theres no way my fathers other undeads would be on Roke Island.

Simon immediately skipped the white request forms and looked at the bulletin board with the blue ones.

The blue request forms were also popular because they were close and easier on the mind. Students who had some greed for wealth while wanting a moderately safe mission chose this one.


[Mm. Im looking.]

Piers clone attached to Simons school uniform was looking around diligently.

[Theres nothing specific that catches my attention.]

Then, Ill move on to the next one.

Simon took a step forward and headed to the bulletin board with the red request forms. From here on, the number of students viewing had drastically decreased.

As Simon tried to get closer to see the small text, he accidentally bumped into the shoulder of someone next to him.

Ah, Im sor

A male student with a huge physique.

It was none other than Hector.

* * *

* * *

After confirming who the opponent was, Simon jumped back. He also knew that Hector didnt really like him.

Simon Polentia.

Hector opened his mouth.

So youre also planning to go to the Neutral Area, huh?

Im just taking a look.

Hector scoffed.

The Neutral area is a lawless zone outside of Kizens influence. Even if you get into trouble or die while youre on your mission there, theres no way that Kizen could find it out.

A deep smile formed on his face.

I really hope well encounter each other on the mission.

Hector tore off one of the red request forms on the bulletin board and strode away.



Simon smiled as Hector turned around.

Be careful out there.


For a moment, a horrible frown appeared on Hectors face. Thick veins stood out on his neck and his knuckles turned white.

Simon straightened his shoulders and met his gaze with a calm face.

A brief war of nerves ensued.

Eventually, Hector whipped around and stormed up the stairs. Simon turned his head too and looked at the bulletin board.

[Hehehehe! Whats wrong with that kid?]

I dont know either.

Simon couldnt figure out why Hector hated him, no matter how much he thought about it.

Is it because I embarrassed him in the first Summoning class? But I was embarrassed in the first Curses class, so that should make it even.

That fight in the public bath? But it was covered up before the real fight even took place because of Kajanns intrusion.

Simon couldnt explain it, no matter how hard he thought about it, so he forgot about Hector and concentrated on the red request forms again.

Pier, what about this one? A swarm of infected zombies attacked the village.

[Infection is too common.]

Then what about this? Damage to buildings and crops due to an attack by a swarm of red snakes that suddenly appeared.

[Its interesting. However, theres no one with that kind of ability among the captains.]

It was then when Simon and Pier were meticulously looking at the request forms.

Why is this here?

In the corner of the request forms that were attached to the bulletin board in clusters, there was one that stood out in particular.

Because it was a blue request form attached to a board for red ones.

Is it some kind of mistake?

The moment Simon approached to look at the request form, someone took it away.

Oh, so this was still here. Please ignore this.

It was the servant who managed the mission bulletin board. Simon quickly asked,

What kind of mission is that?

Ah, this is a mission from several months ago Its a mission where the Necromancer subcontracted by Kizen went missing.

Simons eyes widened. Not even a student, but a Necromancer went missing?

Can I take a look too?

What? B-But this isnt a mission that a student can do


The manager presented the request form with an uneasy face. Simon and Pier quickly looked at the request form.

Request: Resolution of disappearance case

Request Rank: D -> B

Request Reward: 50 gold.

Location: Territory of Arnish.

Details: Young women were found desiccated.

Special note: Mission recipient missing.

Simon was surprised to see the picture enclosed in the request form. Women were really dried up like raisins.

[Found it!]

The side of Piers mouth tore open.

[This trace is her! Elizabeth!]

Whos that?

[An ancient undead leading the spider troops. When Elizabeth or the spiders she leads suck up a human bodys fluids, they turn like this. Im sure its her!]

Simon carefully put the request form in his pocket.

Perhaps because of its high rank, the reward was a whopping 50 gold.

Mister, are you really going to do that?


I doubt the professor in charge will allow you.

Simon smiled.

Ill try to persuade them.

* * *

Anyone could freely take a white mission, but from the red forms up or missions with a rank of B or higher, you had to go through counseling with the professor in charge.

Professor Jane, its me, Simon Polentia.

Come in.

Janes voice was heard through the door. Simon caustiously went inside.

There was a bookcase packed so tightly that you couldnt see the empty space on the wall, and every corner contained boxes holding towers of countless documents.

Still, it was overall a well-organized room. The only messy part was the documents cluttering her desk.

Simon knew that those were something she had to deal with today.

Did you come here for a mission?

Jane, who was looking through the documents, was wearing glasses with her hair up, unlike usual. As she asked her question, her eyes were still fixed on the papers, and the quill in her hand was moving with tremendous speed.

Yes, Professor!

Lets take a look.

Simon approached her at a quiet pace to not disturb her and carefully placed the request form on the edge of the desk.

Jane scanned the request form once by moving only her eyes before writing out her papers again.

D-Did she check it?

As Simon was hesitatingly standing still, she opened her mouth.

Please change to another request. Its not something a freshman could do.

Looks like she saw it right.

Simon gulped and said,

Im confident, Professor. I really want to take on this request and accomplish it.

Her quill stopped. He could feel Janes eyes behind her glasses piercing through him.

Simons back stiffened as he was filled with some strange tension.

Youre confident?


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