Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 102: My YOUTHFUL Genin Student...

Chapter 102: My YOUTHFUL Genin Student...

Might Guy POV


I look at Yami -sama and can't help but loudly exclaim..


Then Yami -sama looked at me with an amused look on his eyes and he jokingly said to me.

"Yeah I know what you mean. It is a really convenient technique if you wanna travel anywhere really."

That does sound convenient.

Then Yami -sama continued saying.

"Then let me start explaining the test that you will need to pass to become my student"

He made a handsign and a clone appeared next to him then he put his hand on his clone's shoulder and said.

"You just need to dispel my clone and as a shadow clone one good hit and he is gone."

As soon as he says this he disappears in a dark flash...

Yami (MC) POV





Well I was going to use another test to get him into my Genin team but since he is the only student currently he will get this test.


<Flying Thunder God>

I teleported back to my house in the Inuzuka Clan compound and went to the kitchen, got some popcorn and some of my favourite horrible tasting tea I kind of have started liking it 

Since now I can't raise my strength anymore at least until the 3rd Ninja War starts... so since in this world there is no internet I started using my Clan Development as a long game raising its stats and all that type of stuff it is very fun I am bored most of the time so even this type of sh*tty entertainment is better than nothing I also surprisingly got a hobby for gardening  that also isn't that fun but it is a great excuse to stop listening to Tsume's bullsh*t accomplishments I mean c'mon when I was her age I achieved Immortality and what did she do well she completed some B rank mission I could do those while taking a sh*t

Then I grab some ice tea from a box I home made this horrible sh*t...

Anyway better go back to Guy now

<Flying Thunder God>

I appear on a tree in the Inuzuka training ground where Guy is still fighting my clone and my clone is just playing with him...

I have also given one giant Bat as a summon to every Ninja of the Inuzuka clan now they have a dog and a bat so there is that in my clan since the 2nd Ninja War only five ninja Inuzuka have died that is a relatively small number compared to the Senju who now only have Tsunade and then there is the Uchiha those guys die quite a lot like since the 2nd Ninja war ended there have been 46 Uchiha deaths in the field that is nothing special after all in the peace time between the 1st and 2nd Ninja War the Uchiha death count was 58 

The good news is that now I have 92 new sharingan and some of them even are Mangekyo though none of them have some amazing abilities.


After five hours Guy finally just fell down from exhaustion without even touching my shadow clone once so it seems like he still hasn't learned the Eight Gates Technique...

Well then.. as I get close to and see him crawling towards my clone while whispering with tears in his eyes

"I can't give up yet I must pass this"

When I see that I just calmly sid to him

"Guy yo-."

Then he interrupted me and screamed..


Then even more tears flow from his eyes and he says

"Please Yami -sama just please give me another chance."

I just look at him this kid the world doesn't necessarily reward hard work but I will Guy you will be a paragraph from my Legend but... you must still be a shining star that others can never even hope to catch up to.

Then I smile at him and say with an encouraging voice

"Guy you have already passed my test so Might Guy welcome to team Yami also known as team 3"

When he heard this he just screamed in joy



And he fell asleep I guess no matter how hard of a worker he is he is still only seven years old 

Heh that was amusing to say the least 

Then I put a hand over his chest and started running healing chakra through it and his muscles are all healed with no drawbacks to him actually it just made his muscles stronger but he is still asleep because of his fatigue

So I pick him up over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 


Then I go to one of my clinics and put him on a bed there to rest then I call a staff member to me

When he arrived I could immediately see that the staff member radiated nervousness but he was still able to say.

"H -How can I help you Y- Yami -sama."

I just look at him and say to him with a calm face and calm voice.

"You go and notify Might Duy that his son is okay and that he also passed my test he is now my student now. Also his address in the North forests there is a Cabin-...."


After telling him the address he went away that I just left a letter besides Guy and then I went back to my home today has been productive at least comparing it to the last months everything has been so slow lately I feel like I am getting stagnant and I don't like that one bit I better prepare some side subjects and maybe start learning some new Justsu












(We see that the MC is a little bored now and he has started becoming stagnant he doesn't like that but and he... like always has a plan for it He will also be helping Guy become stronger how strong well you will have to keep reading...)

P.S: Chapters 1->3 of my Harry Potter Reborn as Lockhart are for free on Patron.


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