Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 92:

Chapter 92:

15. Interlude 2

Holy League. Originally, it was the name of a coalition of Christian countries formed to counter the great threat of the Ottoman Turks. Recently, this Holy League had been revived. And the target was not the Ottomans, but France, a Christian country.

Sweden joined Austria, Prussia and Russia in the name of restoring the Roman Papal States, which had been completely abolished by the French invasion, and saving Pope Pius VII[1], who had been kidnapped by Napoleon.

In fact, there were no Catholic countries in the coalition except for Austria, so the restoration of the Catholic sanctum and divinity was just a pretext, and these countries sought to break the order established by France and wanted to return to the past.

The members of the Holy League had been waiting for the right time by engaging French insiders with active intelligence and spying activities, obtaining information from them, and receiving promises of internal strife.

However, the bad news that came from the Iberian Peninsula was powerful enough to turn all their plans into a complete void.

The grand strategy of Austria, Prussia and Russias leading strategists and commanders was the following.

Austria-Prussia-Russia-Sweden would all raise their troops at the same time and take the Kingdom of Poland that was between them.

Afterwards, they would devour the satellite countries of France by putting forward the values of liberation and protecting sovereignty, and would advance to the mainland.

Russias large army, Swedens conscripted and standing army, and Austrias and Prussias hidden armies added up to approximately 600,000 troops.

This was an overwhelming figure for the French army, which had recently been drastically reduced in size due to disarmament operations. It was worth a try.

However, some prerequisites were needed for this plan to be realized. One of them was Britains financial aid.

The size, equipment and war supplies of the troops currently held by the Holy League were more than enough to exceed their national defense budget for one year. It was the British pound and bonds that made up for it.

But Britain had declared that it would cut off funding because of its economic crisis. For Austria, Prussia and Russia, who were sharpening their knives, it came like a bolt from the blue.

We can fight without loyalty to our country or to our imperial family. Even if an incompetent and ignorant general takes the baton, the army will move. But without money, nothing is possible!

The top decision makers of the Holy League rushed to the British embassy, asking for reconsideration of the decision, and held national conferences.

The launch of the operation was postponed and the military action was suspended. Those who had devised this grand strategy were now beating their chests.


Who is Jesus! The comfort of the weeping, the riches of the poor, the heights of the humble, the release of the captive, and our joy!

Who is Jesus! The strength of the weak, the light of the blind, the healing of the sick, the resurrection of the dead, and our life!

Who is Jesus! The purity of the ugly, the life of the mortal, the mercy of the sinner, the salvation of the lost, and our peace!

Who is Jesus! The head of the whole church, the Savior of the whole world, the king of all kings, the Lord of judgement, and our glory!

At the Opera House in Vienna, the opera Le devin du village (The Village Soothsayer) composed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau was in full swing.[2]

Actors dressed up sang and performed enthusiastically, using their loud voices. At the end of each song, the audience applauded for their hard work.

Numerous aristocrats and upper class people were sitting in VIP seats and watching the performance. And above them, in a seat that was said to be the most expensive and reserved for the noblest, there was Francis I, the Emperor of Austria, and next to him was Metternich, his Foreign Minister.

You met Viscount Peterson (the British ambassador) again today?

Yes, Your Majesty.

From the look of your face, there must have been no progress in the negotiations.

Im sorry. Viscount Peterson seems to be very embarrassed that the British foreign policy has changed dramatically from that of the previous administration.

Francis I clicked his tongue with an uncomfortable face. With Napoleon Bonaparte and his Imperial Guard stranded in the Iberian Peninsula, this was the best time for military action.

Prussia and Russia knew it as well, and were secretly forming their armies.

Bang! As soon as the gunfire sounded, the member states of the Holy League would immediately run out and launch military action. But the gunpowder needed to make the gunfire sound was now gone.

Did you say it was Viscount Howick? The newly appointed British Prime Minister of the Whig Party?

Thats right, Your Majesty.

What a senseless man, making a fuss about a temporary internal crisis and neglecting a golden opportunity to cure this long lasting disease. They dont even seem to realize that if we disappear, they will have to stand alone against that mighty France.

Francis I had reluctantly allowed Archduke Charles to return, in order to overthrow Napoleon and France.

Although he was now speaking like this, Metternich knew how displeased and nervous Francis I must have been.

He felt the same way. The devastating defeats of the past had completely crushed Austrias self-esteem.

Without Britains support and the help of neighboring countries, Austria could never defeat Napoleon and France.

Your, Your Majesty the Emperor!

Metternichs thoughts were broken when someone called Francis I from behind. When he turned his head, he saw a pale-faced servant approaching with a restless look.

This is an urgent message from Count Kickinger on behalf of the Foreign Affairs! A new treaty has been signed in Madrid!


The War on the Iberian Peninsula has ended! Count Kickinger is asking that Your Majesty returns quickly to the palace!

Francis I and Metternich rose from their seats even before the end of his words. They could not afford to appreciate an opera performance now.


A man appeared at the court of Schnbrunn after a long time. Archduke Charles Louis of Austria was placed closest to Francis I, receiving the attention of the court ministers.

It had already been three and a half years since he resigned as commander-in-chief of the Austrian Empire. However, his current job was to reform Austrias old military system, establish and train a new-style army, and develop a strong force that could be on par with the French.

Although he eventually retired after being defeated by Napoleon, he was still the most influential man in the Austrian military except for Francis I.

Its suicide to confront France now.

A man of such influence was now saying this.

First of all, we need to reduce the bloated army to a level that the national budget can withstand. Under such circumstances, theres no way that the British will finance us.

We have to stay low, wait and see. For now, it seems that we should focus on reviving the nations economy by strengthening the Empires stability. For a while there will be no war.

Charles Louis remarks were like saying that the French-led system would never collapse in a short time and that Austria was now unable to resist it.

This was a complete defeat and submission to France. It was a moment when hegemony within the continent, which had been contested for hundreds of years, was completely shifted to one side.

They did not expect to experience this humiliation in their lifetime. The ministers gathered at the court bowed their heads without saying anything, and wiped away their tears.

Reduce the army. The Operation Liberation put it off indefinitely do it.

The court ministers, including Metternich, could not say anything in consolation to Francis I, who was muttering helplessly. Today at the Schnbrunn Palace was the darkest and quietest day since the palace was built.


The number of Russians sharpening their swords against Napoleon was too big to count, but none of them harbored such deep and shady resentment as this veteran. Mikhail Kutuzov.

At the Battle of Austerlitz, he had not been heavily involved in operations and tactics, but was able to see the most humiliating defeat of the Russian Empire up close.

Since then, Kutuzov had been completely different. His only goal was to restore Russian pride by defeating Napoleon and France.

Desperate for that, Kutuzov had broken down and analyzed Napoleons every move.

He had been digging into his weaknesses. He was the first person to notice Napoleons change among his enemies.

He used the Battle of Hrodna, the Battle of the Arlanzn River, and the Battle of La Buena-San Felices as good sources to identify Napoleons changed strategies and characteristics.

The Emperor who conquered the European continent! A master of the time called the genius of war! As a soldier walking on the same path, I praise you for your achievements. But my old skills as I sacrifice my bones and flesh to break only you will not be easy to counter.

Alexander I had been depressed by a series of failures, but was still angry at Napoleon. He entrusted the full power of the Russian army to Kutuzov, whom he had always admired.

The Russian generals, including Pyotr Bagration, Levin August von Bennigsen and Barclay de Tolly, were waiting for orders under his command. This sight reminded Kutuzov of the past.

He remembered the moment when he and other Russian generals gathered under Marshal Alexander Suvorov on the steppes, toppled the Turkic Empire and were victorious.

This time, it was up to him to lead the Russian troops and defeat France, just as Suvorov did.

Cough Cough Ah!

Calm yourself. You have to calm down and put your mind at peace.

The doctor assisted Kutuzov as he drained his blood, giving him medical practice worthy of this time. Kutuzov was administered opium to reduce the pain, and emptied his stomach by drinking water mixed with calomel.[3]

Kutuzov did not lose his will to live, even though he was bleeding horribly. He really had not much time left.

For the prosperity of the Russian Empire, for the long-cherished desire of the Slavs. Mikhail Kutuzov was willing to be the gun that shot Napoleon by sacrificing his own body.

He was really confident to do it. After that, even if his mortal body weathered and scattered, Kutuzov would thank God and would be able to leave this world at peace. But his expectations were betrayed in the most brutal way.

This is the outcome of the Treaty of Madrid. France acquired Catalonia and the Basque Country, Sicily and Sardinia. Britain has decided to focus on the war with the United States and has declared that it will suspend the financial aid that the Tsar was receiving in his secret account.

A 20-year non-aggression treaty has been signed between Spain, Portugal and France. Both sides have promised not to provide any support to enemies in other wars But even without this clause, it seems unlikely that they will fight France again. The scale of rebellion in the colonies of the New World

Kutuzov, who was briefed at the Russian military base in Minsk, was staggering.

Oh, my God! Marshal!

Marshal Kutuzov!!


Kutuzov vomited blood and collapsed in the middle of the barracks, which was in chaos with shouts and screams.


42 hours had passed when he opened his eyes again. Kutuzov ordered his servant to bring water as he felt a burning thirst, and soon saw doctors and officers who ran at a fast pace and filled his room. Kutuzov drank a glass of water while listening to their fuss.

He could no longer feel the persistent pain that had afflicted him in the past. His body was free as if he had regained his health. Kutuzov knew exactly what this phenomenon meant.

What is the situation in France?

A very cracked voice leaked out. The officers answered with tears in their eyes.

Napoleon has departed from Madrid The four countries declared compliance with the treaty and the end of the Peninsular War.

Kutuzov closed his eyes. It was not a nightmare, it was reality. His breath began to run out.

The the Almighty God still doesnt want Napoleons downfall

Marshal! Take your words back! This isnt the end!

I know my body better. Theres no chance.

It was the strength of his will and obsession with defeating Napoleon that supported his rotten body. But now the light of his will had gone out. Kutuzovs life was leaving like that.

Tell this to the Tsar. Im recommending Levin von Bennigsen as my successor At last, defeat Napoleon and restore the banner of the Slavic Empire

Kutuzov passed out after vomiting blood, and never opened his eyes again. The enemy he had been thinking about until the last minute was Napoleon Bonaparte. On May 21, 1813, he became one of the great stars of the Russian Empire.

Upon hearing of Mikhail Kutuzovs death, Alexander I withdrew the troops of the Operation Liberation and had the flags of the Kremlin fly at half-mast for a day.


Finally, the war on the Iberian Peninsula that was corroding the Empire is over! Now, no great man will stand before Your Majesty! Charlemagne, Caesar, even Alexander the Great, will have to bow to Your Majesty!

Now that we have conquered the West, it is time to defeat the East again. Disturbing movements have been detected near Austria and Prussia. It wouldnt be a bad idea to remind them of the greatness of Your Majesty and of the Empire.

Were they flattering Napoleon or did they really think this way? What the officers of the unit and Bessires said was a deafening sound. Napoleon had a look on his face like he had seen the most pathetic people in the world.

From whose head came the idea that the Empire would be back on the battlefields?

Y-Your, Your Majesty is always

Napoleon seemed to know what he was trying to say. But thats who I am, right?

You seem to be creating the prejudice that cavalry officers are ignorant. The internal evils of the Empire are still piled up like mountains, and youre talking about war? Gentlemen, a good soldier cant just fight well.

Where did they want to fight again On the contrary, Napoleon succeeded in calming the unrest in the east by ending the Peninsular War.

Its time for the people of the Empire to realize the value of peace.

Numerous conflicts over France had yet to end. But there would be no immediate trigger for those disputes.

Napoleon intended to present a better tomorrow to the people of the Empire. Because they were born French, they had the right to enjoy their pride as citizens of a hegemonic nation, along with the everyday happiness of life.

Quils reviennent dans nos murailles beaux de gloire et de libert ! La victoire en chantant !

(Let them come back within our walls embellished with glory and liberty! Victory sings for us!)

Napoleon walked as the soldiers hummed Le Chant du Dpart together as they marched. France, glorious France!

(End of Part 1)

TL notes

[1] Pope Pius VII

[2] Jean-Jacques_Rousseau, Le devin du village. I went through the lyrics of this opera but couldnt find what is written in this chapter

[3] Calomel


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