Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 181: On The Skies To Mist Village - 4

Chapter 181: On The Skies To Mist Village - 4

It was as he hopped into the shower, the water kept nice and cool to wash away any tiredness and revitalize him that Isobu spoke up again.

'I've been keeping track of something for the past few hours since you added that new Yang Conversion Seal.' the three tailed beast suddenly brought up.

Standing under the cold spray of the shower, Daiki hummed in askance, 'Hmm?' he prompted.

'Hashirama's cells,' he said, and if he weren't under the spray of water, Daiki's eyes would have open up and shot wide at the sudden topic, 'Between me, your collection of chakra from Naruto and Sasuke and this new Yang Conversion seal, I think you could handle intaking some and integrating them without being overwhelmed.'

'Amazing as that would be, that's not something I really want to try,' Daiki replied on instinct, 'His cells are like a cancer. It's too big of a chance of fucking me over to want to do it.'

Sucky as that was.

Hashirama's cells were absurd. Not only would integrating them give him the wood style, it would give him an absurd healing factor and massively boost his life force, his physical abilities, his chakra and even possibly enhance his ability when it came to Senjutsu.

Hashirama's cells turned Obito from a subpar chunin to being capable of slaughtering a whole squad of anbu black ops, and in a few years made him capable of taking on Minato at his peak while alive.

It was too bad though, because with them enhancing his growth rate, many of his plans would come to fruition that much quicker.

'Yes, I have a theory on how that works,' Isobu said, 'There's a thing I should actually correct you on. While I'm unsure of how Hashirama Senju died, what I do know is that it must have been an absurd situation. Because, what you know of Hashirama's healing abilities isn't even close to what he could heal from.'

Daiki stepped out of the cold spray of the shower and wiped the water from his face, running a hand up through his hair and slicking it back, "What do you mean?" he asked.

As far as he was aware, nothing short of decapitating and crushing Hashirama's brain would have killed him.

'No, not even that,' Isobu promptly refuted, 'In actuality, even if his entire body was reduced to dust. As long as a single cell of him remained with enough chakra, he would regenerate. There was a reason not even Madara Uchiha with the ability to stop or rewind time could defeat him Daiki. As long as he had chakra, he was unkillable unless his entire body was erased from existence.'



How, that was absurd! That was like Cell or Majin Buu tier bullshit. How the fuck did he even die then? Hashirama had even more chakra than fucking full power Kurama and had basically the most busted physically durable body in the world more or less.

There was only a few contenders like Naruto and the Third Raikage that could compete with his absurd body.

There wasn't even a record of how he died in the history texts.

'Frankly, I couldn't tell you either,' Isobu replied, 'The important matter though is the strength of your yang chakra with your yang conversion seal may be enough alone for you to withstand the integration of his cells. If not though, I theorise that Madara managed it because of the traces of Indra within his chakra and the cells more or less recognising him as related to Hashirama closely. With as much chakra as you've taken from both Sasuke and Naruto, with the traces of Indra and Ashura, you may be able to trick the cells into believing they are a natural part of you if you flush your system with enough of it.'

Daiki supposed that did make sense in a way. But it was still a massive risk to take. He'd taken massive risks a lot so far, but intaking the cells of Hashirama Senju with the possibility of a cancerous growth of the man growing out of his body and trying to supplant his own made him shiver.

And that was if he didn't just turn into a tree.

'That is where I come in, if nothing else I should be able to suppress the cells to a degree to make it easier, and if things go wrong I'll rip the cells out of you with my chakra,' Isobu said then in return, 'Though it'll be agonizing if I do need to do that, though that's obvious, it would be like ripping the sinew from your body piece by piece to a degree.'


Peachy even.

Just what he needed to think about before he had breakfast, his sinew being torn out.

.But then what was a little agony to an enhancement of the grind?

".I'll think about it," Daiki replied as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a nice fluffy towel to dry off with, "Beyond anything else I'll need to figure out where to get some of his cells without anyone the wiser anyway."

Granted he knew a few places where there was some, but all them were kind of risky. Like Obito's hideout, Danzo.Zetsu, that kind of thing.


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