Naruto: I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 486: I’m Good At Playing Football

Chapter 486: I'm Good At Playing Football

Compared to the average audience, the Heavens arena hopes to see more fresh blood injected and carries out a 'deification' every two years.

Thus, the presence of Haru brought the Heaven arena a significant amount of fame in the short term, but it could be more conducive to long-term development.

Moreover, the forces behind the Heavens arena are diverse and maintain a competitive yet cooperative relationship.

Some want to suppress and replace a champion; naturally, there are those waiting for them to fail, ready to save the day.

And this carefully selected 3-on-1 duel is a test.

As for the outcome, it's clear some people miscalculated.

After crushing the fake One Punch Man, Haru went straight to Phinks Magcub, this nearly immortal guy, with a calm gaze.

"Tearing you in half doesn't kill you. Now I'm curious if there's anything that can."

After saying this, he kicked him into the air and activated "Disaster Calamity," his hands filled with ominous thoughts...

Ora's Thousand Consecutive Strikes!

When Phinks Magcub fell into his attack range, Haru's fists fiercely rained down on him like a storm.

Using the technique of Nen, Phinks Magcub was firmly fixed in mid-air, unable to escape or fall.

A mix of stillness and motion, pulling and dragging, all filled with the sophisticated use of Nen.

The sound of fists hitting the body almost merged into a single line!

The audience's excitement was vented, starting to cheer non-stop.

Indeed, even in a three-on-one, the 251st floor's priest is the strongest, the most invincible!

Meanwhile, several behind-the-scenes figures of the Heavens arena watching the live broadcast were engaged in a heated discussion.

"This is a show of force to us! I propose we immediately terminate this match and strip him of his floor master status."

"Hehe! He's just reasonably exercising his rights. Can he be manipulated at will? Have you forgotten the incident from twenty years ago? How many lives do you have to gamble?"

Mentioning the incident from 20 years ago suddenly silenced everyone.

Only some participants in the Heavens arena play by the rules.

At that time, thousands of spectators were killed or injured. Not only did the Heavens arena's behind-the-scenes forces undergo a major reshuffle, but it also nearly didn't recover.

"So, what are you suggesting?"

"As long as it meets any condition we set for the 251st floor's master rights, agree to it! Facts have proven he didn't get here by luck. And we've excited what needed to be hyped. Even if we agree to his demands, it's no loss to us."


"Let's vote now."





Quickly, a consensus was reached.

"Since we've reached a consensus, let's quickly stop this match. One floor master is already dead, and if Phinks Magcub and the Curse Master die here, it won't serve our interests."

Although this was said, the development of events had already gone beyond their control.

Back in the Heavens arena.

A total of a thousand punches landed on his body, and Phinks Magcub was practically turned into a puddle of human mud!

But with the "Undying Mummy's Bandages" wrapped around his body, Phinks Magcub still eerily survived, and his body rapidly regenerated.

"You... can't kill me."

It was the first time Phinks Magcub spoke, hoarse and unpleasant.

But Haru, having finished his work, laughed, "There's nothing in this world that can't be killed. If there is, it just means the right method hasn't been found yet."

"I have a question for you. How's your luck?"


Phinks Magcub needed help understanding. Recalling his experiences, he said in a deep voice, "It's terrible, but even though misfortune has turned me into this neither human nor ghost appearance, I'm still alive and well."

"Ah, is that so? Then let me witness it."


With a snap of his fingers!

A surge of malicious intent exploded from his body, and a thousand negative states randomly appeared on the Phinks Magcub's body.

The Phinks Magcub began to howl in pain!

Even though he had been hit a thousand times just before, the Phinks Magcub had never cried out.

But now, he was rolling on the ground in agony!

The number one thousand meant that almost all of the opposing states one could think of were active at once.

Such torment was worse than death!

Especially since there was a negative state called "Instant Death," but the "Undead's Spirit Bandages" wouldn't let him die.

Thus, enduring endless torment, the Phinks Magcub was always wandering at the boundary between life and death, forever tasting the fear that death brings!

Thought, omnipotent!

Yet the following phrase was, thought has its limits!

Contradictory, yet complementing each other.

So, after reaching the limit, the "Undead's Spirit Bandages" began to collapse!

The elder's body began to twist and deform and finally, with a howl, turned into a 'soccer ball' wrapped in bandages on the outside.

The Phinks Magcub died, but in this way, as an 'art piece,' he lived on forever.

Haru attempted to approach this thing, only to find that this cursed object, having lost human consciousness and left with only instinct, actually tried to devour any flesh and blood creature that stepped into its vicinity.

Bandages were flying, clawing, and biting!

It was utterly a cursed item.

But for Haru, if he couldn't threaten him in life, could he do so in death?

Tearing apart the bandages that dared to fly towards him, he kicked it!

The target was right where the cursed shaman, whose fate between life and death was unknown, was.

The cursed shaman, who had initially hoped to escape disaster by playing dead, immediately cursed silently in his heart upon hearing the sound of air being torn apart. "A genius remembers this story in a second."

Then he agilely got up from the ground and shouted: "Roll back!"

The bandage soccer ball suddenly paused mid-air, then flew back.

However, the cursed shaman paid the price for doing this by vomiting another mouthful of blood.

Upon seeing this, in that instant, Haru's mind flashed through countless famous figures: Ronaldo, CR7, Messi, Tsubasa Oozora...

Huh? Something strange got mixed in there.

But that wasn't important. What was important was that in that instant, all these famous figures fused into one aerial kick!


The bandage soccer ball that flew back instantly flew back again with the speed of lightning.

The cursed shaman had to brace himself and shout again: "Stop it, ah!"

His throat was truly broken from shouting!

Blood sprayed directly from his throat!

But he did it. The ball indeed stopped in front of him.

But before he could catch his breath, his view was filled with more and more bandages.


The biggest weakness of the "Word Spirit Curse" was that it would become useless once the mouth was blocked!


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