Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 101:

Jian Chu and the others prepared for more than a week, and they finally made an appointment for a car, but it was him and Xu Ming who drove. Jian Chu knew how to drive. The surrogate driver sometimes works very late, usually at one or two in the morning. It is inconvenient to go back to the dormitory, and it will disturb the sleep of the classmates. It is too late and the door is locked and they cannot go back, so they rent a house outside. Compared to him, Yu Zibai doesn't have many opportunities to drive. It should be said that after getting his driver's license, he hasn't driven much.

Although the courtyard is very quiet on weekdays, after the people next door left, probably because they knew that there was no one in the house, the whole courtyard felt quieter. Mu Nan, who had nothing else to do except sweeping the snow every day, There is an illusion that the whole time seems to slow down.

Holding the mirror in his hand, Mu Nan watched Qin Huai cut off his hair bit by bit. Although he needed a bit of hair to keep warm in winter, he hadn't cut it for a few months. His hair was almost reaching his neck. It was too long and it would get oily, so he had to do it often Wash, so it's better to cut it shorter, at worst, just wear a few more hats: "Cut me more handsome."

Qin Huai smiled: "Who do you want to be so handsome?"

Mu Nan hummed and said, "I'll look in the mirror myself, hey, don't cut it too short here, leave it a little longer, the sideburns look good if they are a little bit."

Qin Huai: "If you want to cut it, cut it shorter. Don't you think it's troublesome to wash your hair? It's so cold now. If your hair grows, it dries slowly, and it's easy to catch cold."

Mu Nan snorted: "Obviously you think I always say that you are pressing my hair, my hair is so short, you can still press my hair."

Qin Huai cut it on Mu Nan's head: "Whoever told you to sleep with your head covered and like to roll over, now that you cut it short, you won't be able to press it down."

Mu Nan likes to flip when he sleeps, and Qin Huai likes to hug him tightly. Sometimes when Qin Huai hugs him a little tighter, he tends to press his face sideways on his hair. As soon as he tried to flip, he was pulled awake, so his hair Although it is not as long as girls, it is still occasionally crushed.

After a while, the broken hair had fallen all over the floor, and Mu Nan looked at his own short hair, and looked at Qin Huai with dissatisfaction: "You are not good at this craft, this cut has no shape at all, cut it for me So many times, there is no progress at all!"

Qin Huai reached out and stroked his hair: "It's as long as it's comfortable, go take a shower."

Mu Nan was not in a hurry to take a shower, and took the scissors directly: "It's time to show off your skills, I'll give you a super handsome cut."

Qin Huai refused ruthlessly: "No need, please cut it short for me, thank you."

Mu Nan felt that his body skills had no room for display, so he even cut Qin Huai's hair. On the second day after the haircut, the person who came to take his temperature informed them that the equipment was in place and he was going to renew his ID card. Only after changing the ID card can we be eligible for vaccination.

Mu Nan exploded in an instant: "I told you to cut me handsome! After it's so ugly, take an ID card!" Originally, the ID photo was ugly enough.

Qin Huai laughed and said, "Let's see, he's very handsome. He looks good when he cuts his hair short, but it doesn't look good when his hair grows. Don't worry, he has good facial features, and he's just as handsome in ID photos."

ID cards are replaced in batches, and the time has been notified, so you have to go within the notified time, otherwise there will be too many people, and it’s too unsafe to crowd in a crowd. The prevention and control on the ground is so good, but there can't be any troubles because of the crowds, so it's done batch by batch based on the registered information.

The place to replace the ID card is the greenhouse, but the greenhouse was originally a planting area, and it was arranged at the army base before. It is a bit far from the residential area, and it is unrealistic to walk there on foot, so the time will be notified from above, according to batches , Driving a military card to take people there in batches and then bring them back.

The replacement point will be set on the side of the greenhouse. First, because there is a separate greenhouse there, the temperature is too low, and some electronic equipment cannot be used. Another reason is that there are more people on the side of the greenhouse, and most of them gather there. On the other side, it will be more convenient for more people to be placed there. The conditions of the people in the residential area are slightly better, and they have thick clothes. The people on the other side of the greenhouse may not even have any clothes to protect themselves from the cold.

This is Mu Nan's first time going out to a place with many people. The last time he hunted, he went directly to a place with few people, and most people would not go out if they had nothing to do, so he felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time. People, now their group is basically from the villa area, and they gather directly in Building No. 1. As for Jian Chu and the others who are not at home, they may be assigned to the next group. At the same time, it seems that the time for card renewal has also been moved back, so only Qin Huai and Mu Nan went out this time.

The weather on the day of changing the ID card was good, the wind and snow stopped and there was still some sunshine. Although the sun could not feel the slightest warmth, it was better than the wind and snow.

The way they went to Building No. 1 was on the main road. Because there are always patrol vehicles on the main road, the snow is often cleared, and straw mats are laid to prevent slipping. When they passed along the way, they encountered many people who were also walking towards Building No. 1. People, young and old, adults and children, some children are probably rarely let out, seeing that the snow on both sides of the road is almost higher than themselves, so excited, throwing snowballs before and after running.

Mu Nan was led by Qin Huai and walked slowly. Although there were straw mats, it was still a bit slippery. During their walk, at least three fell to the ground. Mu Nan looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but said: "If you look at it this way, it doesn't look like a disaster year at all." The people in thick clothes and the children playing around, although they are bald, are covered and piled up by snow. On the contrary, the environment has a different flavor, at least it is much better than what he saw in the private base in his previous life.

At that time, it may be that the control was not strict, or no one was in charge at all. The builders of the private base were always thinking of collecting oil and water from the masses. There were many cases of robbery and murder, especially some women were more dangerous. Of course, nowadays In this day and age, men are not safe, especially good-looking ones. Anyway, in his last life, even though there was water throughout the winter, his face had never been cleaned. So such a comparison further reflects the benefits of following the national government in times of crisis.

Qin Huai said: "I just hope it can get better every year."

After arriving at Building No. 1, I waited for a while before waiting for the military card. The military card is used to transport supplies. Naturally, there is no place to sit in the back compartment, but if you stand, you may not be able to sit as the vehicle moves. Stand firm unless you're packed like a can of sardines. In the end, there were 50 people in a car, and they all sat down on the spot. It only took about ten minutes for the car to drive there. Although the air was stuffy and there were a lot of people, I was afraid of catching a cold. I’m afraid I haven’t bathed all winter, and my body smelled a little , but it's okay to endure, anyway, Mu Nan and Qin Huai wore masks with scented tablets under the scarves that wrapped their faces.

After driving to the planting base, Mu Nan saw a lot of bungalows with a large area. Qin Huai said before that this kind of bungalows are built with planting greenhouses, which block the sun in summer and block the snow in winter. If they want to grow food, The climate has always been so extreme, so it can only be grown indoors, but there should be people living in it now, but I don't know how many people can live in such a big one-story house.

Just as Mu Nan was curious, the soldier in charge of leading the team to register and take pictures satisfied his curiosity. The place to take pictures was in one of the bungalows with warm sheds. The soldiers walked in with people, and the originally quiet environment suddenly changed. It became noisy, and a greenhouse was built in the one-story house. People who sheltered from the cold here lived in the greenhouse, just like the previous planting greenhouse, but the whole greenhouse was bigger, and the insulation film was also hung on the roof. There is no need to consume the support of the internal space, and there are densely packed people inside, because there is a temperature difference between the inside and outside of the temperature insulation film of the greenhouse, and the water vapor caused by the temperature difference cannot be seen clearly inside, but you can still vaguely see that many people are directly sleeping in the On the ground, there may be a quilt spread, because there is not enough space, the sleeping is relatively close, almost people are sleeping next to each other.

In fact, the conditions inside the greenhouse were not bad at first, at least there was an aisle between people to walk, so that they would not be so crowded that they were almost stuck together. But as more and more people live in, people who have been rescued from the outside and those who have passed the quarantine observation are gradually resettled in the greenhouse. There is no electricity, no gas, and no way to heat them. Those who have the ability to live in the house After all, there are a small number of them. Most of them have almost nothing after the earthquake. If they don’t live in a greenhouse, they will only freeze to death. Therefore, after the living environment gets worse and worse, no one leaves. It’s better to squeeze than to be outside. Good to freeze to death.

Mu Nan subconsciously moved closer to Qin Huai. If it was said that the way he came here, he didn't think it was a disaster year. Now that he was in the greenhouse, everything he saw reflected the hardships of the disaster year.

There is a separate office in the bungalow. The office was used to live in the soldiers on duty. So many people live together, there must be some conflicts, and the crowd is too dense, which is not good for disease prevention and control. Therefore, a bungalow At least two offices were built inside, one for the soldiers on duty and one for the medical staff to rest on duty. At this moment, one of them was cleared out as a place for taking photos and registering. One by one, it is estimated that fingerprints must be checked to fill in the information. It was quite slow, and before it was my turn, I could only stand in line at the door and wait.

A child curiously went to pull those insulation films, probably never seen them before, and even wanted to open them to see inside, but was pulled back by the parents: "I told you not to touch the things outside, do you know there are A lot of germs and viruses!" Saying this, he pulled the child away, and moved away from the insulation film with a look of disgust, as if it was some kind of dirty thing, and there were some germs living in it.

Others didn't think there was anything wrong with the mother's reaction. The people who came here together this time were all from the villa area, and now they can still live there, and the conditions are not that bad. It is also normal to live in a crowded environment.

It's just that Mu Nan saw that there was also a small child inside the insulation film, small and thin, with dirty and torn clothes, sitting on his own bed, looking towards them, his exposed hands and feet were covered with bruises. Dirty, messy hair, cut as if a dog had chewed it, there seemed to be no adults around, just sitting alone, looking at them eagerly.

And the boy who was pulled away by his mother was wearing a cold-proof suit that was a bit big, but it still fit. He had everything he wanted, including scarves, gloves and hats. He even fed him a candy to appease the restless child.

Without waiting for him to look again, Qin Huai pulled him over: "No matter when, rich and poor and class will never disappear."

Mu Nan murmured, "I'm just looking."

He just sighed a little, even in the era of peace and prosperity, this kind of gap has never been less, but in his previous life, this kind of gap can only be seen through the Internet, but now it happens directly beside him, it is inevitable that he has some feelings That's all.

They were the first batch of today, so they didn't wait long, and they were queued up to Qinhuai and the others. Mu Nan went in first, and as soon as he entered, he was asked to take off his clothes, hat and scarf, and had to show his face to take a photo, and then went to the side To fill in the information, name and age, ID number, educational background, etc. Fortunately, Mu Nan remembered her ID number and filled it out quickly. Then she was asked to have her fingerprints taken and an iris recorded. With the virtualization of currency, the requirements for identity authentication are higher, so the procedure is a bit more cumbersome.

After registering, Mu Nan took the receipt to pick up his ID card and went to the door to wait for Qin Huai to come out. He just stood there for a while when he heard someone shout, "Young brother of the Qin family?"

The voice was very close, but Mu Nan didn't realize that he was calling himself. After all, no one would call him the Qin family's younger brother. He would notice this call because he was more sensitive to his brother's surname. Shouted: "Young brother of the Qin family."

Mu Nan turned around and was a little surprised to see the person calling him: "Da Niu?"

The person who called Mu Nan twice was their neighbor's Daniel for a while, but see you again in a few months, the formerly strong and burly Daniel seemed to have lost a lot of weight, even though he wore more clothes, he still It can be seen that his figure is thin. He should live in this greenhouse, and he is holding a lunch box in his hand. It is a disposable transparent lunch box, but it should be used repeatedly, and it looks a little dirty. It was a bit worn out, and there were only two steamed buns in the lunch box, but it was definitely not enough for two steamed buns to fill up the big cow.

Seeing Mu Nan standing at the door of the office here, Da Niu said, "Do you need an ID card?"

Mu Nan nodded: "Yes, what a coincidence, do you live here?"

Da Niu pointed in one direction of the greenhouse: "Yes, where do you live? Where do you live now? Are you still together?"

Mu Nan hummed: "I live in the second area, we are all together, we are still neighbors."

Daniel smiled when he heard the words: "Very good, the noise you left was a bit loud, so some people who lived in the upstairs corridor knew about it, and as soon as you left, they all came down the next day. There are too many, and I am no match for four hands. The iron door of your house was pried open, and the two next door to me were the same. They even fought for your empty houses, and there was blood everywhere. gone."

If it weren't for the fact that the situation was out of control at the time, he actually wanted to stop it. After all, he still lives there, and he hopes that the living environment can be a little better. It's a pity that he really can't stop him. In order to have a safe place to live, those people are grabbing land like crazy.

Hearing that the door of his house was broken into, Mu Nan still felt a little uncomfortable. In his heart, the house he had lived in for more than 20 years was the home in his heart, but he had expected all these things before he left, so it was just Sighing, he asked instead, "Did you come with the car later?"

Da Niu said: "It's like following the car, but I came here late, so the house is gone. I used to live in the shed and rented a small single room with three points a month, but there is no way to heat it. It's too cold. live here."

As soon as Daniel finished speaking, Qin Huai came out from the inside. He was also a little surprised to see Daniel, but even though he was acquainted, he still walked to Mu Nan's side immediately, slightly blocking Mu Nan's front : "What a coincidence."

Daniel said with a hearty smile: "I know that your younger brother must be waiting for you here. It seems that the first batch of you who came here really paid more and gained more. Now it is not easy to rent a house here, but It’s not completely useless to live here now, at least you won’t freeze to death, and you can still have food.”

Mu Nan asked, "Is the food here cheap?"

Daniel shook his head: "It's not cheap, there is a meal card, a month's meal card is 10 points, one meal a day, one meal is a staple food and a big pot dish, or two staple foods, or two dishes, I can’t get enough to eat, but at least I won’t starve to death.” The price is not expensive, but the premise is that you can find a job. Although now as long as you are willing to do it, the higher-ups will arrange some things for you, but because there are too many people, some jobs They come in rotation, one day to settle one day, and the points earned in a day can last for a period of time, then turn around and arrange for other people. No one can do one thing repeatedly, otherwise there will always be people who have no work to do, and there is no way to earn money. integral.

Mu Nan looked at the two steamed buns in his box: "Are these two staple foods?"

Daniel nodded: "Yes, anyway, two a day, half in the morning, half at noon, and one in the evening, or else you will be so hungry that you won't be able to sleep at night."

The steamed buns were not too small, but they were not too big either. They were about the size of an adult's fist. It was true that they couldn't get enough to eat, but they couldn't die of hunger. Seeing that Daniu was only holding a portion of food, and thinking about his love for his wife, Mu Nan's heart tightened slightly: "You..."

Seeing Mu Nan's expression, Daniel knew what he wanted to ask, his smile narrowed, but he didn't show any sadness, he still smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law went to heaven to enjoy the blessings, it's very good, so I don't want to be in the world Suffering, in fact, she should have left a long time ago, but I was reluctant to force her to stay, but I didn't let her live a better life for a few more days."

His wife got cancer a few years ago. At that time, they had just been married for two years, but it was not too late to find out. Timely treatment still had hope for a cure. At that time, his condition was not bad. But he has three houses in his hand, all of which were left by his parents. Two of them are relatively new, and the location and environment are good.

Fortunately, the money for a house is enough. After almost half a year of treatment, the result is good.

I thought it was the end of all hardships, but I didn't expect that it relapsed two years ago. Although the doctor said before that it is high-risk and easy to relapse within five years, they have always paid attention to it, and they didn't even plan to have children. It made a mistake, and I had to go for a physical examination almost every quarter to feel at ease, but the most feared thing still came.

Once the disease relapses, it becomes very serious. The speed of treatment cannot catch up with the speed of cancer cell metastasis. Soon the liver area and lymph nodes are captured by cancer cells. When I see my wife can’t eat or drink, the pain is terribly painful. He also tried to commit suicide, but he was begging and guarding, hoping to persevere a little longer, maybe if he persisted, there would still be a miracle.

It's a pity that he sold another house, but this time, he couldn't fill the bottomless pit. Just when he was about to sell the last house, his wife begged him, saying that he couldn't have both money and money, so he could do whatever he wanted. She wanted to leave a way out for herself, and said that if he sold the last house, then she would just give up and commit suicide. That's how the house in the dilapidated community remained.

In the end, when the doctor said that it was time to eat and drink, the death sentence was almost pronounced. At that time, the weather was already hot. He stayed in the hospital with his wife during the whole smog. Fortunately, they were in the hospital at that time, otherwise the If there is any problem, I'm afraid I won't even be able to go to the hospital. However, after surviving the smog and even the earthquake, the miracle he was waiting for still did not come.

In fact, he should have given up a long time ago. If he gave up earlier, his wife wouldn't have to suffer for so long. If she couldn't eat or drink well, she would be tortured if she took painkillers. It was the girl in a white skirt who he wanted to take home as his wife when he first saw it when he was a student. He hasn't made her happy for a lifetime, so how could he be willing to part with it.

Everyone's sorrows and joys are different. Although Daniel just mentioned it in a simple sentence, Mu Nan is not interested in digging deep into other people's wounds. Before leaving, Mu Nan left Daniel with a contact information and address, although It is difficult to travel now and there is no battery, but there will always be some in the future. Add a lot of people you know to the phone, and it will not hurt to contact you when you have the opportunity in the future.

They left the door early in the morning, and it was already afternoon after tossing about their ID cards. The car took them to Building No. 1 and picked up the next group of people who were already waiting. Mu Nan and Qin Huai were about to walk back, fortunately no matter how far That is the distance of a residential area, but the snowy road is not easy to walk.

But I don't know if I took off my clothes outside today, or if I was blown by a little cold wind on the way back and forth. After being strictly controlled by Qin Huai for three meals, my stomach, which has not been pretentious for a long time, began to feel a sense of presence. It was only a little bit uncomfortable before. Swelling or acid regurgitation can be relieved by drinking a little hot water, but today it started with tingling pain. This pain is too familiar to Mu Nan. Stomach troubles in the past were always such a prelude, and they were carried in the pocket of his clothes. Li's hands couldn't help covering his stomach, Mu Nan was a little flustered, he didn't want Qin Huai to see his stomach ache.


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