Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 67:

The heavy rain outside did not stop at all. Mu Nan couldn't see the situation of their own building, but he could use the binoculars to see the situation in the distance at home. After taking a bath, many people took advantage of the heavy rain to start washing Clothes, people who used to hide in tents during the day and couldn’t come out, but now they rarely come out to feel the light because of the rain, and the usually lifeless camp suddenly became lively like New Year’s.

However, those soldiers were not as relaxed as the crowd. Some of them wore protective clothing that was closed from head to toe and walked towards the collapsed area in groups. It can also cool down, whether it is clearing corpses or collecting supplies, it is the best time.

But now the plague has begun to spread. To dig through the ruins, you must wear protective clothing. However, because the number of protective clothing is too small, they can only be used by some people. Therefore, the limitation on the number of people has caused them to clear the progress so far. slow.

Mu Nan looked at it for a while, then put away the binoculars and returned to the bed: "I don't know if the cafeteria still cooks big pot meals every day, but there is no protective clothing, and those who live in tents can't dig through the ruins. People who don’t provide free food, have lost their homes, and haven’t dug up anything to eat, what should they do.”

Qin Huai: "As long as there is still a mouthful of food, they will not let the people starve to death. They only ask for it because of the lack of supplies. They need to maximize the use of manpower. Now they can't go to the ruins. They can always do something else, otherwise How did those refuge bases be built later, did they all rely on soldiers to build them brick by brick? It is obviously impossible."

Mu Nan thought so too, maybe some people have already started to arrange for some people to go to the later refuge base, but they didn't live in the camp, so they don't know.

After it had been raining for a while, the air was finally not so humid. Although the rain did not lower the temperature much, it was still more comfortable than the scorching sun. After the outside temperature dropped a little, The low temperature of the air conditioner in the room made people feel a bit refreshed, and Mu Nan couldn't stop the drowsiness and fell asleep hugging the pillow.

Qin Huai leaned on the bed, listening to the sound of the rain outside, but he didn't feel sleepy anymore, and he didn't know how long the current peace could last.

After waking up from sleep, the rain outside became lighter, but it was still falling. Qin Huai had already poured two buckets of rainwater into the bathtub in the bathroom. Put the disinfectant tablets in the water, and also gave Yu Zibai and his family a box of disinfectant tablets. The relationship between Mu Nan and Jian Chu is very good. Mu Nan will definitely be sad, so take care of her as best she can.

Mu Nan lay on the bed and stretched, humming and not wanting to get up: "Rainy days are good for sleeping."

Seeing that Qin Huai was mopping the floor, and smelling the smell of disinfectant that had become a daily routine, Mu Nan muttered again: "It's also suitable for eating hot pot."

Qin Huai mopped the floor without raising his head: "Then eat."

Mu Nan shook his head quickly: "I just said, the smell of hot pot is very fragrant, and I will never eat it at this time if I want to, for fear that others will not rob our house."

Qin Huai: "It's enough to cook a Zihe pot. Now it's raining outside, and every house is closed, so the smell is not so easy to spread. The most likely person who smells the smell is the next door, so it doesn't matter. They know that our house has a Zihe pot. , and Zihai Pot is not as strong as hot pot, so if you add some vegetables and meat, you can eat a simple version of hot pot."

Mu Nan thought about it, and found it feasible. These days, I have been eating rice and vegetables every day. Although I won’t say that I’m tired of eating, it’s okay to change the taste and adjust it, so I quickly got up and opened a box of Zihe pot, and When he set up the induction cooker and a small pot to start cooking, Qin Huai carried them to the bathroom: "Eat when you wake up, and you need to brush your teeth for three minutes. Now that you have a toothache, there is no dentist who can treat it for you. Don't be lazy."

Mu Nan held his toothbrush in his mouth: "I originally planned to cook it before brushing my teeth, how can I be so unhygienic."

Qin Huai smiled, put down the mop, and started to dismantle the hot pot for him. Mu Nan honestly brushed it for three minutes, then hurried over to take out a plate of hot pot stuff from the space, and put the small fan on the table It was blowing directly above, it was raining, the air conditioner was blowing, and eating a small hot pot, all the despair and worries about the future seemed to be far away.

The rain didn’t last long, except for the torrential rain on the first day, it fell intermittently on the second day, and it almost cleared up on the third day. What is disappointing is that the scorching sun hangs high in the sky again, and the hot temperature is not due to the This rain has become normal, but it is not completely unchanged. At least now the temperature outside is only hovering around 50 degrees. Take good sun protection and not be exposed to the sun at the hottest time. People can still travel during the day, but I don't know if the venomousness of the scorching sun was extinguished by the rain, or people's adaptability is gradually getting stronger. In short, it is a little better than the previous situation of being unable to go out for the whole day.

But such a slightly pleasing thing did not make the current situation any better. On the contrary, because of this rain, the outbreak of the plague could no longer be resisted by human power.

In just one day, the muddy ditch watered by the heavy rain of the previous two days evaporated to dryness. At the same time, the ubiquitous smell of rotting corpses became stronger and stronger, even living in a camp tent that had been emptied Sometimes people can't bear the rancid smell that blows in the wind. Just smelling that smell can make people think of the picture of stinky maggots crawling on the corpse.

However, the smell is not the most unbearable. The most unbearable thing is that the rats have started to flood. I don’t know if the rats started running rampant before, or because now that the daytime temperature is slightly acceptable, more people come out during the day. That’s why I saw more rats. The most disgusting thing about the rats is that sometimes there is a greasy smell in the places they crawled over. Experienced old people said that they were rats crawling over corpses. The greasyness is the corpse oil that has been deeply rotted and seeped from the corpse.

Many people know what corpse oil is, but some people may not know that corpse oil does not have to be specially refined. Naturally decomposed corpses will condense a layer of corpse oil, and the corpse oil will ooze from the surface of the corpse, and then Slowly dripping down, sometimes mice can even crawl through the corpse oil ditch gathered on the ground, and then carry this thing full of bacteria and viruses everywhere.

Live rats are crawling everywhere, and dead rats are flooding. In addition to burning the corpses, some dead rats on the side of the road have to be cleaned up. At first, some people tried to cover their mouths and noses in order to fill their stomachs. They searched through the ruins, but more and more people became sick, and even some people who had never been out of the tent began to get sick. Animals infected people, and people infected people. This made many people even feel that they were not survivors after the earthquake, but The living corpse of **** on earth.

Some people can't bear such an environment. They feel that as long as they leave here, they are safe. Seeing more and more sick people, they can't help but flee in panic. They don't know that it's the same everywhere now, and there is no way out.

Some people are afraid of this feeling of waiting to die, so they climb up the high ruins and jump down. For them, it is a relief to die early.

But more people are sick and still trying to fight against fate. They don't want to die, even though living seems to be a more terrible thing than death, they still don't want to give up.

Some people turned to soldiers and doctors for help in fear, while others simply dragged their sick bodies out of the camp. Anyway, they were already sick and had no medicine, so they would die if they couldn’t survive.

Healthy people are hiding in tents and wrapping themselves tightly so that they don’t get close to others. Sick people have broken their cans and started helping soldiers to clean up the ruins. They don’t have protective clothing, and they don’t need protective clothing anymore. If they are alive, they will move a little, and if they can’t move, let those soldiers carry them and burn them. Compared with those rotting under the ruins, they can at least turn ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

Compared with the terrified, fearful and desperate people in the camp who suffered from physical and psychological torture every day, it is the group of soldiers who are still wearing protective clothing and constantly removing the corpses. They watch their comrades fall one by one, watching Those who are sick can still move, come out to help them clean the bricks with bare hands, look at the people who greeted them yesterday, but can no longer open their eyes today, every day is a game to break themselves completely Crash. But they can't stop, they can't hide, they can't even allow themselves to be weak, they can't even cry, for fear that once they can't hold back their tears, they won't be able to be strong again.

The spread of desperation was not limited to the camps. Those who were arranged to live in buildings that had not collapsed also began to fall ill. The most common symptoms were fever, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea, and swollen lymph nodes. Herpes, itching and pain, tortured by constant alternation of cold and heat, some people have anti-inflammatory medicines and cold medicines at home, no matter whether they are right or not, just take them with a little bit of something. It is also fate. And most of these sick people are on low-rise floors. The lower floors are the closest to the ruins, and rats and reptiles are the easiest to climb. In addition, there is no way to deal with excrement, which makes the already severe environment worse.

In order not to pollute the environment in which they live, some people with better conditions tie plastic bags and throw them out, while others who don’t have such conditions just grab some cloth at home, cut them up and wrap them up and throw them out. Cleaning is enough, but the things thrown out will not disappear. They are scattered everywhere, making the already messy environment even more messy, surrounded by mosquitoes and flies, and rats crawling around with germs. It is impossible for people not to get sick , but the reality is that there is no good environment to clean up these things.

When death from heat or disease became the unavoidable choice, some people began to climb upstairs with their families, some simply lived on the roof, built a shed with limited materials, and hid in the corridor to avoid the sun during the day. Sleeping in the shed built at night, as long as it is away from the ground, it makes people feel that they are farther away from death.

As more and more people go up this way, the roof gradually cannot fit, so they simply settle down in the corridors of high floors. There is definitely no way to live in the stairwells. Close the door of the stairwells, and you can live in the corridors. Block some mice and mosquitoes. If you live in the stairwell, the mice that climb up and down can't prevent it at all.

Residents on the upper floors found that there were people living directly in the corridor in front of their houses with bedding. Naturally, this plague is transmitted from person to person. Such a bunch of people who don’t know where they come from live in front of their houses. Who knows if they are sick? , if it is infected because of this, it will be so wronged, so there will inevitably be disputes.

But even if they argue, some residents dare not confront them head-on. After all, other people live in front of their house. After living here, I can imagine how bad the situation is without looking at it. Otherwise, why would I leave my own house and sleep on the ground in front of someone else’s house, so at most I would swear at home for a while, listening to the movement at the door with fear every day, Afraid of being knocked on the door. The seventeenth floor of Qinhuai and the others is not too high but not too low. When the people on it live along, their floor becomes a treasure of geomantic omen. Because of the installation of an iron gate, this floor is not Anyone can come in, and if there are fewer people, the environment will naturally be better.

Somebody thought about it and found out that the iron gate was installed on their floor, and tried to get up from the elevator, but the elevator door was also blocked, so several families discussed together and planned to join forces to block the elevator door. The big wardrobe was moved away.

The movement was not small, and even Xu Ming, who had been in self-isolation, came out. When Daniel heard the movement, he looked fiercely at the person who had pushed the closet open: "What are you doing! Are you looking for death! Get out of here roll?"

The people inside immediately began to beg: "It is impossible to live downstairs. Please do me a favor. We will only live in the corridor for a while. It will definitely not affect you. I beg you to give us a way out."

If these people can live in, then why did they go to such great lengths to build a wardrobe to block the elevator? Don't say that Qin Huai and the others refused to agree. Daniel was the first to refuse. He simply backed away and didn't block it. He directly raised his fist at the people inside: "You can roll yourself, or get rolled by me! If you want to live with us, first ask me if your fist will agree!"

If there were only Qin Huai and the others at this time, they would have to use their weapons to frighten them off, but Daniel is really too fierce. He is at least 1.8 meters tall, and he is not easily provoked by a muscular body. Killing one is definitely not a problem.

Those who wanted to live here shrank back immediately, but they were reluctant to give up. After all, this floor was not occupied by anyone. There were five or six of them in a group. There were few people and it was empty. It was better than crowded upstairs.

Just when they were hesitating, Daniel punched the person standing at the front with his fist, the eye socket was still on the eye socket, and the person covered his eyes and was hit back again and again, and fell into the elevator, staring at him for a long time I can't even get up. Daniu looked at the others fiercely: "Aren't you going to get out? Do you really want me to maim you one by one and throw you down!"

The others quickly retreated into the elevator, originally thinking of taking advantage of the number of people to occupy the place ahead of time, but when they met Daniel, they realized that they couldn't even withstand a fist from him.

They are office workers who don’t exercise much on weekdays. Their thighs are not as thick as their arms. In addition, people in their place are generally not too tall. They are basically around 1.7 meters, compared to 1.8 meters. With a completely oppressive height and physique, people really dare not provoke them.

Watching the group of people go down the elevator, Daniel moved the big wardrobe back.

Jian Chu looked at Xu Ming who hadn't seen him for a while, although he knocked on the wall every day to contact him: "How are you doing in isolation?"

Xu Ming smiled: "It's okay, I don't have any symptoms so far, I should have escaped for the time being, but now it seems that the situation outside is more serious than I thought before."

Jian Chu couldn't help but sighed: "We don't know how serious it is when we're locked up in the room. Anyway, we can live every day."

Seeing Daniel restore the wardrobe with bare hands, Jian Chu gave him a thumbs up: "Brother Niu is amazing!"

Da Niu suddenly showed a silly smile, and on that slightly fierce face, he didn't disobey at all: "It's only so strong. Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you last time. Fortunately, you helped me speak, otherwise my family would You’re really going to be kicked out.”

Jian Chu said: "What's the matter, just tell the truth." After speaking, he couldn't help asking: "Is your wife sick? It seems to be coughing all the time."

Xu Ming can also hear the coughing of this neighbor's house every day. The building has become a little noisy in the past two days, and the sound has been somewhat covered. Before the whole building was quiet, the coughing sound was too obvious. up.

Daniu was afraid that they might misunderstand, so he hurriedly said: "My wife is not in good health, she has never been very well, and now she has encountered such a big disaster, and she is even more unable to bear it, but she has no infectious diseases, which is why I dare not let her go." The reason why other people live in our corridor is that she has poor immunity, if someone with a disease should live here, my wife might be the first to be infected."

Jian Chu said: "It's okay, I'll just ask, go back to the house, it stinks outside, and the smell is too bad."

Xu Ming: "I went in first, the smell outside is really bad, even the disinfectant water can't cover the smell." Qin Huai knows that he disinfects the corridor every day, before the smell of disinfectant water could cover the smell from the outside The smell, but now that the upstairs and the corridors are full of people, the smell can't be covered. If there is no fan at home to use, these days are really unbearable.

Daniel sighed and walked into the house: "No, it's not easy for those people, it's not that there is no way, who wants to sleep in the aisle of others."

Qin Huai went back to the house after the group of people went down. They live far away from their new neighbors, and they don't have much to talk about. Anyway, at present, no matter how they are, at least everyone can reach an agreement for the time being. As long as they are safe and sound After the base is completed, if there is one less thing, then there is nothing less. After pushing Mu Nan who was hiding behind the iron gate of his house to watch the excitement, Qin Huai closed the door and entered the house: "It's not too hot."

Mu Nan said: "I thought it would be a struggle, but I didn't expect it to be done with a fist. Back then, it was not in vain to help that big cow. With such a person here, most people would not dare to make up their minds." .”

In his last life, he never opened the door with the door closed, but he also knew that there were some people living outside the corridor. At that time, he was very scared at home, mainly because he was alone. Qin Huai's house was still vacant, and he was afraid that people would know that there were still vacant houses here After all, when the soldiers came for the census, the inspection was not very strict, so he concealed that there were people in the house, and no one else came in to check, but the two sides were too quiet for fear of being suspicious. There is no movement in life. Fortunately, when he went to the private base with a group of people in the end, no one broke in. I just hope that this time, I can live peacefully until I can leave.

Qin Huai: "It can indeed save a lot of trouble." At least he doesn't need to make a move. If he makes a move, what he will throw is not a fist, but a crossbow that will inevitably see blood. heart of.

Mu Nan went to bed as soon as he entered the room, and Qin Huai sprayed the door with disinfectant water. Disinfection is one aspect, and more importantly, it is to cover the smell. Before, no one on their floor could come up, and everyone stayed behind closed doors. I also wore a mask when spraying and disinfecting outside, and the smell was not obvious. I touched people a little at the moment, and I don’t know how long those people haven’t been cleaned. Just stay there for a while, and the smell of the corridor can’t go away. Plus, once the door in their own stairwell is closed, the anti-theft door is locked, and the iron door near the patio is closed on his side, the smell in the corridor will be even more difficult to dissipate, so we can only spray a little disinfectant.

After a little bit of busy work outside, it was hot and sweaty, Mu Nan took out a pack of wet wipes that hadn't been opened yet: "Brother, do you want to use wet wipes or take a shower?"

Qin Huai: "Use wet wipes." It's better to keep the water stored in the space for drinking. Now there is no need to flush the toilet. It is almost enough to clean it every two or three days. There is no need to take a shower every day.

Mu Nan held up the wipes: "Then do you want the peach scent or the flower scent?"

Qin Huai glanced at him: "I'd better take a shower." I don't know where Mu Nan bought the wet wipes, not to mention the strong fragrance, and the residue is very long-lasting. He really likes Mu Nan's use, but he doesn't express his liking It's also sweet and greasy on its own.

Seeing Qin Huai's unhesitating dislike, Mu Nan clicked his tongue lightly. It smells so good. Compared to the smell of sweat, isn't this sweet and sweet? He tore off a corner of the wet wipe, and Mu Nan After smelling it, she sneezed because of the fragrance, and immediately couldn't help laughing: "Sure enough, the fragrance is pungent." So let's keep this kind of wipe for now. Mu Nan took a pack of fragrance-free wipes. I wiped it, just watched the excitement, although I was still inside the anti-theft door of my house, I was still sweating from the heat after just a while, so I didn’t need to take a shower, just wipe off the sweat.

Listening to Mu Nan having fun outside, Qin Huai pursed his lips and smiled, really silly and cute.


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