Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 754: Art is Explosion

Chapter 754: Art is Explosion

Inoichi’s backyard.

Ino and Karin sat looking at each other, the red-haired and the blonde exchanged glances. Their big eyes stared at each other, quickly developing a mutual dislike.

“Sigh… Why did you come to my house so early in the morning?” Ino tilted her head and complained.

“It's not like I wanted to come.”

Karin retorted defiantly, lifting her head proudly, “If it’s not for my big brother dragging me, I wouldn't want to come to the dumb pig's house.”

“You're the dumb pig!” Ino was furious.

Karin snorted, and said with a smile: “No matter how you defend yourself, I've heard it all. You guys are the dumb pig clan, dumb pig, dumb pig…”

“Dumb pig, dumb pig, dumb pig…” Ino closed her eyes and started releasing beautiful words.

Karin: “Dumb pig, dumb pig…”

Ino “Dumb pig, dumb pig…”

In the guest room.

Kanpū and Inoichi sat down on the tatami mats. Just as Kanpū, highlighting the close relationship between Ino and Karin, he faintly heard the distant sound of ‘dumb pig’ coming from the backyard.

Kanpū displayed a slightly embarrassed but still polite smile, and commented: “It’s nice to be young.”

Inoichi is also a bit embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: “Ino has been spoiled by me. Please excuse her.”

“It was my fault too. I brought Karin back from the outside but failed to properly educate her. I’m so sorry.”

After exchanging some hypocritical courtesy, Kanpū shifted the conversation to the main topic, “Actually, the reason for me visiting Inoichi-sama today is to seek your advice on the matter of interrogation.”

Inoichi smiled faintly. He had already known that Kanpū must have something to discuss with him yesterday, but he didn't reveal it, and politely said: “Please tell me.”

Kanpū said: “It’s about interrogation…”

Kanpū went on to elaborate on interrogation, putting extra effort into discussing the topic. His purpose in doing so is to hope that Inoichi could mention something about his clan’s Mind Reading Technique, so that it will be convenient for Kanpū to collect it.

As a senior, Inoichi will naturally not be stingy and wouldn't hesitate to share his knowledge. But unfortunately, he didn't mention anything about his clan's Mind Reading Technique.

Seeing this, Kanpū didn’t dare to collect him rashly. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, he took his leave, expressing that he would come again tomorrow.

Well, tomorrow is Sunday, and the Academy is still on break.

Leaving Ino’s house, Karin was a little unhappy, because she was tired for quarreling with the dumb pig.

Thinking that he still needed to use this tool tomorrow, Kanpū quickly took her to eat her favorite okonomiyaki and then to the Senju Park for a day of fun, making her have an unforgettable Saturday.

Late at night, Kanpū crawled along the Network Cable to the secret base under the frozen soil of the Land of Iron, then sacrificed some mountain bandit alive and collected the ancestors of Otsutsuki Clan.

Kanpū, being a thrifty person, wouldn't waste the three Collection Techniques each day.

After the collection, Kanpū left the base and found a quiet place to summon Tagorihime, and then he handed over the five hundred crystals that was charged by his shadow clones.

Tagorihime happily rubbed against Kanpū for a while before returning to the Ryuchi Cave, and went to share the spoils with the little schemer, Ichikishimahime.


In Daimyo’s Mansion in the Land of Hot Water.

Under the cover of night, Hidan, wearing a black windbreaker with red clouds pattern, had a solemn and sacred expression as he ritualistically sacrificed a minister of the Land of Hot Springs. The scene was filled with blood!

“Is it necessary to go to such extremes?” Hyōketsu looked straight at Hidan, and there’s a hint of disgust in his eyes behind the icy crystal mask.

“What do you know? This is the important ceremony of sacrifice. Without this step, the great Jashin-sama would be unhappy.” Hidan said with a snort.


Hyōketsu asked curiously, “Will he come looking for you if he's unhappy?”

Hidan was stunned. To be honest, he hadn't considered this question.

“If he really comes looking for you, you should be happy, right? After all, you are so devoted to him.” Hyōketsu said with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

Hidan’s face is full of discomfort. For some reason, he feels that this provocateur wearing an ice crystals mask is making fun of him.

“I mean, since you have so much faith in that Jashin-sama, wouldn’t it be better to just throw yourself into his arms?”

Hyōketsu advised with a smirk, “This way, Jashin-sama is happy, you are happy, and I don't have to witness these bloody scenes every day. It's a win-win-win.”

Hidan became furious: “Bastard, do you believe I'll send you to meet Jashin-sama?!”

“What’s wrong? From your tone, it seems like you don't want to embrace Jashin-sama at all.” Hyōketsu said with a sneer.

“Compared to meeting Jashin-sama, I have a more important mission!”

Hidan suppressed his anger, and said with a pious expression, “That is… to send people like you who don't believe in Jashin-sama to meet him!”

Saying that, Hidan picked up the bloody march scythe and slashed at Hyōketsu.

But at this moment, a sharp wind suddenly came from the night sky. Hidan’s movements halted, and he looked up, only to see a small white object, about the size of a thumb, rapidly descending.

“What is that?” Hidan raised the bloody march scythe, and his pale purple eyes narrowed.


Hyōketsu raised an eyebrow, ‘Could it be Deidara?’

Through the memories of Kanpū’s shadow clones, Hyōketsu already knew that Deidara has defected from Iwagakure. So seeing the current scene, he wa naturally thought of him first.

Hyōketsu silently activated Sage Mode, then clasped his hands together. Senjutsu Chakra poured out and turned into a stream of ice crystals, swirling around him

“Hey hey, what's going on?”

Hidan looked at Hyōketsu, who was gradually soaring into the night sky, with a face full of disbelief, “I didn't know Ice Release could be used for flight!”


Hyōketsu ignored him and shot straight up into the sky.

The one descending from the night sky at this moment was none other than Deidara, while riding a white chubby pigeon.

After Deidara joined Akatsuki in the Land of Grass, under Konan's internal intelligence, he went straight to the Daimyo's Mansion in the Land of Hot Water. Yes, his undercover mission's first step was to display his Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai in front of Hyōketsu, then join the Abyss through Hyōketsu!

Of course, if Hyōketsu accidentally dies in his hands, it has nothing to do with Deidara.


“What the hell, another Shinobi who can fly, hmm!”

Deidara looked Hyōketsu soared into the sky from the ground, and his expression turned sour!

The reason why he joined Akatsuki is because he can’t beat Konan. Why can’t he beat Konan? Wasn't it because Konan could also fly?

Otherwise, even if Deidara ran out of his explosive clay, he could still leave confidently on the back of his chubby pigeon.

Deidara calmed his mind, reached into his pouch, and took out a handful of small white birds.

These little birds are only the size of a fingernail. They were created by Deidara along the way using his explosive clay.

Then, Deidara casually scattered them.

The countless small birds soared into the sky, instantly transforming into fist-sized birds, shooting like arrows towards Hyōketsu.

Seeing his birds closing in on Hyōketsu’s face, Deidara immediately formed hand seal and shouted: “Art is explosion, Katsu!”

Boom boom boom…

A series of explosions echoed through the night sky, creating a dazzling display of fireworks.


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