Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 87: I just didn't want to do it...

Chapter 87: I just didn't want to do it...

I look at the paper.  Half of it is damp while the other half is normal except a little part of it has crumbled to earth amazing so I now have a natural water element it's like I was born with two elements  this is amazing then I do a couple of handsigns and

Some muddy water  raises from the ground...

I was hopeful for me to get Wood Style but it seems like it wasn't effective 


Then I look at my new arm and decide to punch the ground


A giant crater is created I look at my hand everything is normal then I run some chakta to my right shoulder blade


Another arm appears it's my prosthetic arm with the zero tails in it I control the arm to open its palm then the hand starts morphing and slowly forming a canon head 

'Let's see how good it is now'

The canon head rotates with dark chakra forming in the middle of it and taking the form of a dark laser then after three seconds


The lazer flies off and hits a tree.


It ran through a couple of them and caused an explosion just like before when it was my arm it has around the same power as a C rank jutsu. The longer I charge it the stronger it becomes. Also if I grab someone with that arm I can suck out his chakra and it will store it into my  Strength of a Hundred Seal 

Everything seems in place I now have a Sharingan, Hashirama Cells and the zero tails I am at the peak of my power again currently except getting a new better Mangekyo Sharingan, which I am currently working on there is no way for me to get more powerful I will just need to wait for my body to grow up I am still only eleven years old after this war is over I will attempt to reverse summon myself and learn Senjutsu it seems like the only thing that I need to grow is time which I do have quite a bit I guess with the help of the sharingan I should learn some jutsu I should also use clones on it

Then I look around at the wreckage all around this will have to be cleaned then I smile slightly 

'I guess Tsume is getting a C rank cleaning mission'

-two months later- (MC age 12)


-Tsume POV-

After Yami's birthday, which was yesterday three days ago... I asked him to spar with me. I know that he always says that a ninja must be prepared so I have bobytraped this whole training ground also I have started getting C rank missions since two months ago and I am definitely not happy about it IT'S JUST CLEANING YAMI'S MESS he practices ninjutsu and my team has to CLEAN and FIX  the WHOLE Inuzuka training ground...

-two hours later-


Then suddenly... I catch Yami's smell I look towards the direction of where it is coming from and there he is walking casually with a dango stick in his hands and a bored look on his face then he looks at me he just sighs. Then he waves and then he says in a bored tone.

"Hey sorry I am late I just didn't want to come."

Ok control yourself Tsume breath in


I just couldn't control myself and screamed at him.

Then Yami looks at me and cups his chin and makes a thinking position.

"Ahhhh I was drunk during my birthday."

I just narrow my eyes at him.

"You never drink."

Then he takes another thinking pose.


Then Yami points a finger at the sky like he had an idea then he smirks and says..

"I did this to test your will power."

Then I can't help but scream at him again.


Then Yami eats the last part of dango in his hands then he throws it in the ground I know that he will hire my team to clean his mess again he always throws trash in here like there is no worry in it he sure is an annoying bastard...

Then Yami shrugs his shoulders and says in a tired voice

*sigh* "Ok here it is the truth... in the morning I totally forgot about our meeting until I saw you at breakfast then I really didn't want to do it so I went around Konoha's shops to buy some dango then since I was already late by then I thought that you wouldn't wait for me so I went to this new ramen place."

This bastard sure is annoying and he totally didn't want to spar with me he could have just said so in the morning instead of making me wait here

But then Yami still goes on.

"Then after that, I went to a tea ceremony house, I always wanted to try one of those. Then after that I went and climbed the Hokage mountain and enjoyed the scene from there and then I had an amazing inspiration for a new business idea... I was going to call it... a maid cafe."

Then I narrow my eyes at Yami and I can't help but think... how long is this story...

"But I was scared that I might forget the idea. So then I went back home and wrote down the idea. Then while I was coming here I was kind of hungry so I went and got some more dango. Then I thought surely you must have been gone by now so I came here to enjoy the quiet atmosphere but then you know..."


My body is shaking from anger at him...


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