Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Simon gulped. Lena spoke calmly after looking at Camibarezs wound once again.

You fought with other students, didnt you? Itd be better to deal while youre still on the student protection period if you have a problem. Its not something to be brooding over by yourse

We didnt fight with a student.

He couldnt tell the truth. That they were attacked by a Priest who betrayed the Kizen. It was a secret that could shake the entire organization called Kizen and could put Lena in danger because of it.

Then what was it?

I cant tell you everything because its a little bit complicated. Im sorry.

Lena pressed her hand to her forehead with a hard face. She could see Simons silhouette bowing down his head.

In fact, she knew it from her long experience. Nothing would change, even if a servant interfered with the students affairs.

For now, treatment comes first.

She pulled out a first aid kit and several medications from the drawer. She wiped off the blood with gauze and skillfully disinfected the wound.

Camibarez, still asleep, groaned while frowning. After disinfecting, Lena applied the slime ointment that regenerated wounds so scars wouldnt remain and placed the band-aid. 

Fortunately, she had no huge injuries. The most severe injury, her thigh, was covered with bandages. Her sleeping expression became more relaxed.


Lena came out after pulling the curtains open. 

Take off your clothes.

Yes? What?

Simons eyes shook. She folded her arms with an expressionless face. 

Well have to take a look at your wound, right? Take off your top.

Ah. Okay!

Simon took his school uniform off while thinking that he was getting startled quite a lot today. He took off his jacket and shirt and rolled his school pants up to his knees.

Ill disinfect you first.

Lena crouched in front of Simon after putting disinfectant on the cotton.


Blood flushed to her face when she saw Simons naked body.

I mean, why does a student have this great body.

What are those abs at that age?

Ugh. So embarrassing. Calm down, heart.

There was this thing called an adults pride. She couldnt have indecent desires against a minor who was still wet behind the ears.

After pulling herself together, she disinfected the wounds in a professional manner. During that, Simon groaned in pain and twisted his body.

Uggh! It hurts so much!

Bear with it.

Said Lena while slapping Simons leg. Looks like a kid is a kid, judging from his whines.

After disinfecting the wound, she spread the ointment well and wrapped it with a bandage.

The wound might get infected, so it would be best not to overdo yourself for a while.

Thank you very much!

Simon bowed down respectfully.

A student bowing towards a servant. Lena took a step back in slight surprise and then cleared her throat.

I dont know what happened to you today but theres nothing more important than your health. Your body needs to be healthy to survive in Kizen. You get what I mean, right?


The female student is also fine. Ill ask the people I can trust in the female dormitory and take her silently.

Thank you very much! Ill never forget what youve done for me.

Simon once again bowed down respectfully.

After Simon went out of the night-duty room, Lena sighed and sat down on the chair.

I might be able to see him for a long time.

She thought that he was a down to earth boy. That was rare in Kizen.

A strange feeling lingered on her.

* * *

S-Simon! So you were alright!

As Simon entered the dormitory room, Rick, who had been anxiously roaming around the same place, ran up to him.

What in the world happened?! Hows Cami?

Simon calmly explained what had happened.

The story where they were chased by Keepers, went deep into the forest, and got lost.

Of course, he didnt share the part about the Priest. He thought that he should discuss this matter with Camibarez separately.

Rick also arrived a little late to get past the Keepers, and he said that Meilyn, who was left alone in the lab, was shaking with anger and sadness. Of course, she seemed to understand when he explained that Keepers were around.

In the end, Rick was also able to acquire the ingredients in Rochester, so it seemed like they could make the potion tomorrow.


Whoa, that startled me!

The door opened roughly and Kajann Edvalt came in.

A towel was placed over his wet head like hed been to the bathroom.

Youre back, Kajann?

Simon greeted him with a smile.

He tossed off his uniform without answering, climbed up to the bunk bed, and laid down with the blanket covering up his head.

And within a minute, you could hear snoring.

I really dont understand him at all.

Rick shrugged and went to his bed. Simon also grabbed his blanket and went to his bed after looking at Kajann sleeping.

The day was extremely tiring.

* * *

The next morning.

Simon was waiting at the building entrance, leaning his back against the wall after telling Rick to go to the lecture room first.

As the familiar Class A students passed by, he saw Hector and his faction walking. They looked at Simon with slightly surprised faces and talked in whispers.

Shes late.

Simons face started to fill with anxiousness as he looked at the wall clock. The time for class was drawing near, but Camibarez wasnt showing up.

Whats happening? Is she that hurt? Or is she not coming to the class because shes so shocked by what happened yesterday?

In fact, it was so frightening that his hair stood on end when he recalled the Priest praying in the Forbidden Forest last night. He also had some nightmares.

At least Simon was used to looking at someone praying since his mother was a priest, but it had to have been a much larger psychological shock for Camibarez.

I guess Ill have to pass by the girls dormitory after class Hm?

At that moment, He saw a female student with a bag passing next to him. She had a really familiar face. She smiled broadly as she met her eyes with Simons.

Ah, Simon! Good morning!

Camibarez trotted towards Simon. Compared to what Simon expected, she looked energetic.

Let me see you for a second. Cami.

The two moved to a quiet, vacant park behind the building.

You mustve been surprised yesterday. Are you really okay?

She slightly nodded her head.

Yes, Im fine. It just feels like I was dreaming.


A pleasant night walk after a long time.

That time when she was picking mushrooms with Simon in peace.

That time when they were running away after being chased by the Keepers.

That time when Simon carried her and jumped off the cliff.

And lastly, that moment when she faced that indescribably terrible Priest.

It feels like I woke up after the memory was cut off when the dream turned into a nightmare How should I put this? Like I cant feel the sense of reality.

Is the shock less because she perceived it like she was dreaming?

Whatever the case was, Simon was relieved that she looked okay. Simon went straight to the point.

The Priest ran away after seeing the keepers. Theres a high chance that they havent seen your face yet.


Dont tell anyone else and just act as usual. Ill find out who the Priest is.


Suddenly, she came closer to Simon and stood on her tiptoes.

I want to help too, Simon!


Its too mean to put me out of this case because my face wasnt discovered! This is for both of us!

Simon was a little startled by her spirit and leant back.

R-Right. Okay. Ill ask for your help when that time comes.


Just then, the bell rang, announcing the start of class. The two ran to the lecture room in a hurry.

* * *

* * *

The first class was Bahils Curses. The class was so hectic that hed completely forgotten about what happened last night in the Forbidden Forest. Bahil finished explaining the theory and went straight to practical exercises.

I saw a lot of students depending on the rectifying tool in our Exhaust class the other day, so this time, well practice with an easier curse.

The Curse of Transmitting used the formula that was the basis of all curses, which attached the jet-black to the target creature. The objective of this class was to make the magic circle of this curse float in the air without the rectifying tool.


Simon raised his concentration and spread his palms facing each other.

Like holding a large fruit in your hands.

Now, he had to draw a magic circle in the air by flowing jet-black in from both palms.

Simons dark-blue jet-black flowed out and drew a circle, the basic step of the magic circle.

Even the beginning is tough.

After, with difficulty, placing the circle that later would be the base, he drew a rune in its center.

Of course, it didnt go as well as he had planned. The base repulsed and trembled as he tried to add the rune, and his hands shook as if he had tremors.

Even though it was quite inept, Simon wrote the runes and formulas. Originally, it was supposed to look like a picture from a copy machine, but Simons magic circle was a shape where the letters were wriggling as if alive.


He decided to try casting the magic with it first. A tall vertical plant was placed on his desk.

It was a plant that grew by consuming jet-black, and its said that, if the Curse of Transmitting succeeded, flower buds bloomed from its body. Simon activated the magic circle eagerly.


However, the magic circle dispersed instead of activating. 

Simon sighed in frustration.

Its not easy after all.

He had no time for this when they had to hunt the Cyclops next week right away. Simon clenched his teeth and spread the palms of his hands again.

How is it? Is it doable?

Simon felt a warm hand on his shoulder at that moment.

When he turned his head, Bahil was there, smiling. Simon replied tensely.

Ah, yes! Im trying my bes

Management of the core.

Simon stopped speaking.

Its because youre inexperienced with managing the core. The concentration of jet-black is lowered, and therefore the magic circle isnt constructed properly.


Simons heart started racing. It was a part where he kept feeling his limits, but it was a completely different feeling to hear it directly from a Professor of Kizen compared to thinking it by himself.

Therell be no place to learn how to properly manage the core. Its too basic to be taught at Kizen, and each person has a different management method.

Bahil raised his index finger from the hand that was touching Simon's shoulder.

Excuse me for a moment.

He then pressed Simons shoulder with his index finger.


In an instant, his mind went blank, and he could hear the sound of water dripping. The noise of the surrounding students disappeared like magic, and Simons body drifted to the empty world, far from the classroom.

Theres a prejudice that curses are only harmful. As a person whos in this field, it saddens me.

Said Bahil with a bitter laugh.

Perhaps it was because the noise around him had disappeared. His voice could be heard very clearly.

Professor, this is

Please dont be surprised. With the modification of the Sense Curse, I simply maximized your senses. Now, focus again.

With Bahils voice resounding softly, Simon somehow felt at ease. He didnt seem like Bahil was going to do anything bad.

Take a deep breath and try to collect the mana from the air into your body.

As instructed, Simon drew the mana into his body. This time, Bahil also placed his left hand on Simons shoulder.

Now, were going to pass the mana through the core. First, take a look at how I do it.

Among the mana in his body, he felt a string of mana that he couldnt control. It went into the core under the heart.

However, it didnt pass through the core as is. The mana rotated along his core and underwent a profound process of change.

Simon, your jet-black is different from ordinary peoples. The image of simply extracting it will inevitably lower the efficiency.



The mana rotating in the core naturally turned into jet-black and was discharged to the outside. It was an image reminiscent of the corona of a black hole.

Abandon the image of transformation, modification, and falsification. Think of the core as a living creature and lead it gently. Wait for the jet-black to fall outside naturally.


Now its your turn, Simon.

Simon nodded his head and focused on the mana in his body.

Circulation, not transformation. An image of circulation.

Simon imaged the words that repeated in his head over and over again with mana. As if responding to his will, mana streamed into his core and began to flow.

Theres no need to strain yourself to control the core. Just relax, and contemplate. Let this child do whatever it wants.

Just like Bahil said, the core really moved with its own power. As the core circulated the jet-black, it drew in the mana around it, and the jet-black got stronger as well. Soon, the inside of the core became full and emitted jet-black to the outside.



The black sun was completed in Simons body.

Good job! Then, shall we try dropping the senses to 50% this time?

The blurred vision came back to normal. From a feeling of complete isolation, he could now hear the noisy voices of the students sitting next to him.

Now, try again.


Simon repeated it over and over again. The first attempt was unsuccessful as the jet-black didnt move as freely as when his senses and concentration were maximized, but he got the hang of it on the second and succeeded on the third try.

Jet-black has a tendency to remember.

Said Bahil while tapping his forehead.

Just like the hands and feet of humans. If you repeat the same movements hundreds of thousands of times, the jet-black tries to reproduce the acquired flow without realizing it. Isnt it amazing? Thats why its important to practice repeatedly and develop the right habits.

Simon felt great.

A feeling of enlightenment being engraved in your head.

He thought Bahil was just a cold and calculating person. Simon thought that he was seeing a new side of Bahil.

Now then, while were at it, shall we try performing the curse too?

Simons senses were maximized again with Bahils voice. All other distractions disappeared, and he was able to focus on himself, the jet-black, and the plant in front of him.

Try stirring up the jet-black.

With Bahils voice, Simon raised his hands facing each other. Jet-black flew out of his fingertips like paint.

Rest assured. Im assisting you. Please complete the magic circle the way you like it.

Ah, yes!

It was a completely different feeling than when he was doing it alone. Since the magic circle floating in the air was perfectly centered without being shaken, Simon was able to create as much jet-black as he wanted in peace.

It was a wonderful feeling. The magic circle was completed in an instant, to the point that him struggling a few minutes ago seemed ridiculous.

And then, activate it!

As soon as his senses returned, Simon opened his eyes and activated the magic circle.

A single ray of jet-black, resembling a lightning strike, went out with a flash and hit the plant.


Then, a spectacular view spread out.

Numerous flower buds bloomed profusely like an explosion from the plants body.

The flowers already covered Simons desk and spread out around him. It was like Simon was instantly buried in the middle of a flower bed.


What, what is this?

Exclamations of students broke loose everywhere.

P-Professor, this is!

This is the potential that you have.

Bahil spoke in a low voice that only Simon could hear.

Please dont get me wrong. I was only assisting you in making a stable output. This is a level that youll be able to do by yourself in no distant future.

What hes saying was true. It was indeed Simons power that made the flowers bloom.

Your jet-black is special, Simon Polentia.

Bahils fingers, which were resting on Simons shoulder, trembled. The blue flower that was growing even now was already covering Simons entire torso.

Please think about it carefully.

Bahils face turned serious.

On what would be the best way to blossom your talents. And in what direction to proceed to get 200% the advantage of this unique jet-black.


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