Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 71: The Only Way Out

Chapter 71: The Only Way Out

Story by: ????????? // Edited by: ?????_???




I look at my stump I now have for an arm... DAMN IT... I can't even move from the Lighting running through my body... 

I can feel the cold grip of fear grab my heart... my body is in a state of panic... 



C'MON THINK... My Mangekyou ability is amazing at running away. While the Raikage is momentarily a distance away from me... I GOT IT.

I extend one chakra string from my left hand and grab a stone and like a slingshot, it shoots into the air. My Mangekyou looks at the stone that is shot up...


I am teleported to it... this should be a distance where he probably can't jump to...

I immediately start to fall together with the stone. I then run wind chakra through my body to repel the lighting that is paralyzing my body...

In 2 seconds wind chakra as the counter to lighting, it repels it.

I can feel the pain wreck in my brain like it is being punctured by a hundred needles. I can turn around and look at where I see the Raikage calmly looking at me... damn... I can see that he was not hurt by my last all-out attack...

Ok, then I need to run away NOW.

I grab the same stone again and throw it forward again and this time even higher in the air.


Now I am in such a height that he definitely can't jump to me. I can even barely sense him anymore that is how high I am so it should be around 80 meters (~260') ... to teleport to it. I look at the sky and see if I can spot any clouds...

Damn, it is also a clear day... so I can't hide in the clouds... FU*K...

Anyway, this teleportation ability can only teleport me to something that I can see clearly. And with my Sharingan I can see stuff from far away... that is if my vision hadn't started already getting a little blurry as of lately.... my Creation Rebirth has been halting the deterioration of my eyes by a great deal... but I have been using it a lot lately... 


Again I teleport to the stone... I grab it again and I can sense the Raikage hot on my tail.... he is following me but... let's try this... I throw my stone again this time I throw it in a straight line...


I am temporarily out of the Raikage's sight...

With my one hand, I make the tiger hand sign... 


And a shadow clone appears next to me.

SH*T the chakra in my seal is almost all gone... 

Then I make another hand sign.

<Camouflage Ninjutsu>

Immediately my body gains a see-through cover even while falling.

I really should be glad that I am so paranoid and mastered most of my critical life-saving jutsus to be able to do them with only one hand sign.

I then look in a faraway place in a tree.


And I am immediately teleported there.

Because the Raikage doesn't have a chakra sensing ability... I should able to slip right past him... 

As he comes closer to my place while following my clone... Ok, I need to calm my heart... I do that by putting chakra pressure in it and clogging my blood vessels to stop them from moving and giving out any signs of a living being... I can only hold this state for 1 minute at most...

I can sense the Raikage is getting closer I can hear lighting crackling...


He doesn't seem to notice and still goes after my clone he is 50 meters away... YES YES YES YES YES YES...

After he is out of my sensing range...

*sigh* I let out a sigh of relief... I am almost about to cry from happiness. That is if I was dumb enough to waste time doing that.

At last, I finally escaped him temporarily... That was risky... but the thing paid off... now I have a little bit of leverage to move around...

I can sense that the sensor squad with the 10 Jounin and S class ninja is coming towards me... I wonder which one of them is the sensor...

I had my clone run the opposite direction to the sensor team so they won't be able to catch up with the Raikage's speed... then they shouldn't be able to meet up until the Raikage destroys my clone. I also know what I did wrong during this exchange...


I shouldn't have tried to take on the Raikage... did my recent power jump to my head... did I think that I could hold someone who would need to have at least two strong S ranks to hold him back... I should have taken my chances and escaped immediately... I should have taken the risk of being hunted down...  THAT ALMOST COST ME MY LIFE... DAMN IT...!!!

I look at my stump where my arm used to be... at least I must get rid of the sensor... 

If I know one thing about long-distance sensors is that their close distance sensing ability is very blurry... even Minato who is also a long-distance sensor has to use a technique from the second Hokage... he puts a finger in the ground and sends a chakra pulse so he can sense any living being in the perimeter.

Anyway, I need to go and kill the sensor at all costs... I know what happens when a shadow clone uses the Mangekyou Sharingan until it goes blind... I will also lose my light... I will become blind and lose my Sharingan & Mangekyou Sharingan as soon as my clone is destroyed... 

This is a weakness that the so-called experience of the shadow clone brings it will bring me back a huge amount of pain too...

And also with the Raikage as his opponent, I would give my clone at best... 3-4 minutes until it goes blind from Mangekyou overuse and can no longer use his ability and then the Raikage destroy it and he will figure out what is going on... by that time I need to have finished my objective and be far. 

VERY FAR away from here...




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