Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 47: Towards the Peninsula - 5

Chapter 47: Towards the Peninsula - 5

Chapter 47

  1. Towards the Peninsula 5

Who is in charge of the French garrison currently guarding the fortress of Burgos?

Colonel Jean-Louis Dubreton.111 He is an officer who has previously defended Fort Mantua with excellent handling and delayed operations throughout Italy.

It was the words of Chief of Staff Bertie.

I hope he will defend the fortress of Bugos until we arrive.

Napoleon, who became familiar with the topography and specification of the area of Burgos, which semed to be a batleground for an important batle betwen the Allied and French forces, taped his chin with his fingertips. There was no such thing as a losing batle, but this batle in particular should never be lost.

Nothing make people angrier than giving them something and then taking it back. If this expedition fail Thats a terible thing to imagine.

In the end, the driving force behind Napoleon Bonpartes ability to maintain his curent poition as Emperor, despite not coming from a legitimate family, was the suport of the French pople. But reinstating the confidently abolished Imperial-federal mobilisation decre? That alone would give them a justification to drag Napoleon down from the chair.

Come to think of it, its funny. At first, I swore so much at Nabo who became the Emperor, but now Im strugling to keep his poition.

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Such a complicated situation may be due to the being that sent him to this world. What on Earth did they want from him to throw him into this damn world?

But Napoleon had quickly adapted to the new situation. With his staff, he devised a way to lose the battle that would soon come before him. This time, as always, Napoleon would not return to Paris.

No letter from Paris has arrived. They all sent Your Majesty away.

The expeditionary forces were coming from Bugos, which soon a battlefield.

Two letters arrived to Napoleon, wishing him to lose, as he led the expeditionary forces a march much faster than before. The sender of one was the Empress of the Napoleons wife.

I remember your great success in the land of the East. You have always been a great victor and a merciful ruler. I know if it will change something if I add myself to the crows, but I hope you know that Im also wishing for your defeat I know that many French people have good feelings for the Empress of Australia. But Im definitely here. As such, / feel the need for them and protect the dignity of the imperial familyomitted

But she was an Empress who felt responsible for assisting, not an immature boy from an Australian court. Marie-Louis did not receive the support of the as much as Josephine the former, because she was from the Australian imperial family, an arch enemy of France.

She seemed to be struggling on her own to break that gap. The letter also stated how Napoleon II, Charles, doing. Napoleon was also not looking forward to this.

Today, Charles was very active around the Tuilery Palace. It was so pitiful to see him whimpering while trying to go down the steps of the Pavi de Marsan that / stretched out my arm to help. However, Mrs. Montesqu stopped me, saying that we should save the young mans desire to win and pride. Eventually, Charles came down all the steps of the corridor alone

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Marie-Louse also wrote details about where Charle was today, what he did, said, and what facial expressions he made. He could imagine Charle growing up day after day. Napoleon smiled unknowingly.

The sender was Francis Carot. He was a professor of politics and economics at Heidelberg University. Just like Lisard Victor Coin, he had no special contact with him in this world, but used to have a deep relationship in the other world.

I had a hard time figuring out how to hold this man.

Colin was a criminal, so Napoleon could lure him in with a reduction in punishment, but not Carnot. Napoleon recalled his first historic encounter with France Carnot in this world. Carnos white hair, which was the biggest feature of his appearance, was the same here. Before he could feel any joy in meeting him again, Napoleon had to taste Carnaus cold rejection.

I think it was clearly from a small misunderstanding that the Emperor wanted to entrust duties to a foolish man like me. Im very happy with the position of professor at Heidelberg University and Im not capable of managing an Empire.

Carnot rejected Napoleons offer. Napoleon knew better than anyone else that it was a lie. In the other world, Franois Carnot was the architect of the economic framework of the French Republic

If England had a great commoner (William Pitt), France had a wise white owl.

It was a representative phrase for Franois Canot in the other world. William Pitt had won the Seven Years War by actively intervening in the continent and even predicted that the excessive tax burden on the 3 colonies would lead to disaster in the future.

There are many differences between the French Empire in this world and the French Republic from my world. I am not sure that the policies led by Canot at that time will still work correctly.

That was why Canots presence was essential. Napoleon had not the slightest intention of letting Carnot go, although he had refused.

I dont understand why youre still reading this chapter. Its not the correct text. Please read on instead of supporting thieves!

Napoleon burst into laughter after reading the beginning of the letter.

He could feel and resent from every word. When Franois Carnot rejected his offer, Napoleon changed the subject of his persuasion. Napoleon immediately threatened the president of Heidelberg irectly, and expressed his to hire Professor as an, while huge donations.

The president of Heiderg University could not reject the offer of the French Emperor. Thus Crnot came to work as an economic adviser to the imperial government, against his will. There was also a story that at first, Carnot had, but eventually the Emperors begging.

Carnots post was an adviser to the Special Economic Comitee.

The Special Economic Comitte was a new institution created by Napoleon before he left for the expedition, and was given the authority to monitor, supplement and implement various reforms within the Empire.

That was why Franssois Carnot, who now had the authority to coordinate all of this, was able to effectively act as an equivalent of Napoleon in terms of internal affairs.

Naturally, opposition soared in the Imperial Council and the cabinet, but Napoleon suppressed all of it with his authority.

therefore, the actual introduction of income taxes enacted by Your Majesty is still premature. The Empires tax revenue is already higher than that of other. Rather, it would appropriate for the Empire to introduce a progressive tax that sets a section and divides it into, and imposes different rates of tax on each level. In Europe, has already established a precedent for introducing a progressive tax. If the Empire something similaromitted

At the beginning of the letter, he complained to Napoleon, like he had been, but afterwards, he seemed to be what he had to do as an to the Speciale Econnomic Commmittee.

This meant that he did not like the route the current government was taking, so he quit and left for the university. But his heart for his country and its people, and his willingness to run the country in the right direction exceeded his sympathy towards Napoleon and the government. Carnot was a person. Even though seemed unreasonable, he did not his duties.

Perhaps the reason he got his job at the Ministry of Interior was related to Nabos rise to the throne. The timing is the same.

But Napoleon was different now.

He would step down from the throne at any time. He would revive the banner of a revolutionary republic. Napoleon was convinced that this would conform to Franois Carnots ideology. Thinking like this, he was able to take Charnot in, even if he was relentlessly oppposed to the present system and disliked him.

Just as he did in the other world. Napoleon muttered these words and put the inner pocket of his coat.

Updated map of the Iberian Peninsula.


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