Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter 105: A Natural Beast, Mix of Bloodlines and Sage Training

Chapter 105: A Natural Beast, Mix of Bloodlines and Sage Training

__________ POV Narration __________

"And how exactly does this relate to my predicament?" The assassin's question was rather forward, he clearly found the tale that Gamamaru spun interesting.

"Your correlation to this story? To the story of the beasts and their creation?" The Great Toad Sage huffed when hearing the assassin's question.

It had likely thought Ken would draw his own conclusion when hearing that story, and in truth, he had already drawn quite a few of them. But that didn't mean he would be satisfied without actual confirmation.

"To put it simply... You are a being similar in nature to the Ten-Tails. You are not exactly the same of course, but one with knowledge of the 10 Tails would easily make that mistake.

At least that is the way you seem to be now, constantly evolving, taking in more energy from nature, making it bend to your will."

The Great Toad Sage decided to not hold back on the explanation.

The Blind Monster could only nod, finally getting the confirmation he had so badly wanted... But did that clear up all of his questions? No...

"But... I am certain that I started human. At the very least I was born from a human couple."

The Blind Swordsman could still remember the voices he had heard at birth, claiming they wouldn't be able to raise him due to his birth defect.

The loving parents, the ones to leave him for death on a snowy mountain that fateful evening, when the group of samurai deserters just happened to pass by.

It was a bit of sad irony, how a group of deserters were the ones to show him the warmth of a family, while his real family showed him nothing but coldness, quite literally.

But still, those brief memories with them were proof that Ken was still human.

And Gamamaru was also surprised when seeing how sure of that fact Ken was. He could quite refute it either.

"Indeed... You are not exactly the same as the 10 Tails. But within you is a mix of bloodlines that makes you frighteningly close to it."

"Do you have any ideas what those bloodlines may be?" Ken hoped to get more information, but Gamamaru simply shook his head.

"I don't know what could possibly spawn such curiosity... But it's safe to assume there is none other like you.

Normally, there is a rhyme and reason within Nature, a law, if you will.

The sages that use Nature's Energy must abide by that reason if they wish to do so... But you?"

Gamamaru's eyes shined a bit as he looked over Ken's body one more time.

He studied the energy coming off of the Blind Monster, he looked over it for a few more seconds before he opened up his gigantic mouth again.

"Not only do you not have to concentrate and meditate to gather it, but you are also more akin to a vacuum constantly sucking in Nature's energy.

And you don't even need to try and struggle to balance your Chakra and Nature Energy..."

Although he didn't outright state it, the Great Toad Sage pointed to one very obvious thing. Something that the Turtle Sage had also told him about before.

'You make your own rules as you go.'

It wasn't like Ken was ignorant of the dangers of Nature Energy.

The fact that even he could turn into a statue meant that normal humans likely had a high chance of dying while practising to become a 'Sage'.

Thanks to his conversation with the Gamamaru, Ken now also gained a bit more understanding of what Sage Mode truly was for the regular human...

Complete harmony and balance between someone's Chakra and the Nature Energy they absorb from the outside through meditation.

It was an arduous process for humans to achieve. But for the Blind Swordsman?

Well, his very existence was an abnormality, not only did his powers evolve with time, but his body also shifted subconsciously according to his will.

It was, by every definition, an adaptability that went completely against the rules of nature. After all, no one being was supposed to be able to thrive in all living environments.

One could make the argument that humans in general were insanely adaptable to their surroundings. But Ken was taking that to a whole new level.

In the end, the Assassin now had some answers. But there were still plenty of questions to be had.

Things like, 'Am I really the same as a Tailed Beast? Does that mean I will reform randomly in the world after I die?'

There was also the question of what bloodlines combined within him to make such a mutation.

He'd have to look into that as well, but the Great Toad Sage didn't even seem to know, so it was certainly not going to be an easy task.

In the end, the assassin still got closer to finding out what he actually was. And that was already good enough.

"Thank you, Great Toad Sage..." The assassin brought his hands together, saluting the Toad Sage with a monk's greeting.

It seemed fitting, as they were essentially in a shrine.

The Toad Sage also seemed appreciative of the gesture.

"A polite youngster is always welcome in these halls..." The Toad laughed a bit as it gestured for the Assassin to stand up straight.

"So... What's the plan now, child?" The Great Sage looked at Ken with curiosity, he was clearly invested in the Blind Monster's story, wanting to know more.

"Plan?... I guess I don't have much of a plan anymore." Ken shook his head as his senses bent around the hall he was in.

His mind tried to paint a picture of the future, some goal on the road for him to follow.

But there was really nothing he could think of anything besides striving to learn more about himself... And growing the Brotherhood, his new family, into a force to be reckoned with.

Silently, he did also decide on another goal for himself. One that would take much more time and overwhelming power.

One that seemed unlikely to ever happen in his lifetime...

But still, it was good to strive for the impossible, right? At least in that way, one would at least have a chance of achieving a piece of it.

"Hmm... Wandering aimlessly may be dangerous for someone like you..." Gamamaru couldn't hear his thoughts, however, so he was mostly just concerned. At least he seemed to be.

"Aimlessly? Don't misunderstand Great Sage. I have no plans to become a stagnant pool of water... I don't want to rot in this world." The Blind Monster shook his head and slowly turned towards the door.

He slowly started walking away, his steps light and unheard. Gamamaru huffed a bit when seeing his back.

"Hmm... I see. It's good in that case, take care of yourself, child beast...

I hope you stick around a bit longer. I will ask Fukasaku to prepare a parting gift for you, a trinket you can use to remember us Toads..."

Ken stopped for a moment, turning his head back towards the Great Sage. He didn't exactly know how to respond, nor was he able to judge Gamamaru's intentions.

So, instead of saying anything, he merely nodded and waved towards the Great Sage, before turning around and leaving.

The Gigantic Toad returned the gesture before the Assassin closed the doors to his shrine.

The second that happened, Gamamaru's aged eyes narrowed as he watched the closed doors, still feeling Ken's figure getting further and further away.

'... This world really is fortunate that someone like you was born, instead of another beast like Hagoromo predicted...

Then again, you may just become that beast... I'll make preparations regardless of that...'

His silence didn't last long, as the other Toads that were usually with him entered the shrine almost as soon as Ken departed.

Fukasaku also entered the room, rubbing his pointy bears as his small body appeared before the Great Sage, who had already returned to his gigantic chair.

"I assume the talk went well, Sir Gamamaru?" The Old Toad addressed the Great Sage directly as he sat down in front of its gigantic chair.

"It went about as well as you'd expect... He's an interesting character, young, but not hostile. He could prove quite dangerous if he ever gets a change of perspective..." Gamamaru's answer made most of the Toads present nod.

"So, what must we do? Do we get rid of him?" Fukasaku asked, his yellow eyes shining slightly at the mention of violence, the easiest approach to dealing with any issue.

"No no... I'm afraid he's already grown too much for any of us to handle...

For now, we need to keep an eye on him... Say, which Contracted Species were indebted to us Toads?" Gamamaru didn't exactly entertain the notion, however.

The Great Toad Sage had already felt the Blind Monster's power. Out of all the toads within Mount Myboku, only the Great Toad had any chance of dealing any real damage to Ken.

So fighting him was simply foolish. Especially if Ken truly turned out to be more like a Tailed Beast, and couldn't actually die.

Fukasaku didn't try to insist on his idea either. All toads respected the judgement of the Great Sage.

There was no going against his words, so Pa obliged and started listing the contracted beasts that they could ask to work for them.

"Well, there were the bats, the vultures, the ravens... There are many, Sir Gamamaru."

There were indeed far too many beasts that had made contact with the Toads.

The Great Sage had imparted his wisdom to many, and they had also allowed some other species to use The Sacred Oil Fountain in the past.

They had many they could call upon.

"Hmm... I would've suggested giving him a contract scroll for us Toads, but our deal with the First Hokage prevents that...

For now, let Ken choose, give him the contract scroll for one of those three you listed... They will be our gift to him, as well as our eyes."

Gamamaru didn't take too long to think about it, he merely waved his hand and told Fukasaku what to do.

The small toad only nodded and disappeared.

Some other toads went to contact the three species, to inform them of this development.

Gamamaru was now left alone, sighing as his aged eyes opened once more, looking at the entrance to his shrine with a wary gaze.

'There's no reason to make an enemy out of him for now... I just hope that doesn't change in the future...'

And as he was pondering on those thoughts, Ken was off exploring Mount Myboku.

He was quite interested in the place, but more specifically, he was more interested in the 'Sacred Oil Fountain'.

He had already heard of its name from Gamabunta, who was still sticking around with him for now.

It wasn't like he was a trusted ally of the frogs or anything. They left the gigantic Toad with him to act as supervision.

But Gamabunta was quite friendly all things considered. It answered any questions Ken had about the place without withholding any information for the most part.

At the very least Ken was unable to tell if he was hiding something.

Now, the two of them were making their way steadily towards the oil fountain.

The place was about the same as Ken remembered it to be, a small waterfall of oil falling down into an oil fountain surrounded by hundreds of toad statues likely failed Sage Art practitioners.

Gamabunta was also able to confirm his suspicion...

"This place is a sacred ground, tread carefully...

But as sacred as it is, it's also a burial ground for those that tried to walk the arduous path of a Sage.

Not everyone is as cut out for this as you are..."

Just further confirmation that Sage Arts and Senjutsu were not exactly meant to be used by humans.

But even so, Nature still enabled them to try it. At their own risk, of course.

Jiraiya was now also practising, sitting in a meditative stance near the fountain, with Ma right beside him.

Silence stretched in that clearing near the fountain, the Sannin was surrounded by reminders of what failure would lead him to.

It was not an option. Dying was not an option fro him... But it was an inevitability it seemed.

Ken felt the Toad Sannin's body bloat up badly, taking on frog-like features as the Sannin failed to balance the two energies within him.

In that instant, Ma acted quickly! And... Beat the Sannin with a stick?

It was a strange image to Ken, and he couldn't even see it... But feeling one of the so-called 'Legendary Shinobi' get beaten by a small motherly toad was amusing.

There was also the fact that Ma's beating seemed to be working to help Jiraiya.

'That stick she's using... It's oddly effective in pushing out Nature Energy...'

Ma's beating quickly allowed the Sannin to return to his human form, but it still left him panting and tired on the ground.

"Hmm, Jiraiya, you won't get far if you get scared of Nature Energy... Let it flow through you freely, but at the same time be careful of how much you intake..."

Ma did her best to instruct the Sannin on his failings, and he seemed to be listening, but he was still not any closer to reaching sage mode, which was simply discouraging.

"... He's really hopeless, huh?" Gamabunta also sighed, Ken stood on the giant Toad's shoulder as he observed the scene.

'I have some free time... Should I help him out?

It would be a good way of testing out if I can try to teach the others in the Brotherhood about Senjutsu...'

The assassin scratched his chin before nodding and jumping to the ground, surprising Gamabunta slightly.

But the Giant Toad didn't try to stop him from approaching Jiraiya, who was still sprawled on the ground.

"Hey... Do you need help with that?"


Hope you liked the chapter! Took me a while to post again, it's late and I wanna sleep 

But yea, the mc is really closer to the 10 Tails than a human at this point. 

Also, him trying to teach Jirayia now will give him some experience if he ever decides to become a Senjutsu teacher in the future ;)

Story Shoutout!(send me a DM if you've got any interesting story for a shout out, have little time for reading as of late) : The Last Observer 

Discord, again:

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on, you'd also get 12 chapters in advance (or 6/3 depending on tier)


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