Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 635: Using Kotoamatsukami

Chapter 635: Using Kotoamatsukami

In the dark underground space, Deva Path Pain looked at Hyketsus thought projection expressionlessly, quietly waiting for his answer.

And Shisui, who is standing by the side, vaguely sensed that there seemed to be some kind of power hidden behind Akatsuki through the conversation between Deva Path Pain and Hyketsu.

In addition, theres also Jinchuriki!

Although Pains tone did not fluctuate, Shisui could feel Pains care for Jinchuriki.

So, Akatsukis ultimate goal is Biju?

Shisui knew that he had not been completely trusted in the Akatsuki, so he didnt ask rashly, and just continued to observe and collect information silently.

On the other side, Hyketsu was silent for a few seconds before replying: I didnt catch him. I just drew a tube of his blood, and then released him.

Hyketsu shrugged and continued, As for where he is now, I don't know.

Deva Path Pain narrowed his eyes, apparently dissatisfied with Hyketsus answer, but now, Akatsuki has not yet reached the step of capturing Biju, so there is no need to confront the Abyss for Roshi at this time.

Furthermore, what if Hyketsu didnt lie?

However, Deva Path Pain can tell from this incident that Hyketsus heart is in the Abyss in the end, not Akatsuki!

Presumably, Hyuga Taki is the same.

Then, just in case, its time to put some restrictions on them.

For example information!

Deva Path Pain glanced at Zetsu and said: That's the end of today's meeting, let's do our own tasks.

After saying that, he directly disbanded everyone except Zetsu.

It seems that you still have something to tell me, Pain. Looking at the empty place, Zetsu said with a smile.

Thats right.

Deva Path Pain said straight to the point, Zetsu, it is forbidden to disclose any information about Jinchuriki to Hyketsu and Taki from now on.

Are you worried that Abyss is also having thoughts about Jinchuriki?

Black Zetsu said. To be honest, he is also worried, after all, Biju is an indispensable part of his plan. If Akatsuki couldnt get the nine Biju together because of the Abyss, wouldn't his thousand-year plan become a joke?

Deva Path Pain nodded, and then asked: Is there anything unusual about Hyketsu and Taki during this period of time?

Black Zetsu pondered, then slowly shook his head: Theres no abnormality.

I always feel that they havent contacted the Abyss since they entered Akatsuki.

Konan suddenly started to talk and said, Is it possible that the Abyss consists with only two of them?

Of course there are more than that!

White Zetsu couldn't help but said excitedly, In fact, when we were at the scene of the battle between Hyketsu and Roshi, we found traces of another person.

Who? Deva Path Pain is also very concerned about this matter and immediately asked.

I can't confirm his identity, but I can be sure that this person has Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai.

Explosion Release?

Konan frowned, and immediately thought of the Explosive Tags she was hoarding, and asked hesitantly, Is it possible if the traces were caused by the Explosive Tags?

There are two kinds of explosion marks at the scene, one of which is the Explosive Tags explosion, and the other can only be caused by the Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai! White Zetsu is very sure.

Explosion Release Kekkei Genkai They should be a Shinobi from Iwagakure Deva Path Pain is not surprised but delighted. As long as there are clues, no matter how small it is, he can follow the clues to find Abyss!

I will send my clones to Iwagakure to gather intelligence. White Zetsu said proactively, knowing the meaning of Pains words.

Then, thats all for today. Deva Path Pain dismissed Zetsus thought projection with satisfaction.

Opening his eyes again, Zetsu saw Hyketsus ice crystals mask is just a few steps centimeters away from him.

Hey, what are you doing! White Zetsu fell back tactically, looking extremely dissatisfied.

Pain left you alone again.

Hyketsu said with a soft smile, It seems that it has something to do with Abyss.

White Zetsu was about to start an argument, but was interrupted by Black Zetsu: That's right, the existence of the Abyss is too unreasonable! Yuki Hyketsu, tell me who created Abyss? What is the purpose of its existence?

You want to know?

Hyketsu took two steps back and looked at him with interest, Then you have to exchange information of the same value.

A thought flashed through Black Zetsus mind, and he hurriedly asked: What do you want to know?

For the time beingI really dont have anything special to know. Hyketsu showed a weird smile.

Are you kidding me? Although Black Zetsu couldnt see the smile under his ice crystals mask, he could hear something from his tone.

Who knows? Why dont you try tell me some valuable information? Hyketsu bewitched.

Hmph!Ne/w novel chapt𝒆rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Black Zetsu snorted and stopped talking.

At the other end.

After Orochimaru and Takis consciousness returned to their bodies, they immediately set off to the Land of Hot Water.

On the way, Taki asked strangely: Orochimaru, since your Living Corpse Reincarnation has been successfully developed, why are you still interested in this immortal?

Because Living Corpse Reincarnation has flaws!

Orochimaru has noticed that after reincarnating into new body, he is lacking in soul, so he wants to improve his Living Corpse Reincarnation by contacting other immortality technique.

Of course, the premise is that Hidan really is immortal!

But of course these things cannot be said to Taki.

Orochimarus thoughts spun, and he asked with a smile: So what about you, why are you not interested in Eternal Life?

Taki was startled, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: I am just a shadow clone, what Eternal Life are you talking about!

Seeing that Taki didnt reply, Orochimaru smiled and stopped talking.

At the same time.

Land of Wind, somewhere in the desert.

There is still more than half a day's journey away to the Land of Rivers, and clusters of gray-green plants can be faintly seen nearby.

Shisui stood up from the ground and turned his head to look around. He then saw sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun was raging behind him, and except for the chaotic dark yellow, nothing could be seen.

Its time to go. Sasori controlled Hiruko to stand up from the ground and walked slowly towards the Land of Rivers.

Shisui straightened his windbreaker and was about to follow when suddenly, a white head emerged from a cluster of gray-green plants beside him, staring at the sandstorm behind with annoyed tone.

I hate this country. White Zetsus clone complained unhappily.

The reason why White Zetsus clone can move extremely fast underground is due to the network of organic matter such as underground roots and groundwater. In the Land of Wind, there are large areas without plants and groundwater, so Land of Wind can be said to be extremely unfriendly to White Zetsus clone.

Shisui subconsciously glanced at White Zetsus clone, and then suddenly looked up towards Hiruko walking at the front. His dark pupils turned into scarlet 3-Tomoe almost instantly, and then the three black tomoe quickly spun and turn into a windmill-shaped Mangekyo pattern.

After waiting for so long, Shisui finally got the opportunity to be alone with White Zetsus clone. Naturally, Shisui would not give up such a good opportunity.

After activating Mangekyo, Shisui turned his head and looked towards the eyes of White Zetsus clone.

White Zetsus clone is still be looking at the sandstorm in the distance, and didn't notice that Shisui next to him already has red eyes.

Shisui smiled slightly when he saw this. Although White Zetsu clone did not look at him, but thats okay, as it doesnt prevent him from using Genjutsu.


With just a glance, Shisui carved the Genjutsu into the eyes of White Zetsus clone and applied it to his mind.

Then, a sharp pain came from the depths of his pupils. Shisui quickly closed Mangekyo, but there was still faint trace blood overflowing from his eyes.

Shisui covered his eyes and walked forward silently, while quickly wiping the blood on the corners of his eyes.

Next, I can just wait.

When Kotoamatsukami finished changing the will of White Zetsus clone silently, he will take the initiative to tell me Akatsukis information, or directly send it back to Konoha.

With this, my mission is considered complete, right?


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