Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 55:

With Qin Huai and the others joining in, the rescue work here immediately relieved the soldiers who had never stopped, and the rescue of the cold supply point was indeed much less difficult than the residential area. After removing all the counter partitions, the entire cooling point is a ring-shaped building, and the roof above is made of light steel materials. After the earthquake, because of this roof, the people inside had a little room to breathe. The collapse above.

There are many survivors inside, and of course there are many dead, but there are still some alive. This is the reason why those soldiers can't stop even if they are spinning.

If there are more manpower, the people trapped inside may be rescued soon, but the problem is that there is a shortage of people everywhere, and the people are willing to come here to organize the people to save themselves, but compared to saving their own family members , to dig up their own collapsed house, how many people can take the initiative to come here to rescue people who have nothing to do with themselves at this time, because of this, the number of soldiers rescued here is the most, because apart from the soldiers, the surviving people buried below at this moment Can't wait for another rescue.

Before Qin Huai and the others came, these soldiers had been rummaging for several hours. It was not dark yet, but when the heat was not so scorching, they began to rescue them. If they rescued the people inside a minute earlier, maybe more people would be saved. To save a life, the soldiers who were in charge of the registration just now were replaced. The weather was too hot, and what they were doing was strenuously exhausting their energy. In the past few days, I have been exhausted for several times. But even so, they still couldn't stop. The epaulets on their bodies made them shoulder all the responsibilities even if they didn't care about themselves.

Because there is no crane, the collapsed place has to dig a gap by itself. This gap was dug yesterday. It is also because of this that we can be sure that there are still people alive inside. There should be a lot of people, but there is a risk of another collapse at any time. So the rescue side did not go down hastily. Yesterday, a batch of food and water were sent down. No matter what, it should be able to last for another day. But if there is no way to dig here tonight, and another day of high temperature and heat, I don't know how many people inside can hold on.

Mu Nan and others helped them carry the broken bricks and stones that were pressed on them for a while, but they couldn't clean them up soon, and the captain in charge of the rescue here also encountered difficulties: "I expected this situation yesterday, and this piece of steel The top protected the people below, but it also blocked the way of rescue."

In the past, this piece of steel roof could be lifted as long as a crane could be transferred, but now, it is simply impossible to rely on manpower.

Some soldiers tried to work together to fix Gang Buding, but now they can send people wherever they can, and the rescue process has suddenly come to a deadlock.

Qin Huai looked at a piece of steel roof fragments that were almost two-thirds smaller than this one not far away, and said: "We can borrow strength, but if we succeed, people will be saved. If we fail, it may cause a second collapse."

The captain of the rescue team followed Qin Huai's gaze: "Borrowing strength? How?"

Qin Huai said: "We can't push the big one here, but the small ones might work if we work hard. Dig out that piece and tie it with ropes. The height of the ruins is at least six or seven meters above the ground below."

There is no need for Qin Huai to say more about the rest, the captain also figured it out. With the force of the falling of the small steel roof, he pulled out the big steel roof. If it succeeded, the people inside would be saved. , still can't be pulled, the shock caused by the falling of the small steel roof is very likely to cause a second collapse, either to be rescued or to die, the probability is 50 to 50.

In the end, the rescue captain called everyone to hold an urgent meeting. Most of the people decided to take a gamble. They had no other choice. If they couldn’t get rid of the steel roof, the people inside couldn’t get out. They didn’t dig in another direction. It can be solved by Taoism, so it is better to take a gamble than passively wait for death.

With the direction of action, everyone immediately regained their spirits, put all their strength together again, and tried to pull out the small steel roof. Listening to the chant of everyone's concerted efforts, Mu Nan, who was so tired that he squatted aside to catch his breath, couldn't bear it. He kept asking Qin Huai: "Brother, what do you think is the possibility of success?"

He has been helping around the community in his last life. He can only circle around in the environment he is familiar with by himself. Came out, still all gone.

Qin Huai shook his head: "This kind of thing can only depend on God's will. Save yourself a little effort and don't lose your strength."

Mu Nan said: "I know, don't be too tired, yesterday's shoulders were so painful that I couldn't lift them up."

The two rested for a while, then put on their gloves again and stepped forward to help. The small steel roof was not light, and they couldn't understand how it could be as heavy as a jack, even though it was a light steel building. The big one didn't move at all, and the small steel top moved a little bit, even if it was only slightly moved out, which cheered up many people. As long as they work harder, they might succeed.

I originally thought that no matter what I do, I should save a little energy. The premise of saving others is that I should also be good, but the contagion of the general environment is really beyond my control. When I see others working so hard, I will be subconsciously. When I got motivated, when I was tired and collapsed, I was replaced and drank some water to slow down, and when I recovered, I continued to help.

Just when the sky was about to disperse the darkness, the small steel roof was finally pushed to the edge of the ruins by the crowd. All the things that could be **** were used, and they were afraid that the force would be able to move them, but the binding was not solid and broke in the middle. Probably even more desperate.

After doing everything, under the order of the rescue captain, everyone pushed together, and then dispersed, the small steel roof was shaking and tugging at the edge, only to see that everyone's hearts were up and down. In the end, the small steel roof slid heavily from the edge as expected.

Qin Huai pulled Mu Nan away from him, fearing that there would be a second collapse and they would fall down.

Dust and smoke were everywhere, and the loud bang sound exploded in my ears, and the place under my feet trembled continuously. Before the smoke dissipated, Mu Nan heard someone shout happily, saying that it was open.

Everyone hurriedly climbed up the ruins. It is definitely impossible for the entire big steel roof to be lifted. The roof beam of a shopping mall can be handled by at most 20 or 30 people. As a result, the large steel roof that had been motionless before was pulled open a gap, which could accommodate at least two or three people to enter and exit.

In order to prevent the people buried below from collapsing due to scrambling to go up first, after all, everything is very fragile now, and even a little stomping may collapse again, so I simply sent two soldiers down. Fortunately, the steel roof It's very stable, after all it took so much effort to open the opening, I'm afraid it won't collapse so easily, until all the people who can still move inside are hoisted up with ropes, they are still safe and sound.

A total of 108 people were rescued from the living, no matter they were still able to move or were severely injured, and there were more than 30 dead bodies inside, some of which had their hands or feet broken by objects that fell from the sky. Because there was no way to stop the bleeding, and the temperature was too high during the day, they were delayed for too long and lost their lives. Some of them ran for their lives in a hurry when they were hit, and then vomited blood and fell to the ground when they couldn't escape. It was obvious that they had injured their internal organs. They died due to timely treatment, and some of them had incomplete bodies. It took a lot of effort for the soldiers who went down to transport all the bodies up. Fortunately, everyone came up in the end, and there was no such thing as going down to save people last night. The case of not being able to come up.

The harvest of this night can be said to be quite large. There are more than a hundred people, and finally no one is busy. But tired is really tired, I have been busy all night without stopping.

It’s almost dawn, but the heat of the sun hasn’t come up yet, but if you delay, you may be in the sun on the way home, and you definitely don’t have time to go to the cafeteria, so you can only get the cafeteria ticket, so hurry back Home.

It was the team leader who asked them to come again tonight: "You guys really helped me a lot in this rescue. Come here again at night. I don't have the conditions to give you too big rewards now, but some food that can last for a long time, you guys You can move back a little bit, I'm afraid the situation in the future may not be too good, there is food in hand, don't panic."

Mu Nan glanced at Jian Chu and saw that they were hesitant, so he helped them and said, "Excuse me, if we want to find solar panels, where can we find them now? Or can we replace them with something?"

The team leader said, "Are you here looking for solar panels?"

Mu Nan nodded.

The team leader pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let's talk about it when you come tonight."

There is something to be said, Mu Nan thanked, Jian Chu also thanked again and again, the body was exhausted after returning home, but the heart was relaxed, the solar panels had something to do, and they saved so many people, looking at those who were pulled out from the ruins People, the excitement and joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, the touch of life, it is really hard to describe in words, if I really want to say it, it is worth it, the hard work and sweat of this night, everything is worth it.

Just walking halfway, Mu Nan looked at Jian Chu: "Why didn't you ask just now, the captain said that he would reward us, what a great opportunity."

Jian Chu was a little embarrassed: "You all contributed too much, so hard work, how can you only help us with solar panels, how precious the food is now."

Mu Nan said: "Let's take a look tonight. Anyway, according to what the captain said, they should have it, but they don't know how much they can give us. Before, the entire shopping mall was covered with solar panels. We asked for ten yuan. , shouldn’t be too much, right?”

Ten yuan to set up, such a fierce sun, plus their house already has, it should be able to drive two air conditioners. For people who are too close to each other, the gap in life cannot be widened too much. It’s okay to close the door and people don’t know about eating and drinking. If they use the air conditioner, the next door will be heated. After a long time, it’s not good after all. , the most unbearable thing is the drop test, but it would be too generous for him to take out the solar panels he hoarded.

It's not as good as it is now, to help them close the gap, and to sell favors. If Jian Chu and Yu Zibai are grateful people, then their temporary cooperation friendship can last. If the other party is a pushover, he He can pack up his things and leave here with Qin Huai at any time, so don't look at Mu Nan with a harmless face, sincere and generous to his friends, in fact, there is a lot of mischievousness in his heart. Of course, if people treat him sincerely, then he will definitely not calculate other people's things, everything is mutual. And it's true that he and Qin Huai contributed their efforts tonight. It's also true that they don't need food if they can replace the solar panels. The sacrifices are all real sacrifices. It's normal to plan for something they need more and be more beneficial to them. .

I don't know that Mu Nan, who looks like a little sheep but is actually shaking the tail of a little fox, is sincerely grateful in Jianchu's heart. He is not afraid of being treated badly by others, and the living environment since he was a child has made him used to other people's malice. , but when he meets someone who treats him well, he will be at a loss. He is very grateful in his heart, but he doesn't know how to say thank you. He could only say dryly: "Mu Nan, Qin Huai, thank you!"

Mu Nan smiled and said: "What's the matter, this kind of catastrophe, it's also fate that people like us who have met halfway can get together and help each other to live together."

Only Qin Huai could see the fox's tail flicking back and forth in front of his eyes. Mu Nan has been a ghost since he was a child, and naturally he has no bad intentions, but coaxing people into a routine is a routine operation. After the sugar in the pocket is coaxed clean, people still have to say thank you to him. It's just that this kind of Mu Nan seems to have become quieter after he left, and he has closed himself in a small circle, no longer in contact with the outside world.

Seeing that Mu Nan seemed to have regained some of his previous vivacity, Qin Huai's joy was unavoidably tinged with sourness. If there were no such disasters, how good it would be.

Climbing the stairs was a huge challenge for them. Qin Huai and Yu Zibai got used to it. Although they were tired, they gritted their teeth and went up. But it was Mu Nan and Jian Chu's turn, after exhausting their physical strength all night. Go down, climb another seventeenth floor, it's almost fatal.

When being dragged up by Qin Huai, Mu Nan was panting like a blown bellows: "If...not...the... air conditioner at home is beckoning to me, I would rather sleep in...a big tent!"

Qin Huai laughed and encouraged: "Come on, we're on the 15th floor, if you persevere, you'll be home."

Mu Nan was already tired and dizzy, feeling like his lungs were going to explode: "I can't do it...I can't do it..."

Jian Chu pushed him from behind: "Man, you can't say no!"

In the end, Mu Nan was dragged back to the gate of his house with the help of the other three people. The air conditioner was naturally turned off. Once they got home, Jian Chu and Mu Nan lay side by side. Qin Huai applied a towel wet with water to Mu Nan's forehead: "Don't lie down, sit up."

Mu Nan snorted and didn't want to move, so Qin Huai could only help him up and rubbed his shoulders and arms. Mu Nan pushed Qin Huai's hand away: "I'll just cool off." Qin Huai was also tired, so he should have a good rest when he got home, so how could he waste his energy on giving him a massage.

Qin Huai looked at Jian Chu and Yu Zibai: "Sleep here today, it's too hot."

Jian Chu waved his hand: "Let's just cool off and get over it." Others give them convenience, but they can't be too casual, although they are really cool and don't want to leave.

Mu Nan still has some regrets: "I didn't find anything today." You must know that many things were found in the early stage, and more and more people searched later, so the things that can be found are naturally less and less. Going to save people.

Qin Huai: "There's nothing in the cooling point. There are some building materials over there, but there are a lot of steel bars."

Yu Zibai said: "Tomorrow we have to come back early, first go to the medical team to check on Xu Ming's situation, he probably plans to stay in the medical team, if he doesn't come up, then when we go down, put his Send the self-promotion pot to him."

Jian Chu and Yu Zibai lay in Mu Nan's house for a while, and after the burning heat on their bodies subsided, the two went home, because they had already connected the wiring boards in their house before leaving, and provided a A freezer and an air-conditioning fan. When they go back to take a short shower, put the frozen ice crystals in the freezer into the air-conditioning fan to fan the air. Although it is not as cool as the air-conditioning, it is very enjoyable now that the water and electricity are cut off. After all, it's still comfortable at home, and I feel more comfortable doing everything, so it's better to go home.

There are no outsiders in the house, Qin Huai stretched out his hand to pull Mu Nan up: "Go take a shower when your body cools down, and I will put a plaster on you after washing."

Mu Nan still didn't want to move, and today's consumption has exhausted him: "Brother, we are still not fully prepared."

Qin Huai: "What else is missing?"

Mu Nan: "There is a lack of a massage chair, it would be great to have a massage chair at this time."

Just thinking about the lack of food and clothing in the days to come, who would think of massage chairs? Seeing Mu Nan's exhausted appearance, Qin Huai smiled: "Don't want to move? Then I'll wash it for you, and post it for you after washing it." Plaster, help you press the plaster after putting it on?"

Mu Nan snorted and struggled to get up from the ground. After resting for a while, the condition did not ease, and his hands and feet became heavier, but he still had to take a shower, and he couldn't sleep without washing. After he finished washing, he put Qin Huai's bath water again. While Qin Huai was taking a bath, Mu Nan poured himself a bottle of glucose, and quickly drank a few sips of ice water with a sweet throat. Today's consumption is too intense. After slowing down for so long, my head is still dizzy.

After Qin Huai finished washing, probably the glucose had worked, and Mu Nan finally recovered, so he took a stick of glucose and asked Qin Huai, "Do you want to drink some?"

Qin Huai: "Did you drink it?"

Mu Nan hummed: "Replenish your physical strength."

Qin Huai said: "I don't need it, you can put it away, sleep for a while or eat first?"

Mu Nan wanted to sleep very much, but knew that if he fell asleep, it would be impossible to get up and eat in the middle, so he said, "Let's eat first, what shall we eat? Noodles or vegetables?"

I don't really want to eat meat. Although they didn't move the corpses today, they saw a lot of mutilated corpses. The images in my mind haven't disappeared yet, and I feel that everything that can be associated with those images is not I want to eat too much.

Qin Huai said: "Let's eat pork rib powder, you are allowed to eat a little spicy." Fearing that Mu Nan would lose his appetite due to fatigue, he had no choice but to relax a little spicy food to enhance his taste.

Mu Nan struggled to get up, sat in front of the small coffee table, took out two bowls of pork rib powder from the space, asked Qin Huai, saw that he was drinking beer, took another can of beer, he didn't want to drink coke, so he took it A cup of mung bean paste with ice slag, I am afraid that a bowl of flour is not enough to fill me up, so I took out a box of baked steamed bun slices from the space, sprinkled with cumin, baked browned and browned steamed bun slices, and took two eggs, The eggs are all chickens raised at home before, and the freshly laid eggs are boiled and thrown into the space. Anyway, the intake of one egg per day is maintained, as long as the basic nutrition can be achieved.

Looking at Qin Huai who was holding the chopsticks firmly, and looking at his shaking hands while holding the chopsticks, Mu Nan: "..."

Qin Huai laughed: "Bring out a fork, and I'll feed you."

Mu Nan: "No, I will eat slowly by myself."

With strong willpower, Mu Nan finished a bowl of pork rib noodles, but only ate the noodles, and the few spare ribs that the boss gave him were rare and generous, and he picked them out and put them in other pork rib noodles. Eat meat when you have an appetite.

He only ate two slices of steamed buns, and Qin Huai ate the rest. He was afraid that Qin Huai would not have enough, so he asked him if he wanted anything else. His previous recipes were almost drawn, and he could browse through the recipes to order at any time. However, Qin Huai's appetite is only average, and he would finish a box of steamed buns just because Mu Nan took them out.

After the two of them were full, Mu Nan took out the massager, the kind that massages the shoulders and necks. He used to draw and sat in front of the computer to draw for a long time. His shoulders and necks were very sore, so he bought a shoulder and neck massager. There are also head massagers and leg massagers, so there are no massage chairs, and he also has a bunch of massage aids. I didn’t think of this yesterday, but today I thought of massage chairs. Naturally, these things were also remembered, so I rushed from the space. He turned it inside out, anyway, he couldn't just lie down and sleep right after eating, so when Qin Huai pressed his shoulders and neck, he rolled over with the hand that pressed his legs.

"Why didn't I prepare a few of these things a long time ago? You see, rolling twice like this can press the legs, and then roll on the arms after a while, which can also relax the arms. It's so useful."

Qin Huai: "We can go to the shopping mall at the back. At that time, the shopping mall was closed and was going to be converted into a cooling point, but the solar panels were not in place, and the construction was not started. I don't know if the things inside have been cleared. If not , it’s worth a search.”

It was a difficult time before the earthquake. Almost no shops were open. Even the small privately run shops were simply closed, or the goods were emptied out of fear of someone prying into the door and stealing. No one knows anything, so that after the earthquake, except for residential buildings, those former commercial streets and shopfronts, it seems that not many people are looking for them. After all, if they can’t find anything, it’s just a waste of work.

Relaxed the muscles of the body a little, and the two of them put plasters all over their bodies on each other. Thanks to the plasters, they bought a lot, otherwise they really couldn't stand the consumption every day, but when the body got used to this intensity, they should be able to Much better.

After finishing their work, Mu Nan and Qin Huai turned off the lights and lay down. The room was quiet for a while, and Mu Nan suddenly said, "Brother."

Qin Huai hummed, and turned his head slightly to look at him. Although he couldn't see anything in the pitch black, he could see a general outline of the people around him.

Mu Nan said, "We saved a lot of people today."

Qin Huai chuckled lightly: "Yes, Nan Nan performed very well today."

Mu Nan said: "Then we have saved so many people, will good people be rewarded?"

The smile on Qin Huai's face faded a little, but he stretched out his hand to embrace the person next to him into his arms, and then said in a low voice: "Yes, good people will be rewarded with good things."

Mu Nan took the initiative to lean on Qin Huai's side: "Well, I also think that good people will be rewarded with good things." He didn't want to be happy in the next life, only to have no regrets in this life.


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