Naruto Time Control

Chapter 287: Dimensional Cutting!

Chapter 287: Dimensional Cutting!

"They disappeared?"

Minato and the others, who had been watching Yeruashi and Madara fight all this time, were surprised to find that they had simply disappeared.

In their gazes, all they could see was a sudden blur of Yeruashi and Madara's bodies in the sky, as if they turned into shadows, and then vanished into thin air, the whole process took only a moment, and no one could react.

"It was... Some kind of space-time Jutsu?"

Minato narrowed his eyes and whispered, his voice strained.

He couldn't tell exactly who had used this ability, but if Madara had, then Yeruashi was probably in an extremely dangerous situation!

"Yeruashi doesn't have my Hiraishin seal on his body, so I can't try to move towards him..."

Minato clenched the kunai with the Hiraishin seal in his hand.

The first Raikage and the surviving ninja of Kumogakure stared at the sky.

Everyone present knew very well that the outcome of the battle between Uchiha Madara and the Fifth Hokage would determine the future of the entire world!

If Yeruashi won, in the future, the ninja world would be unified in a way that had not been seen in centuries, but if Uchiha Madara won, the people of the entire world would be under the control of his Infinite Tsukuyomi!

In the eyes of the Kumogakure ninja, none of these fates were too good.

They wanted Uchiha Madara and the Fifth Hokage to kill each other!

Such a terrifying power that goes far beyond a normal ninja shouldn't exist in this world!


Limbo World.

"Your speed is incredible... but in Limbo World, all the shadows are under my control!"

"Here, your speed is completely restricted by my ability!"

"This is the end!"

Along with the storm of shadow spears, Madara's voice resounded in the Limbo world.

Yeruashi swung his sword, blocking the countless spears that erupted from all directions, and calmly said, "You shouldn't be able to maintain that space between illusion and reality for long!"

"Did you see through that? But it's all useless, because you won't be able to hold on until the end!", Madara said casually, and the amount of shadow spikes under his control increased dramatically, plus his speed also increased several times.

This attack did not have a single dead angle, so Yeruashi could not repel it completely.

Soon, his body was already pierced several times.


In the face of this attack from Madara coming from all directions, Yeruashi remained absolutely calm.

He sighed and calmly raised the sword in front of him.

"I also have no desire to resist to the end..."

"In that case..."

To Yeruashi, who was in a state of time acceleration, it seemed that he didn't lift the blade too quickly, but in fact, looking from the side, one could see numerous afterimages created by the sword!

A huge amount of chakra gushed out from Yeruashi's body and his Tenseigan emitted a bright blue-sky radiance.

The black sword formed from the Truth Seeking Orbs emitted a golden glow and became the Golden Reincarnation Wheel sword.


Yeruashi swung the golden sword.

The Seventh Gate, the Six Path Mode of the second stage, Tenseigan's special effect on the Truth Quest Balls, the tenfold acceleration of time.

Everything came together.

The power of this attack has already reached the level of Night Guy, in the state of Hachimon Tonko's Death Gate release!

This was Yeruashi's most powerful attack so far, and the name of this move was called....

Dimensional Slash!


With a swing of Yeruashi's sword, a bright slash pierced through the dark space, easily destroying all the black spears in its path.

This slash shattered the darkness and shadows that covered the entire Limbo world, and even space itself became distorted.

It seemed like the entire Limbo world would be shattered by this attack!

"Is space distorted?"

Madara's eyes widened sharply as he looked at this scene.

He felt that the Limbo world's space was greatly distorted and on the verge of destruction!

Madara gritted his teeth and without hesitation pushed Rinnegan's strength to the limit, causing numerous blood vessels to rupture.

Blood spurted from the corners of Madara's eyes and began to slowly run down his cheeks.

At this moment, Madara's expression was incredibly fierce!

"Hoo... hoo..."

"I didn't expect your attack to reach this level.... But unfortunately for you, Limbo is semi-material and is not a pure independent world, so I was able to quickly compensate for the effect of the attack, otherwise, space might actually be destroyed..."

Madara felt that due to the excessive depletion of Rinnegan's power, the ability maintenance time was reduced by half, so he abruptly calmed down and concentrated.

Once again, a powerful power fluctuation came out from Rinnegan.

Only twenty seconds left!

He must have time to finish the battle at all costs!

Under the influence of Madara's Rinnegan power, countless shadow spears reappeared in the Limbo world and rushed towards Yeruashi, who had just used an extremely costly attack.

Yeruashi shook his head and said regretfully, "I can't break through Limbo world space..."

He was going to destroy the entire Limbo world space, but the attack was not powerful enough.

His strongest attack, as Night Guy, can only distort space a lot, not destroy it.

So this attack, in fact, doesn't even deserve its name.

But if he could open the Eighth Gate....

The Eighth Gate Release and the Six Paths Mode, combined with ten times time acceleration or even greater, could allow him to surpass the speed of light and shatter space!


Immediately after Yeruashi's strongest strike failed to pierce through the space of Madara's Limbo world, a large number of black spears surged toward him from all sides.

Since the Dimensional Cut failed, reusing it would be humiliating.

Yeruashi didn't feel like resisting.

He didn't want to dance anymore.

It's time to end this battle and absorb the power of Madara's Rinnegan.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Countless black spears pierced Yeruashi's body from all directions and enveloped him completely.

"It's over!"

Madara breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

These shadow spears of the Limbo world contain the power of the Six Paths, so even if Yeruashi, like him, has incredible regeneration, when faced with so much power of the Six Paths, his endurance will definitely reach its limit!

The shadow spears continued to relentlessly pierce Yeruashi's body, showing no hint of a blind spot.

This continued for twenty seconds, until the Limbo world disappeared on its own.

With the disappearance of the Limbo world, the bodies of Yeruashi and Madara appeared in the sky above the destroyed Kumogakure.

"They appeared!"

"Who won!"

Minato and the others looked tensely in the direction of the appearing figures.

The scene startled everyone present.

Madara covered his eyes with his hand and breathed heavily, and blood flowed down his cheeks from his eyes.

In front of Madara, there was no Yeruashi, but only a twisted and disfigured piece of flesh that was impossible to recognize as a person!


Minato looked worriedly at the bloody piece of flesh, He could feel Yeruashi's chakra in it!

The faces of the First Raikage and the others became very grim.

Judging by this scene...

Uchiha Madara won?

Under the intense and worried gazes of those around him, Madara gradually calmed his breathing, lowered the hand covering his eyes and looked at the piece of flesh of what was left of Yeruashi.

He smiled proudly and said with undisguised enthusiasm, "Distorting space... that was an incredible attack..."

"Among all the ninja I've encountered, no one can match you in speed and Kenjutsu.... I, Madara, name you the strongest!!!"

After saying that, Madara gently waved his hand, directing the Truth Search Ball towards Yeruashi's remains.

"Let me personally send you on your last journey!"


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