Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter 135: Tailed Beasts, Perspective and Assistance

Chapter 135: Tailed Beasts, Perspective and Assistance

__________ POV Narration __________ 

Killer B roared in his Tailed Beast form as his tails smashed around the battlefield. 

Slight burns covered his gigantic body as he constantly clashed with the 4 Tail's magma-covered body. 

'We won't win anytime soon at this rate...' 

Killer B narrowed his eyes when he heard the voice of the Tailed Beast that resided within him.

Having to face off against a Tailed Beast would never be easy. The fact that B wanted to end things quickly didn't make things easier for him. 

Gyki, the 8-Tailed Beast, was also seemingly not that excited about having to take on and kill one of its brothers, but it was still cooperating with B. 

There was also the fact that Gyuki was special. 

For a Tailed Beast, its tails dictated the amount of chakra within their bodies, their Raw Power per se. 

So Gyuki surely had more power than its 4 Tailed Brother, Son Goku. 

But that wasn't truly the case. Each tailed beast had its chakra nature and specific unique traits.

Shukaku, the One-Tailed Beast, had absolute dominion over sand, and the ability to turn its body into sand at will, making it a dangerous opponent despite having the least chakra among them.

Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Beast had control over and had its body completely covered in blue flame. It was something she could use both defensively and offensively to great effect. 

So on and so forth. 

Son Goku, the 4th Tailed Beast had absolute control over Magma, and it could also completely cover its body in magma, making it hard to get close to, and hard to fight.

While its magma wasn't as hot as the Blue Fire of Matatabi, it was still difficult to deal with, and it seemed to almost cling to the body. 

In a way, things had a way of evening themselves out in the world. Gyuki, despite having a lot more chakra than Son Goku, didn't really have a distinctive trait besides its control over Ink.

It was still a powerful unique trait, sure. It could be used in many ways, but it wasn't all that great offensively or defensively for that matter.

Ink was good at blinding others, and taking them by surprise. It was how octopus also used their ink in nature.

But Gyuki and Killer B both knew that such a thing would never work on Son Goku, who was already well aware of said ability. 

B couldn't even make proper distance and pelt it with Tailed Beast Bombs, as now Roshi was surely going to constantly close the distance between them to keep up the advantage.

'"We're in a bind, can't deny, partner, oh my,~

Stuck in this place, searching for a way to end this fool ey?~'

B's melodic voice sounded a bit distraught.

He knew that even if the Raikage finished his opponent quickly, he wouldn't be able to assist much.

As a Jinchuriki, B had a bit more stamina than the Raikage. Although the Raikage was still monstrous, travelling for a whole day at full speed and then fighting a Tailed Beast was sure to drain him quite a bit.

To make matters worse, they had no way of knowing when or if reinforcements for their enemies would arrive. 

After all, if so many villages had formed such a large Alliance to go after the Dark Brotherhood, they surely had sent a lot of people to go after Ken too. 

But B wasn't all that worried for the Red Dot's safety at first. After all, he was well aware of how powerful thier blind assassin friend was. 

But the problem to him was that there were people in the alliance who should've also been aware of Ken's power.

Like the Tsuchikage. 

'They surely got plans, no lie, they're prepped for him~

What's your take, Gyuki? Let's vibe on this, it's grim~' 

B's inner rapping voice didn't stop, even as he wrestled with Roshi, clashing tails and blasting away magma with the shockwaves from his other tails. 

He was also trying his best to attack as many shinobi as possible. After all, many had started heading for the compound already, which was concerning, to say the least.

There were still too many of them, at least a few thousand left. Most of the corpses scattered around were mere cannon fodder, so things were still not looking all that great overall. 

 'Hmm, if I were to take a guess...

They're likely planning to seal him.

Whether or not it'll work, I can't say for sure.' 

Gyuki also mused in the middle of combat, trying to understand what exactly the Alliance they were fighting was after. 

'I doubt their success, Ken's strong without a doubt~ 

But let's put that aside, no need to pout ~

Focus on this fool here, let's take 'em out!~' 

In an instant, B started to shrink, reverting to a form that only showcased 6 tails, a pair of powerful bone horns, a visible spine and a purplish cloak of thick charka covering his body.

Roshi seemed to be trying to grab him, but Killer B managed to punish himself a bit to the side using his purplish tails, he rolled on the ground and looked up with a grin. 

In an instant, a gigantic red-furred tail quickly tried to crush him from above, and B immediately dashed to the side, scowling as his body moved at speeds much greater than most could follow. 

But Roshi seemed to still be able to follow him.

"Lava Release: Rapid Fire Magma Bullets!" 

In an instant, magma formed at Roshi's gigantic mouth, and he started spitting blobs of magma at B.

The blobs flew so quickly that they seemed to almost melt through the sound barrier. B seemed to be rather calm as he danced around the battlefield, avoiding the bullets with relative ease.

He didn't flinch even as he felt some of them pass by a few centimetres from his skin. 

After a few seconds of dodging and dashing backwards, the 8 Tails Jinchurki stopped and smiled. 

Immediately, a hail of magma blobs headed his way, aiming to engulf him and burn him to death. 

But B's charka moved much faster, forming a cocoon of tails around him.

Magma splashed everywhere as they came into contact with B's chakra appendages. And as soon as the hail stopped, B's tail unravelled violently, sending that magma flying around everywhere.

Roshi was already dashing towards him as that was happening. But his eyes widened when he saw the violet ball of chakra already gathered at B's mouth.

B swallowed that purplish orb instantly, as his throat and chest swelled up unnaturally. 

"Shit..." Was all that Roshi could say as he immediately felt his entire gigantic body being engulfed in magma. He was still dashing towards B, so he wouldn't ever be able to dodge.

"Tailed Beast Bullets!" 

In an instant, a hail of smaller-sized balls started being spat out by B.

They immediately came in contact with Roshi's torso, head, neck, arms and legs. They caused several explosions, shockwaves washing over the battlefield and uprooting whatever overturned tree was still around them. 

Magma also splashed around as the blast from the miniature Tailed Beast Bombs sent it flying everywhere. 

B scowled as he quickly started preparing another attack.

"Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon!" 

But before he could gather enough chakra, a dozen or so voices rang out in unison from the side, and earth dragons immediately rose from the ground, they twisted and turned like snakes before barreling towards him and aiming to catch him in their sharp jaws.

B scowled as he jumped up towards the sky, in that instant, three of his tails grew bigger and swiped the earth dragons away, forcing them to crumble in broken stones and shotgunning them back towards the Shinobi that had intervened in his fight. 

He then immediately turned towards the Roshi, but all he saw was a gigantic magma-covered tail crashing down upon him.

He was immediately sent flying into the ground, breaking the earth underneath him. 

The earth deformed and formed a create, creating a localized earthquake that forced some of the Anbu and Shinobi still around to jump away from it. 

"Tsk, to think you'd do something as stupid as looking away!" Roshi smiled, his gigantic body slightly bruised from B's previous attack. 

Unlike B, he wasn't going to be making the same mistake, he planned to give him no time to rest at all. 

"Lava Release: Land of Scorched Earth!' 

In an instant, the ground a kilometre around them turned to magma as he smashed his gigantic fists into the ground.

It bubbled out of the ground and Roshi started punching at the Crater where B had crashlanded.

The 8 Tail Jinchuriki had once again formed some sort of protective barrier using his chakra tails, but Roshi was now punching through them with pure strength.

Lava also gushed out of the earth right underneath B, causing the 4 Tail Jinchuriki to smile. 

"Die you bastard!" 

He smashed his fist once more into the ground, raising a cloud of dust and volcanic ash all around him. 

He smiled widely in his Tailed Beast form, as he pulled his arm back.

His smile immediately turned upside down as he felt his arm immensely lighter for some strange reason... And he immediately gazed at his fist, only to notice that it was missing. 

"How strange... I don't remember our Land of Iron condoning such a conflict to happen in our territory..." 

Roshi sweated a bit as he gazed at his right shoulder, only to see a familiar and rather infamous figure.

A rather tall man, with long grey hair caught in a ponytail and a pointy short beard. His body was adorned in greyish samurai armour.

One of the man's hands was on the sheath of the Katana on his waist, while the other was on the handle.

He seemed to have just sheathed his blade, and it seemed to be a regular-looking Katana, but it gave Roshi an ominous feeling.

"... Mifune the Beheading General?!" 

He immediately swiped one of his tails towards the samurai.

The Samurai just jumped away, causing the 4 Tail Jinchuriki to hit himself in the shoulder.

Roshi flinched a bit, but that was honestly the least of his worries. 

He immediately turned around, and his beastly eyes widened. 

Just outside the range of his Scorched Earth technique, he could see the bodies of beheaded shinobi piling up, as samurai with chakra-imbued swords cut through thier bodies and jutsu alike.

Thousand upon thousands of Samurai poured from the foliage, their footsteps seemed to quake the earth as they made a mad dash towards the unsuspecting shinobi.

It was a bloodbath.

"Is looking away from me truly such a wise plan?" 

At that moment, Roshi immediately shrunk into his smaller form, and he felt a gigantic blade pass right above his head as he was shrinking.

"Tsk, Jinchurki and their annoying tricks..." 

Roshi reverted into his real body, appearing more human now, only that he was covered in a thick magma-like chakra that glowed red, and three furred tails sprouted from his tailbone. 

The 4 Tail Jinchuriki couldn't help but sweat a bit as he looked at Mifune with a bit of fear in his gaze.

'Shit... They said that the Land of Iron wouldn't interfere, that this would all be done too quickly for them to react... What the hell is this?!' 

Mifune alone was a big issue for Roshi.

The Beheading General as he came to be known in the Shinobi World. Mifune was said to be on par with some of the Great Kage.

Hell, he had even faced off against Hanzo the Salamander, survived and won his respect, something that not many people could claim to have achieved. 

Hanzo was someone said to be on par with the current God of Shinobi, one of the strongest men in their era. 

Maybe Roshi could win against Mifune alone... But their army was already quickly getting dismantled by the Land of Iron's samurai.

They were specifically trained to deal with Shinobi, and a lot of Jutsu were ineffective against them as their chakra blades could slice through many without even stopping once. 

'Shit... If our reinforcements don't arrive right now, we're all going to die...' Roshi gulped a bit as he eyed Mifune.

The General simply sheathed his blade again and tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.

"Haah..." To his side, another figure stepped up, a battered and bruised Killer B walked out.

His chakra cloak had waned quite a bit, showing his real body underneath, only three tails were formed on his back, no longer looking as solid as before. 

"Big thanks for your help, I was caught off my guard~

But with your support, we're gonna rise hard! 

Crush this fool! WREEE~!" B immediately made the devil's horns sign with his hand and pointed it to the sky.

Despite his burns and injuries, he seemed quite energetic, making Mifune sweat a bit.

'Is he singing? Is this what the kids are into these days?... I should do some research into this, but that's for later.'

"You're welcome Jinchuriki...

We don't usually work together, but you see, the Dark Brotherhood is our ally, we can't afford to lose them as they are detrimental to the Land of Iron's prosperity and stability..." 

"Hmm, you moved quick, like a lightning bolt's chime~

Did a bat signal your folks ahead of time?!" B continued rapping as he asked a rather pertinent question, making the General raise an eyebrow.

'So the cloud was also contacted, huh?'

"Indeed. Yesterday a bat came by Lord Daimy's castle, carrying a message about such a disturbance, so we prepared in advance.

We know that Lord Ken uses Bats as his summons, but it doesn't seem to be his handwriting... Nor the writing of anyone we could recognize..." Mifune nodded as he looked at Roshi, keeping the Jinchurki in check with his gaze alone. 

Mifune didn't give too many personal details about why the Land of Iron decided to act.

He didn't want to reveal the fact that the Daimy had personally ordered him to move most of their forces with just an anonymous message that Ken and the Dark Brotherhood 'Might' be in trouble. 

And it wasn't just because Ken was a dear friend to the Land of Iron...

After all... Yue was still within the brotherhood.

If even a hair on her head was harmed by the shinobi that had invaded their land... Then the very next second would be the start of an even bloodier affair. 

The Land of Iron would wage war against all of the Lands that were even so much as suspected to have been part of the Alliance that formed against the Dark Brotherhood. 

Mifune had no doubt in his mind that the Yuichi would break the natural reputation of the Land of Iron in the blink of an eye if his daughter was harmed in any way.

Hell, Mifune himself wouldn't even protest, he'd be in the frontlines in seconds, with no hesitation. 

'Thankfully it seems that the Shinobi haven't reached the Compound yet, so Yue should be safe... I haven't gotten to explore further ahead, but I think someone's stopping them.' 

"Well then, seems someone wanted us to come here and help... Let's deal with the fool in front of us first!~"

B nodded to Mifune before turning his attention back to the Jinchuriki that had almost gotten the best of him earlier. 

Roshi just gulped as he realised that things were about to take a turn for the worse... 


Hope you liked the chapter and the extra descriptions for the Tailed Beasts,  really like exploring them as a concept and expanding upon them :))

Currently not at home btw, but I managed to take my gf's laptop to write.

Merry Christmas everyone(if it's something you celebrate)!

Story Shoutout: Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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