Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

On the beach, pirates were piling the goods they had looted from the village into countless wooden boxes. It took so many that one could build a large hill or a wall with them.

"Good! Very good!"

Pirate Captain Guile chuckled while picking up jewels inside the box.

"After all, the treasures of this rich territory are of a whole new level! Bwahahaha!"


Guile turned his head. A pirate with dark-blue bruises forming in both eyes was rushing toward him.

"We need reinforcements! A massive counterattack is taking place in the city!"


Guile frowned. He was sure that the Sea Force was neutralized.

"Is it the remnants of the Blue Harbor Sea Force?"


The pirate was sweating profusely.

"It's just the residents! A florist, tourist, chef"

"You bastard Did you finally lose your mind?!"


The reporting pirates eyes rolled into the back of his head before he fell to the ground limp.

Behind him stood a man in a chefs outfit holding a frying pan and smiling.



Behind the wooden boxes stacked like a wall, you could see pirates being thrown around.

Guile jumped up from his seat.

"What's going on?!!"


The stacked wooden boxes toppled to the ground as the bodies of thrown pirates slammed into them, and you could see the city residents walking in confidently.

It really was a florist, tourist, chef, and all that.

'I can't believe this. That report was real?'

A woman in a swimsuit was seen lifting a pirate by his collar, slapping his cheeks.

Slap! Slap!

With every hit, the pirate's teeth fired from his mouth like buckshot.

'I see.'

Guile's expression became serious.

All of these people were wearing some boney armor.

It was the work of a necromancer, and since the only proper necromancer in Blue Harbor was Pinch, then

"It must be you. The boy in a black school uniform."

Behind the ordinary residents stood a sweaty boy in black clothes. Guile clicked his tongue and twiddled his long mustache.

"He promised to take care of the Kizen student, yet look at him passing the buck on us like this. I shouldnt have worked with those kinds of people after all!"

"From what you've just said"

Simon gave a sarcastic laugh.

"It looks like there's a traitor, huh?"

"Heheheh! Take it how you like!"

Soon, the residents surrounded Guile.

As everyone had gained once-in-a-lifetime power with Simon's Bone Armor, their confidence had peaked.

However, Guile calmly stood in place and twiddled his mustache.

"Hit him all at once!"

Residents wearing Bone Armor rushed in together, but in that moment, Guile's eyes flashed, and his muscles swelled up.

Simon got startled and shouted,



The ten residents rushing in were flung away by the huge shockwave.

A few who were hit head-on fainted, so Simon removed their Bone Armors.


The chef got behind Guile with fleet movement and swung the frying pan at the back of Guile's head, but Guile didnt even have to look as he raised his arm to block it.

Then, using just his bare hands


Guile turned the frying pan into nothing but scrap metal.

"A-A monster!"

"Move away, mister!"

The lady in the swimsuit came in from the side and spread her palms wide.


Guile's head shot to the side from the clean hit. The sound alone buffeted the winds, and the sand around them fluttered.

Her every slap had the power to blow away a pirates teeth.

"How cute."

Guile, who only had a handprint on his cheek, smiled and pushed his face in front of hers.

"Mmm I'm actually into this, you know?"


She started stepping back in bewilderment.

Guile grabbed the handle of the sword on his waist and drew it while letting his mana explode.

Screwed her eyes shut, the tourist covered her head with her arms.


A tornado rose in the sandy beach due to the huge winds. She squatted down before slowly opening her eyes while trembling.


In front of her, she saw Simon with a leg outstretched.

He had pushed up Guile's arm, holding the sword with a kick.

His leg was shaking.

"No wonder I couldn't feel your jet-black."

Simon smiled while dripping sweat. His gaze was fixed on the mana fluttering in Guile's sword.

"This is my first time seeing an aura user."

"Hahaha! You should've come out sooner!"

After putting his leg down, Simon said while creating some distance,

"Everyone, step back. He's a strong opponent that can't be dealt with without a core."

"Wait! I can still"

Simon waved his arms and dismantled all the sets of Bone Armor he had equipped to the residents.

They got startled and backed away only then.

"You see"

Guile cracked his neck side to side.

"I really hate necromancers."


* * *

* * *

"In fact, I was gonna kill him once this whole shebang was over."

It seemed like he was talking about the traitor. And the possibility that the traitor was also a necromancer had increased.

Simon could roughly guess how things were turning out.

However, he wanted to bring out certain other bits of information, so he continued the conversation in a natural direction.

"To see a person using aura these days How strange."


Guile said as he spun his sword into a wide circle,

"That's the problem with you guys with necromancers. Y'all divide things into mainstream and non-mainstream without proper proof, and you belittle pure magic by saying it's outdated because it's different from you guys."

"I have never belittled it, though."

"I wonder. First of all, I don't like how you looked at me like you were watching a strange monkey in a zoo when you first saw my aura."

Guile fixed his grip of the sword and held it to his chest, making a modest stance. Then, he slammed his right leg down into the sand and pushed off as he rushed forward.

'Gauntlet Mode!'

Simon quickly pulled his right arm back. As bones gradually covered Simon's arm, he thrust his fist forward.


The sand on the beach flew up like a fountain, and Simon and Guile stood in the center.


Simon's gauntlet, armed with jet-black, clashed with the sword armed with aura, creating sparks.

"Kuggh! As I expected!"

Said Simon, struggling to push the sword away.

"That action of putting the sword on your chest! I know that's the swordsmanship stance from the knights of the Baldwin Kingdom!"

"Oho! So you figured it out!"


Guile deflected Simon's gauntlet with overwhelming force.

But he didn't rush in right away. He looked pretty satisfied with Simon's perceptiveness.

"What is there to hide, anyway? The family I was born into has been a family of knights for generations!"

'......A pirate is?'

Knight families had continued to plummet in a world dominated by necromancers.

Although that was the flow of the times, the young Guile didn't give up.

He honed the sword styles and aura techniques handed down by his family, and finally passed the exam and succeeded in joining the knights of his great territory. However

"Among the 200 members of the knights, 198 were necromancers who had activated their cores."

A bitter smile was placed on Guile's lips as he spoke.

It was an ironic situation where Guile was ostracized within the knights for being outdated.

He wasn't even given a chance to show his full potential. He also missed out on the large-scale-event marches because he couldn't dye his sword black.

And finally, he couldn't bear to watch the bullies who didn't even possess a strong body or an ounce of chivalry blabber about practicality and such bullshit.

Guile, drenched in skepticism, eventually left the knights, headed to the sea, and became the captain of three large pirate ships.

'B-Becoming a delinquent from unemployment'

When Simon heard the story, he felt an odd mix of emotions.

"A student of Kizen, the pinnacle of necromancy, huh?"

Guile raised his sword over his head. Blue-ish mana on the sword fluttered like waves.

"Itll be fun to catch and kill you!"

Then, he swung the sword in a huge, sweeping line.


The slash moved in a perfect line, flattening the sandy beach. Simon stepped back to dodge it, and the people around him screamed and retreated.

"Countless necromancers have picked a fight with me in an attempt to exterminate the pirates! But they have all fallen to my blade!"

Guile laughed out loud.

"You'll be the same, Kizen!"

Guile rushed forward immediately and swung the aura-bloomed sword. Piles of sand rose like waterfalls in wherever the sword passed.

After dodging the third strike, Simon leaned back and thrust his fist forward. It hit, distorting Guiles face, but he swung his sword with a grin even as the fist landed.


The sword grazed Simon's chest. A small bzzt came from his uniform. It was the internal defense magic activating.

"Again! Is it another little trick again?!"

Guile chuckled.

"Only a warriors polished body determines his strength! You can't win a duel with just little tricks!"

Simon lowered his stance to avoid the sword strikes before flinging his right leg into Guiles chin, flipping up onto his hands.

Guile's head shot up, but his sword didn't stop.

'Are you saying he's not even bruised by that?!'

Simon stepped on his jet-black and rolled away. Guile grinned as he wiped the blood from his lips.

"An unbreakable body and strong will! A warrior doesn't need any little tricks other than those!"

"Ah well, I do feel bad about your story, but"

Simon took out a long sigh and stretched out his right arm.

"That doesn't mean your sins are washed away."


A pile of sand came up behind Simon's outstretched arm like a huge monster.

He had secretly planted the golem's core on the sandy beach and created a mud golem by flowing jet-black in from time to time.

Although it was more like a sand golem than a mud golem here.


A pile of sand which was difficult to even call a golem's arm rose up before slamming back down on Guile. He didn't dodge this time, taking the attack front-on.

However, the fine sand of the beach didn't clump together like other soils, but instead scattered as it hit Guile. Sand got into his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

"Ptooo! Kugh! Useless!"

And while Guile's vision was obscured, Simon ran in like a flash of light, grabbed the back of Guile's head with the Bone Armor gauntlet, and jumped.

'That way!'

Looking for the best target among the items stolen by the pirates, he threw Guile by the head into a very strong safe.


The safe crumpled in on itself with a loud noise. A normal person would instantly die, their skull cracking open, but Simon knew Guile's toughness.

'Not yet!'

Simon opened his subspace and retreated. Potions made during Poisonous Alchemy poured out and fell on Guile's face and body, and Simon sent out the bones scattered around.

'Beat him like mad!'

The bones moved and broke the potions attached to Guile's body. His whole body was soaked with paralysis potions and poisons.


Guile stood with trembling legs.

"Will never fall down!"

"Yeah, sure looks like it."

"You necromancer bastards! Using dirty tricks like poison! Shame on you!"

Guile ran in with a shout.


His sword swung in front. Simon easily dodged it by bending at the waist.


This time, it was a diagonal slash. Simon, who avoided it with a slight tilt of his head, jumped away after landing a clean counter on Guile's face.



After dodging the follow-up horizontal slash, Simon pulled the hem of Guile's robe and elbowed his face down into the ground. A few teeth fell from Guile's mouth, along with blood.

"Kuugh! Kogh!"

He staggered back and placed a hand to his forehead. The poison was making his vision spin, and he couldn't stand properly.

"You bastard! What did you do to me?!"

Dealing with a poisoned Guile was a piece of cake.

Simon spun on the spot, dodging the sword Guild had swung with force. His back was twisted, and his right heel was rising into the air.


A picturesque spin kick exploded against Guile's face.

There was a sound of a hard-shelled fruit cracking open, and blood splattered in all directions.

"I do agree with you."

Guile's body flew several meters away and rolled across the ground.

Simon walked over to him.

"Knights, auras, swordsmanship. None of those are outdated. However"

Seeing Guile not moving anymore, Simon dusted off his hands.

"You most certainly are."


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