Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 824: Naruto’s Highlight Moment

Chapter 824: Naruto’s Highlight Moment

Academy training grounds.

Naruto, with nearly a hundred shadow clones, was fiercely facing off against Sasuke, who has his 2-Tomoe Sharingan activated, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became serious.

‘No, I can’t wait any longer!’

At this moment, Naruto's pupils suddenly shrank, and he received the memory of the clone in the office. He knew that if he procrastinated any longer, Iruka would be here.

He had to defeat Sasuke, the pretentious guy, before Iruka arrived!

“Let's go!!!”

Naruto waved his big hand and charged at Sasuke, with the nearly hundred shadow clones on both sides immediately swarming up with cries and shouts.

Sasuke’s eyes narrowed slightly. He coldly snorted, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards nearly a hundred Naruto.

In just one second, the two sides had already engaged in close combat. Five or six Naruto approached in front of Sasuke, shouting and throwing punches, kicks, elbows, knees, bites… cruelly exploiting their bodies to the limit, attacking Sasuke in every possible way!

Seeing this scene, the guarding girls in the distance was terrified, and they all rallied in support of Sasuke.

“Sasuke-kun! Ganbatte!”

“You absolutely have to beat that despicable Naruto!”

“Sasuke-kun will definitely defeat that evil!”

In their view, there are nearly a hundred people on Naruto’s side, and Sasuke only has one person. With such condition, isn’t Naruto a great villain representing evil?

Fortunately, their words didn't affect the two battling parties.

Sasuke, facing the siege at this time, didn’t panic at all, and even wanted to laugh.

In Sharingan’s vision, Sasuke can clearly predict the offensive route of the Naruto before him. It was just like facing the extra actors, who are following the script. Sasuke only needed to follow the script to easily defeat them one by one!

Sasuke shifted to the left and attacked with a straight punch.


A shadow clone was blasted apart.

“Too slow.”

Sasuke took a step back and kicked sideways.


Another shadow clone was crushed.

“Too weak!”

Sasuke turned and elbowed.


A shadow clone broke as it ran into his elbow.

“Too foolish.”

Sasuke bent down and swept his leg.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three Shadow Clones were instantly destroyed.

“Is this all you've got, Naruto?!!!” Sasuke continued to punch and kick, constantly laughing and mocking.

Naruto was so furious. The scene happening before him is different from what he expected. In his script, Sasuke should have been trembling in fear upon seeing his shadow clones, only able to use half of his strength out of sheer terror. Then after being severely beaten by his clones, Sasuke would kneel on the ground and cry out: ‘I, Uchiha Sasuke, have lost. Naruto, you are the most talented and handsome genius in our class.’

But in reality?

Sasuke effortlessly destroyed his shadow clones one after another, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll.

‘Damn it!’

Naruto was on the verge of collapse. Turning around and looking around, he was shocked to find that there were only twenty or so of his shadow clones left.

“So strong!”

Shikamaru, who watched the battle, had a solemn face as he stared at Sasuke's back.

Before using Sharingan, Sasuke was easily defeated by Naruto, but after using Sharingan, Sasuke is like a God, and not even a hundred Narutos were his match!

‘As expected of the Uchiha Clan’s Kekkei Genkai.’

“Sasuke is indeed strong, but why do I hope Naruto will defeat him?” Kibat looked conflicted, while Akamaru, the puppy on his head, barked in agreement.

“I feel the same way too.” Choji took out a bag of potato chips from who knows where, and started munching on them.

“Probably because Sasuke is too pretentious.” Shikamaru shrugged. Among the people he knows, when it came to acting cool, Sasuke was undoubtedly number one.

‘That's why he was the most popular with girls…’ Shikamaru glanced at Sakura and the other girls, who were excitedly jumping around, and shook his head helplessly.

“Naruto, it seems you really are only this strong. It's better to give up now to save your reputation.” Sasuke said with both hands in pockets, as he looked at the twenty or so Narutos in front of him, completely ignoring them.


Naruto was furious: “It’s not over yet!”

Roaring with anger, Naruto once again formed hand seals.

“Hey hey, he can still create more shadow clones?” Shikamaru’s expression changed, “Where does Naruto get so much chakra?”

“Oh, Shikamaru, can Naruto really win?” Kibat’s excitement was growing.

“Woof, woof woof~.” Akamaru, the puppy, also barked exciteddly.

As for Choji, from the super-fast frequency of him eating potato chips, it can be seen that he is also excited.

“Naruto, are you trying to cheat again?” Karin was flustered and exasperated. She knows how terrifying Naruto’s endurance is. If he is allowed to do what he wanted, Sasuke will definitely be dragged to death by him, just like her and Hinata.

“Idiot, even if Naruto creates another hundred of shadow clones, it’s useless. Sasuke-kun can blow them all up in one go!” Sakura, Ino and the other girls looked towards the twenty of so Naruto with disdain.

“You…” Karin was at a loss for words at how to explain Naruto's ‘abnormal physique’ to them in her impatient state.

Meanwhile, as he stood in the field, Sasuke's expression had also changed slightly.

Although he had just destroyed sixty or seventy of Naruto’s shadow clones in one go, the consumption of Sharingan is too much. If…

“Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!” Naruto roared.

Bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~ bang…

A continuous series of explosions sounded and three to four hundred shadow clones appeared behind Naruto.

Sasuke’s expression stiffened in an instant.

Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, Sakura, Ino and the others were also scared into cold sweat.

“Naruto’s Chakra… is he a monster?” Shikamaru stared at Naruto incredulously.

“Are you kidding me?!!!” Sakura’s whole body is not feeling good.

“This is cheating?!” Ino yelled, “This is definitely cheating!!”

“So…” Karin wiped the sweat from her forehead, “That Naruto cannot be measured by the standards of ordinary people.”

“As expected of Naruto-kun, he’s really strong.” Hinata, who was standing next to them, clasped her heart with both hands, her eyes shining and her face blushing as she watched Naruto show off his power.

On the sidelines, Shino has a poker face, but in fact, the Kikaichu in his body are already crawling violently along his Chakra Pathway.

“Your expression tells me that you are scared.”

The three to four hundred Naruto start to talk at the same time, “Sasuke, prepare yourself!!”


In the next moment, three to four hundred shadow clones surged toward Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at this scene expressionlessly, but his hands in his pockets trembled slightly, and the veins on his forehead are beating.

‘I don’t believe it! These can't be real shadow clones!’ Sasuke clenched his teeth, ‘I see, it’s a clone, these must be clones with no real attack power!’

Having convinced himself, Sasuke stared at Naruto with his Sharingan and rushed forward again.

Bang, bang, bang……

Although he had identified these as ordinary clones, Sasuke didn't dare to let them attack him. He relies on his Sharingan to dodge while delivering punches, smashing them one by one.

But as more and more shadow clones approached, Sasuke’s physical strength is also declining crazily, especially considering the consumption of Sharingan. At this time, his pupils are sore and swollen, and the whites of his eyes had become bloodshot from who knows when, making his eyes appear demonic at first glance.

Bang, bang, bang…

Naruto’s shadow clones were unfazed, charging forward recklessly, one after another, regardless of the consequences.

Finally, Sasuke’s physical strength couldn't keep up, and he was unable to dodge a punch from one of the shadow clones.


As excruciating pain washed over him, Sasuke's heart sank: ‘They are real shadow clones…’


Bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~…

Sasuke turned into a punching bag as Naruto's shadow clones bombarded him from every direction.

“Get out of the way!”

Suddenly, the voice of Naruto’s real body came out from among the many shadow clones, “Leave the final blow to me!”

He must defeat Sasuke himself!

Then, stepping on the heads of his shadow clones, Naruto excitedly rushed towards Sasuke, who was slowly descending from the sky.


With the desperate and resentful cries, Sakura, Ino, Karin and many other girls have their eyes blurred with tears.

‘Sakura, look, I am the most handsome genius in the class!’


Naruto stomped on his own shadow clone, propelling himself like a cannonball toward Sasuke in mid-air.

At this moment, Naruto felt the eyes of the entire world are focused on him.

‘This feeling… is amazing~~~’

Naruto can’t control his expression anymore.

“Stop, Naruto!!!”

At this moment, a nimble figure suddenly descended from the sky.

Hearing this voice, Naruto’s heart froze instantly.


‘Of all times, why now…’

Naruto was on the verge of tears.

‘At least let me land a punch.’

But no matter how much he protested in his heart, Iruka had already caught Sasuke firmly and smacked the distracted Naruto on the head.

“Using a shadow clone to deceive your teacher, Naruto, you…”

Iruka was about to give Naruto a stern lecture when he noticed the three to four hundred shadow clones behind him.


Three big question marks appeared on Iruka’s forehead.

“Iruka-sensei, I was wrong.”

Realizing the situation he is in, Naruto decisively admitted his wrongdoing, immediately got up and confessed his fault while dissolving all his shadow clones. Then, he looked at Iruka with a woeful expression.

As for Sasuke, he had already passed out at this time.

Whether it was a genuine loss of consciousness or a pretense to save his reputation…

Only Iruka knew.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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