Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 19: A Show of Superiority

Chapter 19: A Show of Superiority

-Time Skip- (tomorrow)

I wake up, go to the bathroom and take a shower, hadn't had one of these in a long time. I then look at myself in the mirror.

I have short dark slightly spiky hair, an oval face with dark pupil less eyes and 2 red upside down triangles on my cheeks these are my inuzuka tattoos, they are not permanent and I can easily get rid of them. I used to have brown hair but as I got older it got darker and darker untill it became black.

Anyway I wear my anbu pants my sandals and my green hoodie and put Shiro in my hood.

Then I go to the kitchen and see my mother making breakfast for me, well that is good, in the war I mostly ate ration bars which tasted like cardboard,

when I got bored of them I ate something from my emergency food scroll, not a lot, just enough to at least get my taste buds working. We usually didn't hunt because the meat of the animal could have been poisoned or it has a paper tag in it and as soon as you got close it would explode and it could be an ambush etc. Ninjas give a new meaning to dirty war.

Anyway I go to the table, eat breakfast and make some small talk with Misune(my mother). After that I ask her if she knows if the clan head is around she says yes. I then tell her I am going to go for a walk as I haven't been in Konoha in a long time. But I just walk towards the clan heads house. As I am walking I think in my progress these last few months. My physical stats haven't grown, my chakra reserves only grew a little and my chakra control grew to be able to use Mystival Palm properly. The thing I got from this war was experience and my ninjutsu amount has grown by a lot and my sensory abilities have skyrocketed. I can now sense up to 50 meters(164") withought concentration, and 100 meters(328") when I concentrate. It's really surprising I got way more progress in 4 months than in all my life, but to be honest I really wasn't training it and only used it to feel people's chakra levels. In the war it was always at maximum alert and always on full concentration.

As I am thinking this I go to the clan heads house. He is a jounin. The only jounin in our clan, the other members most are chunin and some special jounin specialised in tracking. Also our clan only has about 70 people and 50 or more of them are civilians. We are not like the uchiha who have around 300 members and about 100 of them are ninjas they also have a lot of jounin in their numbers it is the clan with the most jounin. But they have to be a lot to be in the war and in the police force and to have confidence to pull a Coup D'tat against the entire village.

There it is also shown the genius of Itachi Uchiha even if he had help from Obito.

To be able to kill all of the clansmen even though probably most of them were silent assassinations it shows his talent and willpower to kill family and he did it all silently no one knowing what he had done untill later. But that might have also been influenced by root.

If I went to kill the Inuzuka clan right now I could do it silently with poison and stuff but comparing inuzuka with uchiha is like comparing an elephan with an ant.

The other clans that has more members than us there is the hyuga around 100 members but if I am not mistaken they will be cut down heavily during and after the 3rd shinobi war.

Sarutobi clan members around 70-80 not many members, but most of them are ninja or retired around 50 ninja I believe they also got a lot of benefits from being the clan of the hokage and one of the first to join konoha, they also have a very strong loyalty to konoha and as some people say it they have the will of fire.

Then the other clans like Hatake clan more like Hatake family, Shimura like Hatake also, ino-shika-cho aliance is quite good and has a lot of influence especially becouse Akimichi foodpills, Yamanaka mind reading which gives invlaluble information and Nara intelligence and medicine.

Also the Aburame clan around 80 members most are ninja except the ones who married in the clan. The clan is also our superior in tracking becouse of their techniques

like the female insect can be left on a target, which then can be tracked by smell by the male insect, or scout insects can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. For this reason, Aburame clan members are experts in espionage; they can communicate with the insects, and the insects specialise in stealth because they make no noise or motion during combat.

And on top of it the clan is a noble clan in konoha one of the four in it together with Akimichi, Hyuga and Uchiha. There are also some clans that aren't even worth mentioning becouse of their small numbers and also their non big name shinobi.

So yeah our clan is really trashy.

But then there is also the Senju clan it was the gratest clan in konoha on its glory days but now I can count its members in one hand and by the time canon comes with one finger. There were a lot of Senju deaths on the 1st war and a lot of assassinations on them as soon as Hashirama died. They didn't want the power of a man who was able to capture the tailed beast to be passed on. After all what Hashirama did was shocking at the time so the Uchiha were overlooked even though Madara fought Hashirama, Madara had the ninetails and he still lost so the Senju were primary tagets during any mission.

Anyway I now am in front of clan leaders house a big house with a big yard. I go through the gate inside withought knocking and go to the frond door and say. "I am coming in."

I then go towards the chakras that I am sensing one jounin and 3 high chunin. And go towards an oppen area looks like a sparing dojo like area and there is the clan head surrounded by 3 big wolves which probably are his ninken he seems to be relaxing on top of them and reading a book. When I arrive there the 3 ninken open their eyes and look at me.

But I simply ignore them and look directly at the clan head and say. "I am here to become the new clan head."

And I immediately start concentrating chakra in my throat after that and start to prepare something. His body jolts he drops the book down and looks at me gets up and the wolves get up and start growling at me. The clan head looks at me and looks angry and starts growling and says. "YOU ARE QUITE ARROGANT LITTLE BRAT, YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST BARGE IN AND SAY THINGS LIKE THAT. I GUESS I WILL HAVE TO TEACH A LESSON TO A PUP WHO BECAME ARROGANT JUST BECOUSE HE MADE A NAME FOR HIMSELF."

Well the inuzuka clan are a bit more primal than the other clans and a clan member can take the clan head position by challenging him if anyone has a problem they have to just sort it through violence though killings are not allowed. That is how the current clan head took his title he even took the previous ones daghter. Truly a clan of savages and unintelligent people.

As he looks ready to pounce at me but as he is about to do so I release the technique in my throat and it comes out as a loud growl of a beast.

[Demonic Illusion: Dog Binding]

And as soon as that happens the clan heads eyes become unfocused and he stays in his place even the dogs seem out of it I then just appear behind him and kick the back of his knee to get him in my level and take a kunai and point it at his artery and draw a little bit of blood from it.

He then uses [KAI] and gets out of it but when he sees his current position he gets nervous. I even put out some killing intent and amplified it with a small genjutsu to make it more sinister he wont notice in the panick.

He was really easy to beat, probably because he is more of a tracker plus he was probably focused in only learning the Inuzuka techniques and didn't think he needed any other and took pride in his talent and clan.

And I charged my genjutsu which wouldn't be possible in a battlefield. By the way my genjutsu is transmitted by the sound of my growl. I realease him from my hold and just say to him. He falls to his knees and is gasping for air like he saw a monster or something. "Time to get to business."

After all even though the Inuzuka clan is a middle-low class clan in konoha I am still going to use their resources and founding to start the next stage of the main plan.

I then look at the book he put down and it is Bingo book it looks pretty new so he probably got the updated one recently. My curiosity got the better of me and I took the book casualy and skiped all the pages of it and finally came to a stop and I see a child with red markings and black pupil less eyes, its me. I then look at my nickname and bounty.....


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