Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter 199: Reality, Armory Incident and Conflicted Thoughts

Chapter 199: Reality, Armory Incident and Conflicted Thoughts

_________ POV Narration _________

"Lord Ken, I regret to inform you... But it seems Yue has finally snapped."

Tosho's voice sounded rather grim, and who could blame him when taking the circumstances into consideration...

Ken's jaw twitched slightly as he then gestured for his right-hand man to delve deeper into the details.

The First Blade then started explaining the situation fully to him.

A week prior, while Ken was still away at Kushina and Minato's wedding, business was proceeding as usual within the Dark Brotherhood.

Tosho was sorting through some items within the armoury. His tasks and actual responsibilities had gone down as the years went by and the children took over, but he was still finding plenty of ways to keep himself busy.

Documenting the many weapons within their grand armoury was one of his favourite pastimes.

What he didn't expect was for Yue to also enter the Armory. He thought that she was just there on an errand from one of the blades or something.

Yue was acting normal enough, and she wasn't showing any signs of being on the brink of a mental breakdown.

She was rather calm, as she made her way through the many weapon racks in the armoury with slight wonder in her eyes.

Tosho had hidden his presence from her, of course.

He observed her with some wariness in his eye, especially so when she headed for the furthest corner of the Armory...

'Don't tell me...' It was the First Blade's thought at the time, as he immediately assumed that she didn't have many good intentions back there.

The blades of the former 7 Swordsmen of the Mist were stored there, and the Sowing Needle she had once wielded was also there.

Tosho slowly started following her, before he felt a small tinge, and he heard a strange whistle in the wind behind him.

"You won't be stopping me, Mister First Blade..."

Before he knew it, he was completely entangled in wires. He had been careless, completely surprised by Yue's sudden attack.

No matter what, the last thing in the world that he had expected was for one of the children to betray them, and unfortunately for him, that was exactly what had happened.

Now, both he and his blade were ensnared in such a way, that if either moved then Tosho's arms would be cut off.

One was especially more tangled up than the other, it was wrapped around from many angles.

One wrong move from either Tosho or the Samehada and the First Blade's Right Arm would be cut to pieces.

"You won't get away with this..." These were Tosho's exact words at the time, but Yue seemed to be one step ahead of him.

"Oh, I know... The Second Blade must've already noticed that I killed the two guards at the door..."

Yue seemed to be oddly lucid, despite her crazy behaviour and actions.

"But I am merely recovering what is rightfully mine!"

Her delusions had unfortunately only gotten worse through the years.

No matter how much she pretended when Ken was around, she had already grown sick and tired of her 'senseless' punishment.

So she had decided to take matters into her own hands it seemed.

Tosho had no clue what had given her the confidence to go against Ken, but he was not going to stand by and do nothing whilst their Brotherhood was being stolen from.

But he wanted to act carefully, not wanting to destroy the Armory or any of its contents in the process.

So, with the small twitch of his finger, and some chakra threads extending from it, he managed to free one of his arms.

He then freed his neck from the wires as well, ensuring he wouldn't be able to decapitate himself by mistake.

Unfortunately for him, his time had already run out by that point, and the entire underground armoury started shaking. And that shaking of the walls caused the strings around his arms and legs to move.

The only reason the First Blade hadn't also lost his legs was because the Samehada had managed to act in time, biting off the wires and freeing them.

The only thing that was lost was an arm. Aside from a few other injuries, he had gotten off quite easily considering the predicament.

But he didn't dwell on the injury at all, he instead dashed towards the very end of the armoury, only to be greeted by a gigantic tunnel...

"So she used Earth Ninjutsu to dig herself off, huh? Quite risky on her part..." Ken muttered as he felt a surge of anger within his mind.

"She was able to enter because all of the Numbered within the Top 10 have access to the armoury now...

She must have devised some way to get around the defensive seal around the walls though..."

It wasn't a shock, Yue had also been taught Fuinjutsu, and she may not have been a master, but she was not that bad either.

She had most definitely studied that seal a few times in the past though, even if she hadn't gone that far back into the armoury in the past.

The shocking thing was that she had dared to even attempt such a thing in the first place.

To say that Ken was mad would've been an understatement.

But he was not one to allow such emotions to overrule his decisions.

"Tosho, arrange with Saburo to send a message to Yuichi about his runaway daughter. While you are there, arrange for him to make you the best prosthetic possible..."

Tosho bowed slightly, his balance still being rather good despite his missing arm. That was only thanks to him having a very good foundation, he was likely not going to be able to keep that same balance in prolonged battles.

"As you wish Lord Ken...

One last thing to mention, some of the children had decided to go and track her down, they were instructed not to engage her in any way, but at least keep tabs on her."

The First Blade spoke out as he walked out of the room.

"I doubt they've managed to find her... Call everyone back as well, she may not be in the right state of mind right now, it may lead to her causing even further harm to us."

Ken was keen to reduce Yue's damages to the Dark Brotherhood. The less she harmed the better it was for her own good.

The First Blade nodded, understanding his Master's thoughts perfectly.

It was already inexcusable that she had taken off the arm of one of the people who had trained her and was beloved among the children.

The First Blade was either the big brother or the favourite uncle of everyone within the Brotherhood.

Well, the favourite uncle besides Akira, was usually more fun but less responsible.

Plenty of the members of the brotherhood would find themselves hard-pressed to forgive and forget, but it would all stem from whether or not Tosho himself could forgive her.

But one thing Ken found the most distasteful was how it all could have been avoided...

'Maybe I took her punishment too far? Letting it extend over this long period... But then again, her behaviour never really improved, she just continued to pretend to be the perfect student...'

The Blind Assassin could feel her inner turmoil to some extent, he realized that something was bound to happen at some point with her, he just didn't know how soon it would be.

One could say that there was still some hope within Ken that Yue cared for the Brotherhood that she had been almost raised in for half her life...

'No... It is possible that she still cares for the Brotherhood, she could have killed Tosho as he was unsuspecting of her...

She also could have murdered more recruits on her way out if she took a different route to escape from the compound...

Though Saburo would have encircled and murdered her if she did do that.'

It was rather clear that the anger boiling within her had pushed her into doing something highly impulsive. Something that she was likely going to start regretting sooner or later.

The Blind Assassin was quite conflicted right now. A lot of questions raced through his mind, and the only answers he had were either lacking, felt wrong, or were lacklustre.

Only one thing was clear...

He wasn't going to get any answers by just sitting in his office and waiting around.

'First order of business would be tracking her down and catching her... She's obviously erased all seals on her that tied her to us, and she was rather decent at covering her tracks... But not as decent as other experienced Anbu...'

But just because she was skilled, that didn't mean she could hide from the one that had taught her everything she knew for long...

"I guess it's time to go out for a walk..."


Hello, hope you liked the chapter!

Next few chapters will be focusing on Yue and her plans, or rather lack-there-of

Also, been writing a lot on the Original Novel lately, it's still a bit away from publishing, but I've stocked up 28 chapters on it now :)

Good times,


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