Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 70: Back to Paris - 1

Chapter 70: Back to Paris - 1

Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte[1] was a former Marshal of the French Empire, who, along with Napoleon Bonaparte, had contributed greatly to the French armys victory over all of Europe.

However, Bernadotte, who had confidence and pride in his own abilities and had a unique ego and independent tendency, unfortunately came at odds with Napoleon, who was at the top of France. Most of the French armys marshals and high-ranking officers acknowledged Napoleon and did not hesitate to bow their heads, but Bernadotte was different.

He was a man who thought Napoleons rise to the throne of the French Empire included much of his stake.

Even before Bonaparte emerged in earnest, I led the entire Flemish side of the Republic and made a great contribution to the completion of the natural border. This achievement was only thanks to my skills and Bonaparte contributed nothing to it.

Bernadotte proudly talked about it, saying Napoleon was not above me before the Italian expedition, and Napoleon, who rose to the throne after being Consul, knew that he could not left him alone.

Napoleon spared no effort to crush Bernadotte, who did not give in.

He hurt his pride in front of his subordinates, openly mocked and rebuked him when the marshals gathered, intentionally reduced his achievements after battles, and classified the Bernadotte Corps as the lowest in the distribution of loot.

However, such attempts did not dampen Bernadottes high self-esteem, but only increased his antipathy toward Napoleon.

Marshal Bernadottes honorable and merciful acts on Swedish soldiers at the captured Schwyz camp completely dispelled the Swedish peoples reluctance to welcome a new crown prince. His Majesty King Karl XIII[2] and our noble council will be waiting for the wise decision of Marshal Bernadotte.

Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte was an attractive card for the Swedish royal family, whose bloodline was on the verge of dying as Crown Prince Karl August[3] died suddenly in an era of constant chaos of war and revolution. He was also popular among the Swedish people because it was revealed that he had treated Swedish prisoners very well, and he had outstanding military capabilities that had already been verified as a Marshal of the French Empire, the hegemony of Europe.

Bernadotte was also looking for an opportunity to escape from Napoleon, so he did not have any objection.

Bernadotte converted from Catholicism to Lutheranism, became the new Crown Prince of Sweden, and was reborn under the name of Karl Johan Baptist Julius, vowing to serve the Swedish people.

After the Northern Alliance (Britain-Russia-Sweden) formed to defeat France ended in the defeat of the Battle of Hrodna, Sweden ostensibly followed Russia and raised again an anti-British banner. During the ceasefire, Prince Karl Johan stopped training the army and was entrusted with the overall duties of state affairs from the Swedish noble council, while learning the kings work.

A special guest came to Karl Johan today.

Big eyes like a carp, small height, thick flats, white hair, a monocle, were the outer features of this guest.

The full name of the man, who appeared with a black uniform, a green strap tied to his shoulder and splendid military medals, was Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.[4] Mikhail Kutuzov was a former marshal and commander-in-chief who used to command all the armies of the Russian Empire in the past.

May the Kingdom of Sweden and its royal family be filled with prosperity and blessings! First of all, I would like to express my sincere apologies, Your Highness.

No, I know the circumstances of the Marshal Im really glad your health got better.

Hehehe, as I got older, I only got more and more minor illnesses. I should have taken better care of myself earlier.

The veteran, called the supreme commander representing the Russian Empire after Alexander Suvorov, asked the Russian Tsar to return after his health was restored. The incredible defeat and humiliating agreement Russia had to make with France and Napoleon gave the old man a desire for a new life.

The anger of the Slavs was stronger and fiercer than expected. Looking at the old mans fighting spirit burning like a salamanders flame, Karl John clicked his tongue inwardly.

If this man had been in command on Hrodnas battlefield, the Russian army would never have lost to Napoleon in that way Perhaps with his strategy and tactics, Russia would have brought an end to Napoleons reign.

But why was Kutuzov sick at that time, then? There was always this kind of fortune for Napoleon. Karl Johan really resented it.

I think theres a reason why the Tsar dared to summon the supreme commander and asked me for an audience.

Thats right. First of all, please accept our Tsars letter.

Karl Johan quietly received the letter from a Russian servant and read it. As he read the words and sentences, Karl Johans eyebrows, which had been going down gradually, narrowed in an instant.

As far as I know, the terms of the ceasefire and non-aggression pact with France are three years

A pact is always just a pact. The most important thing in a treaty is its recognition in European society. Therefore, with the consent of powerful figures, its destruction and annulment are possible at any time.


His Majesty is willing to take this huge risk. He can no longer look at Europes order swayed by Napoleon.

If they could really win over Napoleon and France, then breaking the pact would not be a problem.

Britain, Prussia, Austria, Spain and Portugal would of course support the victors rights. The cry of a loser complaining about the injustice of a broken treaty would not apply in front of the great powers that were grinding their teeth toward France.

Even if it was an unfair and indecent victory, the winner could monopolize everything, as history had done so far. Could they trust the international community? If they won and destroyed the French Empire, their power and authority would soon be trusted. Of course this was only if they were successful in defeating Napoleon and bringing down France.

If Russia were to lose again this time without switching the positions of the winners and losers The aftermath would be beyond imagination.

Karl Johans Adams apple, imaging this tremendous event in real time, moved once.

The Russian Tsar was now urging Sweden to participate in this war. Sweden, along with Russia, had also signed a non-aggression pact of three years with France. As Sweden had a small weight class, it was bound to face a greater risk and burden after breaking the treaty.

But Alexander I and I are already on the same boat. If we abandon Russia now, our country will be isolated by itself Either we enjoy the sweet winners right, or die heroically.

He was deeply troubled, but he had only one choice anyway.

Karl Johan shook Kutuzovs hand. The veteran smiled softly as if he knew it would happen. Kutuzov was giving words of blessing, but Karl Johan was not listening to him properly at the moment. It was not Alexander I who had sent the letter, Kutuzov standing in front of him, nor his hated rival Napoleon who was filling Karl Johans head now.

Hah! Ah! Huh! Bo, Bonaparte!!

The first man of his wife, Princess Dsire Clary of Sweden,[5] had been Napoleon Bonaparte.

And she still had not forgotten him. Napoleons name, which came out of her mouth during intercourse, tore Karl Johans heart apart. He could not blame the woman he loved more than his life. Naturally, Karl Johans anger and resentment were focused on one person.

Oh, God! I believe in you! You have so far shown him a biased love comparable to Josephs, but I believe fervently that it will come to an end soon. Unlike Joseph, who preached engagement, dedication, forgiveness and generosity, Napoleon brought tears to the eyes of countless people. I will be patient, work hard and devote myself to you, while waiting for this time.

For his lifelong lover Dsire Clary, and for the kingdom of Sweden where he was Crown Prince.

Once again, Karl Johan decided to raise his sword at Napoleon and his former country.


Long-grown sideburns, protruding cheekbones, extremely curly hair, and numerous military medals of the Republic and the Empire hanging on his left breast. This worlds Andr Massna was exactly how Napoleon had imagined. Massna strode toward Napoleon, whose marshals were lined up behind his back, and showed his respect to the Emperor by bending one knee.

To the Emperor of the French Empire, the legitimate successor of the Roman Empire, I speak for the entire corps as the Prince of Essling.[6]

Long time no see, Prince of Essling.

Nabot of this world could not have met Massna often, because he had been serving on the Iberian Peninsula for a long time.

Napoleon was able to affirm this because he had never heard any evidence or testimony saying the opposite.

I heard you encountered Arthur Wellesleys Corps on your way here. And yet you avoided fighting?

Yes, Your Majesty! The first plan of our operation was destroyed when the wicked islanders noticed and avoided it. Although Arthur Wellesley fled without being able to withstand Your Majestys brilliant abilities, there was no decisive loss to his strength. The officers judged that forcing an engagement could have resulted in tarnishing the victory of the Battle of La Buena-San Felices.

Massnas defense was flawless and reasonable. Napoleon did not mean to take issue with his refusal to fight Wellesleys Corps that was fleeing.

What he wanted to point out was something else.

You dont have to convince me, I am aware of this.

Please speak as comfortably as before, Your Majesty! Although we have been far away from each other, my loyalty to Your Majesty has not changed.

All right. Ill do that.

It seemed that Nabot did not go against Massna.

What I am curious about is the exact status of your corps. I sent a draft of Operation Sickle and ordered you to enter the operation with everything ready by October 20th. But you didnt follow it because the troops werent finished with maintenance.

After the crushing defeat in Salamanca, the troops on the peninsula had to face a harsh counterattack from the coalition. Among them, it was my corps that was preventing the British offensive on the front line leading to Madrid. My apologies to His Majesty, but the troops needed time to reorganize after they stepped down from Madrid.

Well If thats true, then youd better return the baton of Marshal of the Empire and go back home right now.

The marshals and officers raised their heads at Napoleons sudden sharp words. On the other hand, Massna, who was facing Napoleons eyes, did not show any change in facial expression.

The Battle of Salamanca, which was a real disgrace to the Imperial Army and Auguste de Marmont, was fought on July 22nd, and your corps began to step down from Madrid on August 4th. I think my letter was delivered to your corps in early October Its hard to understand that the Prince of Essling, the master of maneuvering, needed more time for maintenance.

The reason why I became known for maneuvering is because I always make sure to have enough training and preparation, to ensure that there are no disruptions to the operations before going on the field. As Your Majesty guaranteed autonomous command over each corps, the best judgment was made after consulting with the commanders and staff officers. Im very sorry, but I cant give you any answer other than this.

A murderous silence covered the barracks.

The officers had to swallow their saliva carefully amid the tension that froze the surroundings.


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