Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 73: The 3rd Raikage's Promise

Chapter 73: The 3rd Raikage's Promise

When the Raikage sees that it was a clone. He immediately looks around for a sneak attack or something of the sort but then....

'The kid is sneaky he shouldn't be as oblivious as to attack head on... is he hiding underground again... or maybe in the sky. Did he transform into a nearby object.'


Raikage POV


I could use a lighting sensory technique that senses chakra signatures 50 meters around me but... I would have to drop the lighting cloak and I would have to be a special kind of stupid to make such a fatal mistake against an enemy like this.

The kid is young and small... but very dangerous. I had heard about him. A true S class ninja from such a young age. But he is definitely more dangerous. Because even sience the beginning of the fight I never underestimated him and went 100% from the beginning. 

But where is that kid... he is a sensor so..... 



I immediately start retracing my steps and running back where I came from.



After twenty seconds while running back on where I came from... I notice something in front of me... 


There are mutilated body parts  everywhere... some even pierced on the trees. THESE ARE MY TEAM..... 

Even with all of the rage inside of me. My face does not show any emotion. My brain is 100% alert to my surroundings. Waiting for a sneak attack, a trap. I was expecting chains to come from underground and surround me at any second. Those things were dangerous so I need to be careful.

Then after looking at the blood of my comrades, my close friends. They were my chosen squad that I would entrust my life to them.

If only I had noticed it earlier...

Then with a calm voice I say.

"Anyone alive..."

When no one answers...


As soon as I heard the cough I went to the side of my teammate. He had his hands and legs both of which were bent in ways that they were not meant to bend. Immediately as soon as I saw his face I knew who it was. It was one of my best friends Dodai. 

I went towards him carefully in case it was a trap. But when I looked at my friends mouth area I noticed that even his tongue was cut off. I couldn't handle the guilt anymore and I immediately went to his side. His face was a little bloody and messed up I know the ruthlessness of that kid did he leave him alive to hold me back on not giving chase to him the blood still seems fresh so he should be close. around here. 

But I can't let my Dodai die I am not even sure if I would be able to find the kid also C is dead. He was the best chakra sensor in Kumo or even the whole Elemental Nations finding him now is going to be like trying to find a senbon in a haystack.

I look at the horizon and swear in my heart.





I spread my chakra senses all around the cave that I assume is in a dark place. The only thing I sense is my clone that I made before starting the fight. I let one of my enemies alive and had my clone put him in a simple Genjutsu to make him cough when the body hears the Raikage's voice.

That was plan B in case I couldn't get away from the Raikage in time. So for the love for his comrade in critical condition. He will then go to the Mist Village to heal his friend.

Though Dodai's injuries even though they seem bad from the outside... they are even worse on the inside he is crippled forever. 

Also I placed a certain seal in the inside of his skull and in 24 hours it will explode.

And it will blow up the hospital. It will put quite a strain on the relationship between Mist Village and Cloud Village. Even if they figure out that it wasn't them who planted the trap. They wouldn't dare admit it publicly especially Mist Village or else the blood line clans which were being discriminated up until now, as soon as they see a weakness, they would feast upon them like a wolf feasting on a sheep. So it seems both outcomes are good for me...

I turn towards my clone and even though I can't see him I can sense his chakra. The clone still has the sharingan because he was created when I still had it... he will only last for some hours with the chakra that he currently has and I can't even transfer some to him because I am almost to the brink of chakra exhaustion.  I just look at him and say calmly.

"Go and Genjutsu a bird and write a warning about the Raikage's change of battlefield. Say in the letter that I can hold him back for some days. Write it in a confident way. Also tell them to recall some S rank ninja from the other 

battlefields to prepare for the Raikage."

Then I hear the clone say.

"Ok... but you  need to calm down."

What is he talking about... I am calm.

"Your hand is shaking and you have a childlike happy smile in your face. It is honestly creepy."

Wow what a rude bastard....I try to calm down and touch my face. And I can feel a joker like smile in my face I know I should be in panic because the Raikage almost killed me but

I AM SO HAPPY that I am alive...

I then try to calm down.

Well then since this is over I should relax. I should let my body rest. My body today got wrecked... but still... I am so happy that I survived. *Ouch*... I feel my body calm down and let the adrenaline wear off. 

After all the battle.... I could feel my body begin to rest. When I sense that my clone came back, I just looked at him with half closed eyes and asked him. 

"How long do you think you have left."

"Five hours at best."

I am a good medic so the transplant should be over at worst in two hours.

I then let myself fall asleep while taking out a storage scroll and giving it to my clone.....


(1 hour later)


As soon as I open my eyes the next time.

I get up and I feel that my body is still tired. But at least I can see I see the lights all around me and even a bed storage scrolls are really convenient.

When I look at my clones face. He was frowning and had a nervous look on his face

Immediately I ask him in a rushed voice

"What is wrong.."

He just gives me a mirror and when I look at it I couldn't help but say



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