Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 82: Annoying

Chapter 82: Annoying

"S- S- So since you lost an arm I understand that you might die one day. So since you are the most talented in K -Konoha. I have read some books a -and S -SO LET'S HAVE A BABY TOGETHER."

I just look at her seriously go towards her and grab her by the back of her neck lift her up Tsume then gets a shocked look in her face I go towards the door, open it with my chakra strings and


I threw Tsume outside she falls on her butt and while closing the door I tell her. 

"Kids shouldn't stay so late go to sleep Tsume."

And I close the door. Tsume then is knocked off of her shocked state she says nothing and just 

walks away. Though I can hear her quietly say to herself. 

"Baka Tsume that was so embarrassing waaahhhhh how will I talk to him tomorrow"

Then I just deactivate my spying seal that I have all around the house kids are really weird in this ninja world I know that Tsume is a kid her affection for me is definitely not love or anything like that it is mostly a childhood crush and a huge amount of admiration that she has for me 

And I should know this after all admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding or love.

I then open the storage scrolls and


A lot of different books and scrolls come out of the scroll then I search through some of them and I finally find the one that was a study upon Chiyo's puppets that i did a long time ago I open the book and start doing some light reading 


I really miss the sharingan I will need to get another one soon...

-One Month Later-



I am currently in my yard lying in a beach chair while drinking some horrible tasting medical juice that I made. I am wearing sunglasses with black shorts and a white loose white t-shirt the juice helps my body develop faster strength and dexterity. Also it helps my hair roots produce black pigmentation. I don't want other people to know of my weakness yet.

I then  pick up the juice with my arm the one who used to be only a stump not it looks like a normal arm with the same skin color as the rest of my body and all that it's not even a transformation jutsu

Though the arm is a prosthetic that I made by myself with fake plastic skin to make it look like my skin

Then I look at the genin team in front of me who are cleaning the grass as a D rank mission poor bastards they are doing the job all by hand while their Nara Jounin sensei is lying down on the porch cloud watching I look at the genin team two of them are civilian ninja so totally unimportant but, the third genin is Tsume 

Ever since that day I keep teasing Tsume about what she did hehehehe it's just so fun 

Tsume POV


I just look at Yami who is drinking his gross juice. I asked him once what it even was and he with a serious voice told me it was the source of his strength. Then when I secretly tried it once I immediately threw up and had to stay all night and clean it so Yami wouldn't notice. And in the morning he just had that knowing smirk  in his face.

Then there was that time when one morning he just came out for breakfast with a new arm like nothing happened then 


"Tsume what are you doing."

Then when I get back to my senses I look at my hands and see that I have pulled the grass together with the roots Sensei looks at me he is lying down then he just sighs and turns the other way with his back facing me

Damn it I didn't know Yami was this annoying. I used to admire and think of him as a hero but now even I see that he is a dork I mean he is only a little older than me and he is still amazing. 

Only recently he bought: five dango shops, one small clinic, one veterinary, ten new shops that make something called pica and five apartment buildings. Now all of the civilian Inuzuka are employed by the Inuzuka clan. 

I have even heard Nara -sensei say that he is a genius merchant and Anyone who wants to sell something knows to go to Yami Inuzuka. He will give you the best prices. I don't know where he got the money but apparently it is all legitimate. 

I mean I know nothing about money. But even I can sense that he did something very fishy. Nara sensei says that if Yami continues like this the Inuzuka Clan's wealth will surpass the Uchiha and Senju clans in only five years.

Also I have only done D rank missions since I came back that is also very suspicious and 99% of those missions are from Yami. Clean his yard, helping lady Missune with grocery shopping, entertaining Shiro, giving a full body massage to Shiro, washing Shiro, playing catch with Shiro he spoils his ninken Shiro way too much and the little bastard Shiro as if reading his master's mind. When my  genin team went to buy him his dog food he just tires us all around Konoha trying to find his favourite food. Which changes every three days.

I look at Yami and he as if sensing my gaze looks at me, he takes his sunglasses off and with an obviously fake blush on his face pulls his shirt down on his shoulder while badly acting embarrassed...


-Yami POV-


After having some more fun with Tsume I wait until night time. I am in my lab during this time I look at my prosthetic arm and say.

"Go get me a drink."

Suddenly the arm dispatches from me and a rocket like black flame comes from the place where it used to be connected to my arm then the arm goes and gets me a glass of water and comes back I usually control it remotely but I wanted to see if it works like this too. I checked the seals and everything seems in order. This new arm has rosen my combat ability by at least 50%. I then look at the arm and smile at it...

"Goodwork everything seems good isn't that right little leach"

...Yes I have sealed the zero tails inside the arm. With a lot of seal modifications I can use it's full ability without any drawbacks. I did also learn the Body Revival Technique but it was not as good as I thought. Anyone who knows or can see where the chakra points in a human body are will be able to completely cripple and easily defeat a user of the technique kind of like Sasuke did to the guy who used this in Naruto. Though I do use it to train my body by just sitting down

Then I look at the clock 10 pm just two more hours to go...



Then when it is immediately midnight I wear my anbu pants and a black shirt. And start going towards an old building in the outskirts of Konoha. I go inside and immediately I notice anbu with blank masks hidden in the shadows

Then I soon arrived in front of a rundown door. I open it and inside is.  Danzo waiting for me. 

Then I look at him in the eyes...

Well then let's see how you play the game Shimura Danzo...


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