Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 2:

In the past few months, Mu Nan has spent a lot of money and spent all his savings in the past few years. Fortunately, he has space and convenient transportation. For some large quantities of food, he can go directly to the original place. Buying from the place of origin can save a lot of money by reducing transportation costs, but no matter how much you save, the money is still not enough. Facing the known future, no amount of preparation is too much.

In order to facilitate receiving goods, Mu Nan specially rented a small warehouse, and hired a retired teacher, three thousand a month, just visit the warehouse during the day to help him receive goods, and he will come over at night, pretending to be the goods Pack everything into space.

Today is the last batch, and the lease of the warehouse has also expired, so he can express the remaining items that are too fragmentary to his home.

Mu Nan, who had eaten, settled the wages by transferring money to the janitor's teacher with his mobile phone, and then went out to the leasing company to return the key and get back the deposit. On the way back, he passed by a supermarket. Looking at the money in his hand, Mu Nan went to Wandered around the supermarket. Although I have almost bought everything that should be bought, the money in the future is not even as good as waste paper, so I can buy a little while I can still spend at normal prices.

Mu Nan's own money has actually been spent long ago, and what he spends now is sent back by Qin Huai every year.

Qin Huai, the person who had been integrated into his life unknowingly for a long time, but then left.

He and Qin Huai grew up together. Qin Huai was two years older than him. When his parents passed away, he was still young and had no autonomy. Send someone under the fence. Although the conditions of his family can only be regarded as well-off, his parents dote on him very much and almost respond to his needs, which has also cultivated his arrogant temperament. He would rather live at home alone and take care of himself than live in a house. someone else's home. What's more, even though he lost his parents, Qin Huai is still here. To him, his home is still there, so he can't leave him at all.

Fortunately, his relatives didn't think much about adopting him. Although his parents had accident compensation and insurance compensation, the combined sum was quite a lot, which would allow him to finish his studies without worrying about food and clothing, and even have a surplus. It's a problem after all. In the end, under Mu Nan's stubborn fuss, the relatives chose a compromise. He was adopted in name, but he still lives in his own house, and the neighbor across the door, Qin Huai's grandmother, helps to take care of him. Anyway, since childhood, Mu Nan almost grew up in Qin Huai's house, and that relative's house didn't live well either. It's far away, about ten minutes away, just visit once in a while.

He was ten years old that year. For some adults, ten years old may be a child who cannot be separated from others, but for a child who has encountered a great change, it is definitely possible to take care of himself, let alone take care of himself. And it's not that he has no one to rely on, besides his parents, he also has Qin Huai.

Qin Huai's grandmother passed away when he was fifteen years old. She was too old and passed away very peacefully. At that year, Qin Huai, who was just seventeen years old, became an orphan just like him, but they had each other.

Qin Huai said that from now on, they will depend on each other. At that time, Mu Nan didn't have much fear of the future. Although her grandmother was gone, they had each other.

However, it didn't take long before Qin Huai's father, whom he had only seen in photos, found him and took Qin Huai away forcefully. After leaving, Mu Nan never saw Qin Huai again in his last life until his death.

Qin Huai's father should be quite rich and settled abroad. At the beginning, under his crying, Qin Huai told him that he would not leave. He never pretended that this so-called father did not exist. But later, Qin Huai, who was determined not to leave, still left. No matter how stubbornly two underage children were to live with an adult, there was no other way but to compromise.

But at that time, Mu Nan couldn't understand and couldn't accept it, and was only filled with the betrayal of Qin Huai leaving.

At first, Mu Nan could only resist Qin Huai's departure with a resolute attitude and the toughness of breaking off diplomatic relations, with a trace of self-esteem that was stabbed by betrayal even if he bowed his head to beg, but the ultimate goal was to hope that Qin Huai could come back. He couldn't understand why Qin Huai could easily let Qin Huai leave with him who hadn't even shown his face once in more than ten years. Especially when some neighbors casually said that blood relationship is blood relationship, it was like stabbing a knife in his heart.

Facing the empty house, Mu Nan felt deeply for the first time at that time that he was really an orphan, with no father, no mother, no one to rely on, not only the house was empty, but also the heart. So much so that for a long time, he closed himself off, retaliated against Qin Huai's betrayal by stripping himself from Qin Huai's world, and even chose a boarding high school far away from here, as if he wanted to leave everything here and follow Qin Huai has nothing to do with it anymore. However, the most fundamental reason for all this is that he used the most naive method, hoping that Qin Huai would come back.

These resolutions are only used by him to avoid the bewilderment of bearing the future alone, and the panic and fear of losing Qin Huai.

Growing up, Mu Nan gradually understood Qin Huai's helplessness back then. He believed that Qin Huai would never leave with his father if he could, but life is like this, and you can't do whatever you want. But Mu Nan's understanding does not mean that this frozen relationship will recover, on the contrary, he is even more afraid to contact Qin Huai.

In that strange country, Qin Huai's new life, new friends, and everything new have nothing to do with him. Maybe Qin Huai has already started his new life, successful, loved, sought after, What's more, he may regain a close friend who can replace him. Only he himself is still living in the past.

He thought they still had a lot of time, and thought that one day he would be able to muster up the courage to face things that were no longer the same as in his memory, maybe they would become strangers, and even like many adults, with a trace of reminiscence, he talked lightly and calmly. Looking at Qin Huai in the past, Mu Nan thought, when one day he can accept a Qin Huai who has nothing to do with him and is just a former neighbor, it should be the time when he has the courage to contact Qin Huai again.

It's just that in his previous life, he didn't have this courage until his death.

Although Qin Huai left, he would send Mu Nan living expenses every month, including the annual tuition fee, but this money Mu Nan never touched in his last life, and the compensation after his parents died was enough for him to finish college. , He didn't know where Qin Huai's money came from, whether it was earned by himself or given by his father, no matter whether it was the former or the latter, he didn't want to use it.

But this time, Mu Nan spent all the money. He thought, maybe when Qin Huai saw that his account was empty, he would be worried about what happened to him. Come back and have a look. It is Qin Huai who is looking for him very much. It's easy because he's here and never left, but it's hard for him to find Qin Huai because he doesn't know where Qin Huai is now.

At the beginning, he was the one who cut off contact with Qin Huai forcefully, but Qin Huai sent him living expenses every month, giving him the illusion that Qin Huai still kept in touch with him. Can find each other. It wasn't until he took the initiative to look for Qin Huai after his rebirth that he found that there was no one for a remittance account, not to mention that the remittance account was a foreign trust fund.

After being reborn, Mu Nan, who couldn't find Qin Huai, panicked. He searched everywhere for anyone who could contact Qin Huai, but most of them lost contact during the years of breaking off relations. There was only one who hadn't moved yet. Jiang Xuan. After being reborn, Mu Nan went to find Jiang Xuan, but unfortunately Jiang Xuan said that he hadn't contacted Qin Huai for a long time, and the online account he used to contact had long been lost, and he didn't know where Qin Huai was.

Until now, Mu Nan is still looking for Qin Huai while hoarding goods. He deeply suppresses the panic that he may never find Qin Huai in this life, and tries to keep calm and prepare for the end of the future. What will happen to him if he never sees Qin Huai again, maybe he will collapse even more than he thought.

Looking at the card handed back by the cashier, this card is the living expenses given by Qin Huai, and the last sum of money in it was completely spent today, and the big and small bags were brought home, and Mu Nan sorted them out little by little. , while thinking about what else needs to be added, he habitually opened the contact group from a long time ago, but unfortunately it was quiet inside, and all his inquiries and inquiries did not respond.

In the early morning of the next day, a worker knocked on the door. Mu Nan specially customized hollow and thickened tempered glass, intending to replace everything in the house with new ones. When staying at home because of the smog in the previous life, these leaky doors and windows did make him worry and fear for a while, so this time, he took precautions early.

In addition to changing the glass, Mu Nan also specially replaced the air conditioner at home. The air conditioner was specially customized by him when flying abroad. It is installed in a plant in a high-temperature working environment, so the model is so large that it cannot be installed at home.

However, in some foreign places where the temperature is hot and hot all the year round, this high-temperature technology is widely used in homes. Although the price is much more expensive than that in China, it is better than small size and easy installation. He ordered two high-temperature-resistant household air conditioners, installed one at home, and put it in a space for future use if needed.

In the last life, when the smog dissipated and the scorching heat hit, almost all household air conditioners went on strike. The country temporarily set up a number of summer resorts, but there were too many people. Even the summer resorts had air conditioners, but with little effect.

Back then Mu Nan stayed at home, the weather was too hot and the air conditioner couldn’t be used, but there was water in his space, and he survived the first tormenting summer heat by relying on the water stored in the space. This time I have experience, and I have made enough preparations, so I won't live in a more embarrassing life than in my previous life.

When the windows were demolished at home, Mu Nan lived next door, which was Qin Huai's house. Although Qin Huai didn't come back, Mu Nan never left. At least once a month, he would hire a part-time worker to do a general cleaning. Now that he couldn't live in his own home, he simply packed up and lived here.

Before, Mu Nan thought about whether to sell her house and live in Qin Huai's house, but after thinking about it, it's okay, they live opposite each other, so no matter who they sell to, they may accidentally reveal some secrets, and It's fine to sell the house and leave, but living so close, if there are some disputes over the house after the end of the world, it's really not worth it. It's better to close the big iron gate outside and live quietly by yourself.

When the staff were changing the windows, Mu Nan carefully supervised the work and told them to seal it well. He didn't live here for long in his last life. Compared with the refuge bases established by the government, some private refuges were opened earlier. , You only need to pay a little food, and you can have a settlement that can escape the heat and cold.

At that time, many people in their community were moved. In fact, Mu Nan was not moved at first. Later, it was because of an earthquake. Although it was considered a small aftershock when it reached here, many houses still collapsed. Fortunately, nothing happened where he was, but there was no way to prevent another earthquake in the future.

And during that time, water and electricity cuts were too frequent here. Once, the electricity came on for a few hours for nearly a week, and the water stopped for several days. It was too difficult to cut off power and water on such a hot day. A private refuge base, among other things, can maintain power supply for at least a few hours a day.

Mu Nan thought, he has space, no matter where he is, he will never starve to death, and there were quite a few people who decided to go together at that time, so Mu Nan followed along.

Not to mention how many losses he suffered in that kind of private base, the more reason why Mu Nan chose to stay this time is that he wanted to wait. He was afraid of Qin Huai's change, but he instinctively believed that the Qin Huai he knew would always be with him. It won't change, this kind of contradictory psychology is very complicated, but no matter what, this time he wants to stay at home and wait a little longer.


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