Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 185: On The Skies To Mist Village - 8

Chapter 185: On The Skies To Mist Village - 8

"If Mei Terumi is intelligent at all, she'll realise that and understand at the very base that an alliance with us will be a massive benefit for her village," Daiki continued onwards, "The problems are of course me holding the Sanbi and the Kiba Blades that I don't plan to give up at all, but I'll be bringing them Kubikiribocho to soften that blow a bit. On top of that, one of their top ninja have a Bykugan that was stolen from us, if they want to demand any of what I have back, I'll demand the Byakugan from him. And of course there's the kicker that I came into possession of the Sanbi and the Kiba Blades when one of their missing ninja planned to attack Konoha, so they have no fault but their own."

"Mmmm," Anko hummed thoughtfully, "Pretty logical and well thought out, the only problem is ninja villages aren't exactly logical when it comes to this kind of thing, if they were the great shinobi wars would have never happened."

The great shinobi wars happened because Hashirama was a hippy, and when he died, and Madara was presumed dead as well, the other shinobi nations with their jinchuuriki in pocket thought they were contenders for the big dog ribbon.

They were not.

"Well, I've got more up my sleeve," Daiki shrugged, "Like I know where the rest of their missing swords are for instance."

"You do?" Anko blinked, "How'd you find that out? That's a big mystery a lot of people have been curious about for a while, where'd a brat like you come across that knowledge? The Sanbi?"

"Well, technically I guess," Daiki smirked, "Actually, it was part of the information I got from your old sensei. He has them, alongside a lot of others things that I wouldn't mind taking from him personally."

Like that horn of Gyuki for instance.

With it, that previous jinchuuriki of the eight tails before Bee, Fukai was able to enter a full version two state. And not a lower tier one like the Gold and Silver brothers, where they could reach six tail states from the amount of chakra they got from Kurama.

But rather a full eight tailed version two state.

He assumed it could grant the full eight tailed version two strength, since it was a large piece of Gyuki's body, and had the same output, it just did not have the same store of energy the full Gyuki's body had.

Either way, it was a potent item that lacked the true will of the bijuu and would be much easier to tame. If he got his hands on it, Daiki could give it to Isobu to empower him, or even possibly make a psuedo jinchuuriki of his own choice.

He wasn't sure who he'd pick, but Kakashi for instance with the ability to enter a full eight tailed version two state, would make for quite the strong ally to have on his side. And it would also go a long way to mitigating the problem he had with his sharingan.

Or perhaps Sasuke? A pseudo-Jinchuuriki Sasuke, considering his sheer potential would be amazing for the future if he couldn't stop the revival of Madara. He for sure was going to try his damn hardest to stop it from ever occurring, but it was best to plan for the worst.

"Of course it was him," Anko sighed, "Why am I even surprised? Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he mind controlled Itachi or something and made him slaughter the Uchiha clan or did it himself in disguise."

Yeah, funnily enough, even with all the knowledge of this world he had, if he was told that he'd believe it.

Orochimaru was just that guy.


It wasn't long before they arrived in the Land of Waves. Barely even approaching a half an hour even at a casual speed.

The distance between Konoha and the Land of Waves after all, was merely a thousand and five hundred miles give or take a few.

And even that was boosted a bit by them taking a bit to find the exact location of Zabuza and Haku's graves.

The graves as it turned out, weren't far from the massive bridge known as 'The Great Naruto Bridge', just across the water, and a little bit into the forest beside the shore.

"I can't believe that brat has a bridge named after him," Anko snorted after they landed on the shore and made their way through the forest towards their target, "The kid was alright I guess during the second round, but not really anything special, pretty sure I was stronger at the same age."

"Probably, though you'd have a tough time with him now," Daiki shrugged, "I helped him get a little bit of control of the Kyuubi's power yesterday, with it he should be well capable of crushing your standard jonin."

It was weird to say 'standard' or even 'average' when it came to Jonin, they were the elite of the world. Less than five percent of shinobi ever reached such strength, but that was just how things were for Jinchuuriki, especially the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi.

Even in his own base state, in a pure on physical fight, Daiki would lose to Naruto in his one tailed state as he was currently.

"I ain't a standard jonin, that's Kurenai, hell I'd put her below your average jonin," Anko rolled her eyes, "I think I could take him even with it, especially after I got full control of this." as she finished speaking, familiar black flame like marks spread across her body in its entirety and she smirked at him.

The fully controlled curse mark level one. And without the shard of Orochimaru in it, probably more potent than the standard one the likes of the Sound Four had by his own estimates.

"Been training with it huh?" he noted, the ease she pulled on it with was telling, and he could see with his eyes as the chakra running through her tenketsu strengthened, "You know there's actually a second stage to the cursed seal, it makes it even stronger though when using it, it tends to give you a weird ass transformation. One of Orochimaru's little boy toys even grows a tail."

Anko blinked, before snorting, "I'm assuming you've got it then? You do love bragging about getting your hands on all this crap after all, trying to rub your superiority in again?"

"I actually don't," Daiki replied, shaking his head, "I could get, but I don't wanna. It would look really stupid with my jinchuuriki forms." he admitted, looking away.

Anko burst out laughing, "Is that right? Don't wanna look less cool huh?" she teased, "And you wonder why I call you a brat."

"Not just that," Daiki protested but didn't look back and keep his eyes on the foliage of the forest, "There's this chick that works for Orochimaru, part of his little guard operation. When she takes the second form, she fills out more, her skin turns dark and she grows horns, she looks kinda of like a demon actually. And well."

He didn't even need to finish, Anko's laughter became louder and louder, pure on hilarity, "Want a little human dominating demon roleplay huh brat?" she guffawed, and he turned back to see her pointing at him, laughing so hard tears came to her eyes, "Lemme guess, you wanna use those horns like handlebars as well huh?"

"How'd you know that?" Daiki couldn't help but gape at her.

"Kid please, you aren't that deep," Anko continued laughing, waving her arm at him in a wishy washy manner, "I spent more than twelve hours getting railed cross eyed by you, you were loving dominating me, making me call you daddy and shit. The second you said she had horns and looked like a demon, I clocked on."

He felt his cheeks heat up.

He wasn't that predictable was he?

"You wanna try and get the second form?" he raised an eyebrow at her, "Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll get the same kind of form."

"Oh no, another twelve hours getting railed stupid after a power up, I'm so scared," Anko snorted, "Kid, don't threaten me with a good time."


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